Mind Control vs. Freedom


By Jon Rappoport

Fingers pointed like a gun. A pop tart chewed into the shape of a gun. A toy gun. A screen shot of a gun.

For several years now, all over America, schools have been exercising what they call zero tolerance policy to suspend young children packing “suggestions of guns.”

Behind this practice is the idea that populations can be conditioned against owning real guns. Start early, indoctrinate the kids, and society will change.

In turn, such thinking rests on the premise that human beings are Pavlovian dogs. Programmed biological machines. If the program currently running is faulty, and fails to obey the mandate of “greatest good for the greatest number,” change the program.

As this Pavlovian approach expands and spreads, people begin to believe that a model of radical reconstruction is viable and good.

For instance, how many people would now respond favorably to the idea that “everyone can be programmed to forget guns even exist”?

Too far-out? Try this:

How many people would agree to a program that “guaranteed” racial prejudice would be wiped from human memory?

How many people would happily respond to the notion that environmental destruction, as an impulse, could be removed from the brain?

How many of these people would even notice that such programs eliminate freedom and choice? And if they did notice, how many would care?

The idea that you can obliterate “bad parts” of the brain and preserve the good parts is now embedded in standard science. It is childish, absurd, and dangerous to the extreme.

Brain researchers are, on the whole, disinterested in law. They aim to create a new species for whom no laws will be needed. People will do the right thing, because their upgraded brains tell them to.

Make no mistake about it, the technocrats/social engineers have a plan. They intend to program brains to fit their values-agenda. Whatever opposes that agenda is called a “mental disorder,” which needs to be corrected and erased.

Selling their work as social progress, these self-appointed elites will attempt to shape brain activity so it fulfills a goal of “cooperative impulse.” That means people would never think of their own desires, but instead would “serve the greater need of all.” Automatically.

No contemplation or independent thought necessary. Or required. Or possible.

All present attempts to achieve this goal—peer pressure, legislation, coercion, politically correct language, surveillance, dumbed-down education—are crude stopgaps, and pale by comparison to brain reprogramming.

The holy grail is a brain that can’t consider consequences, or even choices. It merely responds to stimuli along narrow channels.

For example, a clumsy indoctrination program which currently lasts four years in a “progressive” college could be installed in hours.

The enemy of all this is:


Not only laws that protect it, but, more importantly, the understanding of it within the individual BY the individual.

Has it occurred to you that virtually no college in America teaches a course in individual freedom?

When you step back and think about that, you know how far the nation has descended into a morass of “altruistic” derangement.

When enough individuals no longer care about their own expansive freedom and what it means and implies, the programmers have won—because then what difference does it make if one piece of brain software is substituted for another?

And if the sales pitch promises comfort and ease and the eradication of anxiety, customers will flock to enroll.

If a new steady-state hum of programmed brain activity reduces fear by replacing it with passive acceptance, who will notice the trade-off?

Behind all the elite covert ops on the planet that induce violence and chaos, there is one intent: convince the population that humans are too dangerous to be allowed to live free.

They must be “adjusted.”

At which point, “science” steps in and says, “The answer is here.”

And it is, unless more individuals understand what their own freedom means.

And how profound it is.

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

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4 Comments on "Mind Control vs. Freedom"

  1. AMEN,

  2. Go brown coats! — A reference to the brown coats in the tell lie vision show Firefly.


    We stood mesmerized
    Gadgets and all glistening
    Aghast we watched
    As our world fell apart

    We stood mesmerized
    As thieves and psychopaths
    Impostors of all kind and those
    Slowly took our lives away

    We stood mesmerized I say
    Acting as if all was well
    Hiding from ourselves and else
    Hiding pain and fright and sorrow

    O Freedom have you gone astray
    O freedom, freedom no more
    But who is watching, who is …Acht!
    In their grave great men and women cry

    We stood mesmerized virtue euthanized
    Before our bare eyes greatness crucified
    Tech gadgets in the billion swopping faith away
    And in their grave great men and women cried
    And we wiped with them O we wept so…

    Slavery we though was gone and forgotten
    Slavery alas has taken a new garb hiding well
    O so well in smart dust and B2K (brain to skull communication) schemes
    Stealing in vivo our ethos, that which is truly “us”
    O my beloved people are we ostriches or humans?

    O freedom have you gone astray too?
    O people are we gotten a’bit da fool
    O world dear world what has happened to thee?

    We stood mesmerized before the weeping cross
    But what we saw was nothing but blings and lies

    “Let my people go!” He said and we left and thrived
    “Love each other” He said and we left and forgot it all
    “Do no evil” He said and we switch it with gold and lies
    “Go and multiply! He said and we ostracized and demonized

    O freedom
    O humanity
    Humanity beloveth
    Is it too late
    To love again


    Alexis Maxime Feyou de Happy
    New Jersey 9/14/2016

    To fully understand this poem research these key words: smart dust, nanno particles, morgellon, targeted individual, brain to skull, mind reading, artificial intelligence, chemtrail, electro magnetic torture, radio frequencies and physiology, remote control brain.

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