The Op: Unelected Agents Now Infiltrating “Critical Infrastructures”

By Jon Rappoport

Massive collection of data

A covert op for the ages: Technocracy United

Technocracy: “control of society by a technical elite”

Note to readers: the people in charge of, yes, running the future are counting on a populace who can’t think beyond a few weeks or months. That’s their ace in the hole. The long-term future must always seem blurry and vague—and a waste of time to consider. Why? It’s obvious. The people in charge are always building the long-term future, brick by brick, and if very few citizens can grasp what it looks like, how can they object or resist or sound an alarm?

If you want to illegally take over an area, you need to invent an external threat justifying the takeover. We’ve been seeing exactly that recently, as Russia has suddenly been painted as a hostile force trying to destroy our “open democracy.”

Therefore, the Department of Homeland Security is now in charge of US elections, to “combat the Russian hackers.”

And it isn’t only elections.

In the release, last Friday, that gave control of US elections to the Department of Homeland Security (a naked coup), we also have this, from ABC News:

“A 2013 presidential directive identified 16 sectors as critical infrastructures, including energy, financial services, health care, transportation, food and agriculture and communications.”

“The designation announced Friday places responsibilities on the Homeland Security secretary to identify and prioritize those sectors, considering physical and cyber threats against them. The secretary is also required to conduct security checks and provide information about emerging and imminent threats.”

ABC got it wrong. The responsibilities (excluding elections) placed on the head of Homeland Security weren’t invented last Friday. They kicked off in 2013, and they represent a technocratic op to infiltrate and exert power over every aspect of American life.

The 2013 Policy Directive, issued by President Obama, was titled: “Critical Infrastructure Security and Review.” It enumerated no less than 16 areas of so-called US “critical infrastructure” where Homeland Security would muscle in:

Chemical; Commercial Facilities; Communications; Critical Manufacturing; Dams; Defense Industrial Base; Emergency Services; Energy; Final Services; Food and Agriculture; Government Facilities; Healthcare and Public Health; Information Technology; Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste; Transportation Systems; Water and Wastewater Systems.

These are the areas where the head of Homeland Security is expected to “manage risk and strengthen security.” HS will also, of course, take charge of integrating and monitoring ALL the data networks of these 16 sectors.

It sounds reasonable to the average person. But the true theme is control. Planning, control, execution. Move in on these areas and exert operational command from the top.

This IS, in fact, the technocratic blueprint for global management of a new system. We’re talking about the re-engineering of society.

Capturing the 16 areas (and their data) above was always the long-term aim, when the Department of Homeland Security was invented in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. If you recall, there was considerable grousing then about the word “Homeland,” because it emitted a strong whiff of Fascism.

If the goal is engineering a new society—and it is—all systems of data collection, communication, and surveillance must be gathered under one roof.

The social and political engineer (aka the technocrat) views every person (unit) as a biological machine that must be profiled six ways from Sunday, for the purpose of inserting him into an overall pattern. As Patrick Wood explains in his brilliant book,Technocracy Rising, “[technology] is being rapidly implemented…to exhaustively monitor, measure and control every facet of individual activity and every ampere of energy delivered and consumed in the life of such individual[s].”

In truth, the Dept. of Homeland Security is spearheading a movement to connect, cross reference, and integrate every major apparatus of data-collection in both the private and public sectors.

This is the ongoing op.

It is not partisan. It flies the banner of no political party. It pretends to protect the citizenry.

But, in fact, it is the major long-term threat to the citizenry.

It is planning a national and global civilization that does not ask for permission to exist.

No one is voting, because if a vote were required, and people were informed about what is really happening, they would overwhelmingly reject technocracy.

Which is why new enemies must be invented on a continuous basis—to justify the “proactive measures that will keep us safe.”

Homeland Security, with its 240,000 employees and its 24 agencies, is in the business of securing untold trillions of pieces of data for the forward march of Technocracy, Inc.

Suppose, instead of the political-speak we’ve been treated to, the White House and Homeland Security released the unvarnished truth? “Look, we need to collect, record, and store every possible datum on you and you and everyone. This isn’t about our so-called enemies, this is about us, your controllers. This is about the future we’re planning for you. Somewhere up the road, when we’re ready, when we think we can get away with it, we’re going to announce that the planet is in a terminal energy crisis and shortage. Therefore, every person will receive a card that records his use and consumption of energy, and when his quota runs out, he’ll be without energy until the next time period. Get it? This is where we’re headed…”

Again, as author Patrick Wood points out, when you encounter terms like sustainable economy, SmartGrid, green economy, Agenda 21, carbon taxes, cap and trade, and even Common Core (an indoctrination process for the young masked as education), you’re looking at technocracy-in-progress. In fact, you’re looking at declarations, in one form or another, about irreversible energy shortages that requite drastic solutions.

