Corporate/Banker Sponsored Pseudo Science And The Hijacking Of Humanity

By Paul A. Philips

Nothing in the world is at it seems. The world of science is no exception. Some of the most hallowed theories/tenets held dogmatically in science by those high priests in the church of scientism with their somewhat challengeable nebulous ideas have been unjustly taken and put into the limelight of recognition through corporate/banker sponsorship.

This flawed scientific disinformation has been deliberately promoted into mainstream science for control and financial gain: The powers that be and their business monopolies continue to flourish with pseudo-science that should have been long-gone from the limelight by now and dismissed as false.

Much natural-based true alternative science and its pioneers have been prevented from gaining the recognition they deserve through suppression from the powers that be so that the status quo still remains: Their business monopolies continue unthreatened by undercutting from those alternatives…

Yes, money is stronger than truth.

If the applications of certain alternative science and technology had got the humanitarian recognition it deserved then its far greater cost-effectiveness and efficiency would have taken over and set the whole world free. 

The corporate/banker sponsored hijacking of physics

A number of alternative natural-based physicists with their potential humanity transforming science and technology have been disavowed by the scientific community.

The world of physics has brought us a religious cult of personalities with questionable and quirky ideas instead. In short, they’re not as clever as they’ve been made out to be. They have been put into the hall of fame to act as pillars of disinformation care of corporate/banker sponsored dogma.

Pseudo-science, Nikola Tesla, alternative science, technology, suppressed inventions, conspiracies, raising awareness, New Paradigm, Paul A Philips L to R: Einstein, a known plagiarist and disinformation merchant… Next is Tesla, a truly brilliant scientist/inventor then Steinmetz, a great mathematician, who, like Tesla, in effect, had his humanitarian work erased from history.

Albert Einstein – A known plagiarist and fraud

Albert Einstein is one of the main constructs used to serve the above purpose.  For example, relativity has been proven wrong on a number of occasions… Even the likes of the New York Times and Time magazine have picked up on this. In fact, relativity was disproven before its publication, yet Einstein still remains one of science’s sacred saints.

Other main constructs serving as pillars of disinformation and corporate/banker sponsored dogma include the highly praised and much lauded Stephen Hawking and Michio Kaku. While these scientists hog the limelight a number of physicists wanting to transform humanity with their brilliant ideas and true physics have been left destitute in the wilderness…

However, there are a growing number of scientists with intentions to liberate physics from the confines of corporate/banker sponsored pseudo science to free humanity.

Pseudo-science, Nikola Tesla, alternative science, technology, suppressed inventions, conspiracies, raising awareness, New Paradigm, Paul A Philips Nikola Tesla

The late great scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) learned what it was like to go against the wishes of the powers that be and the scientific establishment with their suppression of alternative technology.

Alternative news, new paradigm, consciousness, new world order, spirituality, natural health, self help, conspiracies, Paul A Philips, raising awareness Tesla was up against the wishes of the central banking dynasties owned and controlled by energy barons JP Morgan, N.M Rothschild and JD Rockefeller. Tesla with his alternative independent free energy technology threatened to seriously undercut their conventional systems with a loss of control over the people.

Tesla’s work included supplying unlimited energy everywhere; wireless or no-batteries-needed electricity, power transmission through radio and phones lasting up to a hundred times longer than today’s standards and also an early warning earthquake detection system…

Attempting to bring these technologies into view, Tesla was met with having his labs raided, destroyed, equipment seized and intellectual property either burnt or confiscated.


It’s worth noting that even today some of the intellectual property has been withheld in Tesla societies, showing the extent to which those shadowy men in black agents of suppression for the powers that be will go.

They infiltrate certain groups such like the Tesla societies to prevent its humanitarian benefit from getting out to the world at large. Or, having infiltrated, they turn these societies into disinformation set-ups.

The solution

Sure, science needs to go beyond those self-inflicted boundaries, but it needs open-minded active individuals willing to challenge the orthodoxy and expose the pseudo science with its ties to the establishment…

Consider the possibility of what could be if we keep on with this, standing for the possibility of bringing down the establishment’s pseudo science and then usher in a new paradigm approach.

Some modern-day scientists trying to bring Tesla’s work into being for the betterment of humanity have had a hard time, not only with the establishment but also with the public, calling them snake oil salesmen or even fraudsters… while others such as the likes  of scientist Jim Murray have been considered at least by some as legit…

Whatever the situation, while we’re discerning, let’s encourage those scientists who have courageously taken the alternative view…

You can read more from Paul A. Philips at his site

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3 Comments on "Corporate/Banker Sponsored Pseudo Science And The Hijacking Of Humanity"

  1. I’m amazed that the author hasn’t heard of Dr Randall Mills of SunCell fame.
    Just look him up, his company is “Brilliant Lite Power” – he’s created a new/true physics that discards Quantum bullshit and has used that new physics to invent a machine that releases huge amounts of energy by turning hydrogen into ‘dark matter’. They are testing commercial prototypes this year in the 100 kw range DC electricity output.

    • How does he turn anything into something that no one had described in journals yet?

      • Lol, Simple, just conceptualize something that Hasn’t been thought of by the writers of the journals yet – then figure out how to make it happen.
        He uses a DC arc using molten silver anodes and cathodes. This is encased in a hollow sphere of graphite which absorbs the UV light and by heating to white hot re-emits it in a spectrum that suits the solar cells that have been developed for concentrator solar farms.

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