8 Powerful Liberty Quotes That Will Inspire You to Live Free

freedom-in-the-shape-of-a-crossBy Joseph Jankowski

Within the United States today, we see ever increasing bureaucracy with a strong stranglehold on the personal liberties which we are supposed to believe we are in total possession of.

With the rise of the police state, NSA spying, and extremely dangerous executive orders, America has fallen in many of the metrics that rank countries based on their level of freedom.

The American way of life that once looked at government as an entity which the people should avoid being parasitic to, and as an institution that should remain as small as possible, has gone completely to the wayside.

A profound example of how large the U.S. federal government has grown is the fact that the Department of Health and Human Services is set to spend over $1 trillion in 2016. That is just one agency out of hundreds.

Our once free society now labors to pay off big government.

In America today, it is those who cherish freedom who are labeled as dangerous.

A study by the Department of Homeland Security has labeled “those who are reverent of individual liberty” as potential terrorists.

According to this Department of Defense manual, people concerned with “individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place” are potential extremists.

Freedom is under siege in America.

Of course, the only way to turn this around and restore our liberties is to get motivated.

Here are 8 liberty quotes that will surely get you in the spirit to live free:








quote-people-willing-to-trade-their-freedom-for-temporary-security-deserve-neither-and-will-benjamin-franklin-54-46-44Joseph Jankowski is a contributor for PlanetFreeWill.com. His works have been published by recognizable alternative news sites like GlobalResearch.ca, ActivistPost.com and Intellihub.com

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16 Comments on "8 Powerful Liberty Quotes That Will Inspire You to Live Free"

  1. “A profound example of how large the U.S. federal government has grown is the fact that the Department of Health and Human Services is set to spend over $1 trillion in 2016. That is just one agency out of hundreds.

    Our once free society now labors to pay off big government.”

    Over half of that is for Medicare, which we have earned by funding our entire lifetimes. 90% is for healthcare. 1% is for SNAP (the majority of recipients are children). So medical treatment and food for the needy, with Medicare being mostly self-funded thru payroll taxes and very popular.

    Of every dollar Medicare or Medicaid takes in, 98.7% is returned to the private sector to private doctors and hospitals. Of SNAP., 99% is returned to the private sector for food.

    Let’s compare the defense budget, which is also a trillion dollars, $600K or the DOD, 200 billion to the banks to pay the debt on previous wars, and the other 200 billion for Dept of Energy (nukes), Homeland Security, and the VA. 100% borrowed, with 20% being debt repayment.

    It buys: weapons, healthcare for wounded vets, maintenance of enough nukes to destroy the planet 25 times, and funds for spying, etc. It is 8 times larger than China’s defense budget, and 25 times larger than Russias.

    SO; medical treatment and food for the needy, with the largest chunk mostly self funding (Medicare) or a defense budget which buys weapons, repays banks, and funds spying, larger than the next 10 nations. Which one do you feel robs you of your tax dollars and your freedom?

    $4 a day for poor seniors and the disabled, children, and minimum wage workers and those whose jobs have been shipped offfshore? Or a 1.5 trillion fighter yet contract to Lockheed for a plane which is considered a lemon, unable to compete with Russian and Chinese fighters and with only 8% completed, has already cost nearly half a trillion with routine cost overruns and plagued by problems, based on an 80’s design with too little power, no ability to maneuver, and easily detected? Which one pisses you off?

    Are you with Trump who says he will build up the military so big it will never have to be used (98% of arms races end in war), causing other nations to build up their militaries in self-defense?

    Or with Eisenhower, who said “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.” ???

    Guns or healthcare? Bombs or food?

    • The Rockefeller-driven Medical Industrial Complex has become the monstrosity it was designed to be. Medicare spending has traditionally been funded 25% by payroll taxes and 75% through the general fund, and this was before Medicare Part D was passed under Bush II, a huge unfunded liability. Roughly, the US government’s contribution to health care spending was 45% before Obamacare (Medicare, Medicaid, VA, US Military TRICARE, etc.) and is close to 60% when employer tax subsidies are factored in. These programs and the Insurance Mafia have combined to create MEDICAL HYPERINFLATION such that it is nearly impossible for the average family to pay for the majority of their basic health care needs out of pocket. In the late 60s, it wasn’t uncommon for a woman to be discharged from a hospital a day or two after giving birth with a $200 bill – all fees included.

