5 Signs The Matrix Of Control Is Rapidly Evolving

By Sigmund Fraud

“As the Matrix in the movie was used to facilitate the exploitation of humans, so the current ideological Matrix was created for, and serves to exploit us, turning us into unthinking workers and consumers—slaves of the ruling elite who themselves are trapped in the Matrix… few of us are able to escape the Matrix. We do not even know it exists.” ~ Henry H. Lindner

The matrix is a metaphor for a society bound to increasingly direct and indirect controls, limitations, and penalties. It is a web of influence that forces individuals to act and react in accordance with stated and unstated rules of which individuals do not create.

An awakening has undoubtedly been unfolding in recent years, and many more people are becoming aware of just how deeply controlled our lives are; however, at the same time, the matrix itself is evolving, and the programs and plots in place to clamp down on our conscious development are growing more restrictive with each passing year.

Consider the following examples of how the matrix is evolving around us:

1. The Great Leap Forward of the Technocracy

We are being pushed headlong into a technocratic future, where humanity will be trumped by a scientific dictatorship which invades every aspect of our private lives.

Our cashless future is almost here. AI is in control of the financial markets. Robots are taking over jobs, taking over the task of state murder, and becoming sex partners. Smart phones track our every move and record our conversations. Our homes are infested with smart devices, the Internet of Things, which now provide direct surveillance for the government. Our brains are scanned in public and our identities stolen with biometrics.

2. A Cultural Revolution is Underway

The circus and actual reality are now indistinguishable from one another, and even our president is a reality TV star. Biological identity is being trumped by a confusing morass of socially preferred pronouns. Public discourse is impossible, as rational thought and polite debate aren’t dramatic enough to hold our attention. Violence and intolerance are cheered on as people videotape fights rather than break them up. Porn culture has broken out into the mainstream, and debauchery is praised. People are more polarized than ever, preferring echo chambers and group-think to individual ideas and genuine self-expression.

3. Permanent Warfare is the Health of the State – No Questions Asked

No matter how hard he digs at his memory, Winston is uncertain whether a time existed when Oceania was not at war with someone. ~George Orwell, 1984

Since 9/11, the Orwellian permanent war has firmly entrenched itself in public consciousness, and now so very few even bother to address the possibility of a world at peace. War is paramount to our economy, and without it, the economy would crash. There is no debate when it comes to military expenditures, and no forum to redress or renounce grievances related to putting so many of our resources into the destruction of others. There is no body count of our soldiers, of our enemies, or even of the innocents caught in the crossfire. It just doesn’t matter anymore.

4. Government Does What it Wants with No Redress

Members of the government and the elite are clearly above the law, and the law is now apparently in place for the plebs, the slaves, to obey.

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The elite are free to financially plunder and conquer any nation. The government aids and abets real terrorism by covertly funding and arming our manufactured enemies. Pedophilia and sex-trafficking by the elite are coming into the light; however, mainstream media gives these types of criminals a pass, refusing to seriously investigate any allegations of such terrible crimes. An unconstitutional police state now does whatever it wants, and every day we see more police brutality and more usurpations of individual rights by the alphabet agencies created by the state to harass and plunder the people. There is no recourse for those who’ve been victimized by industrial crimes which destroy and pollute our environment.

Government does what it wants.

5. The Pharmacological Annihilation of the Individual Moves into Overdrive

In light of a growing epidemic of opioid addiction and overdoses, it is being revealed that doctors and pharmaceutical companies are making a killing by turning people into dependents of the pharma state. Anxiety and depression are more rampant than ever, and one in six Americans is on psychiatric drugs. Stress is being amped up in every way possible, and the individual is lost at sea in the medical industrial complex which prohibits natural cures and medicines while pushing pills on the public.

Final Thoughts

Some liken the matrix system to a fish tank, where outsiders create the stage on which we play out our lives, and we never fully realize that our world is created and governed by a hidden hand. Others relate better to the metaphor presented in the movie, The Matrix, where humans are used as batteries, to fuel the livelihoods of overlords, and are kept acquiescent by a detailed and indulgent false reality.