Since 2013, when Obama announced the 16 areas where Homeland Security has to exert its authority, a new phase in the authoritarian ascent to a mountaintop of control, framed as “scientific,” has been underway.

This is the long con, the long op.

The bosses are counting on the inability of citizens to grasp what is going on. The bosses are counting on the passivity of citizens when it comes to thinking about a future of more than a few weeks or months.

They are also counting on the “citizen energy quotas” I mentioned above sounding like nothing more than wild science fiction.

Well, travel back, for a moment to, say, the 1960s. If someone had told you then, “Your cell phones will be collecting data on you, and you’ll happily be profiling yourselves in great detail, for the government, on social media,” you would have said, “What mental institution did you escape from?”

What sounds like fiction becomes fact.

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed — which includes the Logic And Analysis course, click here.)

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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10 Comments on "The Op: Unelected Agents Now Infiltrating “Critical Infrastructures”"

  1. Worse, global Technocracy as it being planned has overwhelming Marxist overtones including “social utility” measurements of individuals….translating to an eventual goal of replacing currencies with energy credits in a system that decides how much each person deserves or needs. This is where China style social credit scores come in, already being developed for the rest of the world by outfits such as Singapore based Lenddo being bankrolled by Ebay billionaire Pierre Omidyar and the usual suspects who funded Facebook.

    BTW, the heart of Technocracy is the global smart grid. At least one global smart grid company involved with block chain technology payment systems is on target to fuse both into the energy credit format.

    • “…global Technocracy as it being planned has overwhelming Marxist overtones …”

      You’re a dupe, parroting right-wing disinformation. The billionaires are calling the shots, and this has nothing to do with Marxism. Under Marxism, there wouldn’t be any billionaires.

      The system they’re implementing is called an “oligarchy”; rule by the wealthy.

      • You missed the qualifier ‘overtones’ and the relevance of Technocracy’s social credit score paradigm (along with the framework represented by Agendas 21 and 2030, the socio-political scaffolding of global technocracy).

        I post here all the time sharing the specifics on who and what comprises the top of the pyramid cap, international bankers, oligarchs, dynastic elites, multinational corporations, et al, overseeing the creation of their neofeudal global gulag and how they’re steadily entering a state of deep capture of all resources. Foreshadowed in the recently signed UN 2030 Paris Climate Treaty transferring control of the management of the world’s seas and oceans to multinational corporations (billionaires/oligarch fronts) and the UN, nicely summarized in a 12 min report by investigative journalist Spiro Skouras…if you’re inclined to check it out.

        You’d be better off doing your own original research than assuming and using aspersions “dupe ….right wing disinfo”. I can back up my post with context and details if you need some help getting started.

        • And there isn’t a darn thing we can do about it either. As the writer points out, today’s youth have been taught to accept as perfectly logical the need for individuals to relinquish privacy rights and to accept centralized control over every aspect of life.

          Meanwhile, those with any memory of what it was like to live in a free society age, retire, and pass on (I’m 56); and the above-mentioned youth, trained to venerate the rule of experts as previous generations once venerated religion, take over and do (or allow) exactly what they were taught regardless of anything anyone in the past said.

          They think they must be the truly enlightened ones. After all, Jefferson and Madison couldn’t order a pizza with a cell phone.

          • I get your frustration and pessimism over the pervasive Stockholm syndrome youthful detachment from their own humanity, dumbed down, entrained & entertained. Though, I’m also like minded with the great Jon Rappoport that we’re only limited by our imaginations. If a small percentage of us step outside of the Matrix, all the way, exiting false constructs and learned helplessness, there’s virtually no limit to the consciousness shifts we can create. TPTB’s biggest fear, imo. Cheers.

          • Pyra Gorgon | January 10, 2017 at 9:13 pm |

            They’ll send their zombie hordes after those who break free from their reality control.

      • I guess that’s why the Marxists were funded by Wall Street (lol)

      • In Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, one of the 10 planks calls for a Centralization of all Banking. Right: And these bankers will be as dirt poor as the garbage men and toilet bowl cleaners, huh? No billionaires. too funny. Marxism is so bankrupt. and Oboingo sealed it shut. right wing and left wing disinfo comes from the same exact hegelian-dialectic orchestration. Face reality alan8.

  2. I remain optimistic. The great BLOWBACK has begun.

  3. Liberty only comes to those willing to fight for it, and kill predators and parasites who want to enslave you. See any of these brave and honorable types around in America anymore? Libertarians just want to discuss it and whine about the demise.

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