Either metaphor does well in conceptualizing contemporary life, but without recognition of the hidden chains which confine our progress and steer our development, we have no hope of ever realizing true freedom on this glorious earth. As in Plato’s cave, if we only focus on the manufactured shadow reality, we miss the big picture, and along with it, the opportunity to live a joyous, meaningful and unrestricted life.

The matrix has all of us, and it has just evolved.

The plan to capture the conscious and subconscious minds of the masses, and mold them into robotic, obedient and impressionable commodities is nearly complete, and it is up to you to free your own mind and wake up before it is too late. [Source]

Read more articles by Sigmund Fraud.

Sigmund Fraud is a survivor of modern psychiatry and a dedicated mental activist. He is a staff writer for WakingTimes.com where he indulges in the possibility of a massive shift towards a more psychologically aware future for humankind. Follow Sigmund on Facebook here.

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This article (5 Signs the Matrix of Control is Rapidly Evolving) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Sigmund Fraud and WakingTimes.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

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12 Comments on "5 Signs The Matrix Of Control Is Rapidly Evolving"

  1. It is always interesting to read BREAKING NEWS articles about issues many of us have been writing, talking, and singing about for decades. The gauntlet of using the successful meme from the CIA:

    “In April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories” … and recommended methods for discrediting such theories.  The dispatch was marked “psych” –  short for “psychological operations” or disinformation –  and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.
    In other words, the CIA’s clandestine services unit created the arguments for attacking conspiracy theories as unreliable in the 1960s as part of its psychological warfare operations.” Wikipedia

    …has been very successful at defusing and derailing any objective discussions about the behavior of the world controllers. Even today the so-called alternstive media has their darling that regularly appear ranting the same, safe, worn out diatribes without letting “new” ideas in. Their show ratings are more important then true counter culture activity.

    I mean it is very good some people new to the movement get to read this but for those of us who have been in the action for decades, recieving no respect as elders of the cause, it is more of the same.

    • Lunatic Holocaust denier. Suck on the barrel of a pistol like your hero, Adolph. You won’t be missed.

      • You still have a lot of waking up to do. Nothing is as it seems, nor as we have learned …past, present and future. Everything has been a lie. Everything.

        • Obama said that the future has been written, he didn’t get their with his bull crap, changing our healthcare, trying to take our weapons, and saying isis isn’t as bad as a nuclear bomb in Manhattan. that was Obama’s future. the elites want slaves, only way the people can be slaves is to control every aspect of their lives., why trump is in office. to put it in the past.

          • Yes and we must keep President Trump alive. I have never seen such opposition to a president before. If you spoke out against Obama you either disappeared or got droned.

          • everything trump said he was doing, he is doing,, why all the bull from the other side, they are afraid trump will investigate Obama’s whole administration, they are scared, everyone of them, they want Obama’s planned future which makes us middle class and poor less able to protect ourselves. and I agree, trump needs to survive.

          • Hey Mike, I dont see Trump changing much at all. Hes a little different in style but that will be about all your going to see, big new addition to the military buget should give everyone at least a glue. keith

        • “The control of information is something the elite always does, particularly in a despotic form of government. Information, knowledge, is power. If you can control information, you can control people.”Tom Clancy
          “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
          William Casey CIA Director (from 1st staff meeting 1981)

  2. Hog slop. If you believe all this BS, you are definitely trapped in the matrix. It is thoroughly fallible, full of holes, crashing as we speak, and anyone who has the will and desire can simply walk away from it at any time. Every time you read or hear something that you might term “ludicrous” (i.e. anything said by John McCain, Nancy Pelosi or any of the other drugged out freaktoids) you are watching the matrix fail in real time.

  3. Excellent commentary. Thanks. Sigmund.

  4. “There is no debate when it comes to military expenditures, and no forum to redress or renounce grievances related to putting so many of our resources into the destruction of others.”

    Stop feeding the beast. Stop paying taxes to a fascist state that is using it to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity in your name. You have the moral duty and authority.

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