      • You are misinformed: “Medicare is funded primarily from three sources: general revenues (41%), payroll taxes (38%), and beneficiary premiums (13%)” so it is just over half self-funded, with 98.7% of the money going back to private doctors and hospitals. Defense spending is 100% borrowed (costing 200 billion a year, more than any other nations’s total defense spending) in debt repayment to banks for previous wars: the money collected thru taxes goes to weapons makers and spies, among others. The 1.5 trillion F-35 fighter yet, which pilots say cannot perform, will end up costing about $15,000 per household.

        Medicare Part D is a scam whereby Medicare is prevented from negotiating drug prices (it should get the cheapest) causing it to pay nearly twice as much as other agencies like the VA, or much smaller groups), which has thereby, in violation of all freemarket principles, stolen about 400 billion since the Republicans passed it.

        A simple solution: repeal the ban on Medicare negotiations and enact Medicare for all, saving 450 billion in overhead per yr, as well as eliminating the 170 billion spent on ER for the uninsured, and 300 billion lost thru the tax break for medical costs. That is more than enough to expand coverage to everyone, with 100% coverage, including dental and vision. Other ways to save can be taken from the other 34 advanced nations which have superior health outcomes at half the cost, including free tuition for qualified medical students and paying doctors to keep us healthy.

        More than half of Americans now support single payer, with 80% of Democrats in favor.

        • You’ll get no argument about Medicare Part D being a scam and effectively a way to keep patients from scrutinizing prescription costs, self-educating on cost-benefit ratio and making informed decisions resulting in the eventual strangling of Big Pharma. Medicare premiums are offset by Medicaid for low income seniors. There are endless shell games with taxes and govt spending – all lack the transparency, resiliency, and freedom associated with direct patient to provider payment paradigms. Government programs can offer remarkable benefits yet disempower too – I know first hand, my spouse is a VA doc and from my own grad studies in public health, medical economics, and preventive medicine. Humanity needs a balance and free choice, NOT the Rockefellers’ centralized top down system.

        • Here’s some great Rockefeller-driven Medical Industrial Complex historical irony to reflect on. I assume you know William Rockefeller, the Rockefeller Patriarch who boasted he taught his sons how to cheat, was LITERALLY a SNAKE OIL SALESMAN, billing himself as “Dr. Bill Levingston, Celebrated Cancer Specialist”, chased out of towns by angry residents after selling “Rock Oil”, a combination of laxative and petroleum, for $25 (a substantial financial sacrifice for most) claiming it would cure most terminal cancers.

  2. Here’s a clue: anyone who offers you fake quotes is NOT looking out for your freedom. For example:
    “We have not found any evidence that Thomas Jefferson said or wrote, “When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny,” nor any evidence that he wrote its listed variations.” monticello.org

    Here’s another fake quote: Paine: “The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government.”

    Gary Berton, secretary of the National Thomas Paine HIstorical Association, told Politico.com , “I’ve read every word of Paine’s several times. It’s definitely not Paine.”

    Berton, who has studied Paine’s writings for decades, said the phrase doesn’t even sound like a thought the founding father would convey. Paine was certainly critical of Britiain’s rule of the colonies and hoped society would one day become so advanced that it wouldn’t need government, Berton said.

    “But in the meantime, he was for a strong central government with redistribution of wealth,” added Berton,”

    How many others are fake? So much for liberty………

  3. “It`s easier to fool people,than it is to convince them they`ve been fooled.”
    Samuel Clements

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  4. The people don’t want “liberty”, they want “freedom” which is not the same thing. What people really want is to be enslaved by a job that robs them of their freedom and gives them the illusion of participating in a “democracy” that never existed and calling it “liberty”. Each year the enslaved pay their taxes to keep the process of enslavement intact and promote the same to others who disagree with their charade.

  5. “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the
    issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the
    banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the
    people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the
    continent their Fathers conquered.”
    Thomas Jefferson
    and this is exactly what has happened.
    Somewhere the USA sold out to the banks have stolen our wealth – traded good faith taxes(unconstitutional) for odious debt.
    The banks buy politicians and they become puppets.
    Taxation is theft.
    Usury is unchristian.

  6. Please send me my share of the things in your home.

    • You may think I am joking, as you don’t know me that can be forgiven.

      There is not much I use. What I do use is stuff. You’re more than welcome to come and share whatever I use, the optimal word here is share. Stuff, things on Earth will never come with me when I’m gone. Stuff won’t go with you when you go either. I’m not really attached to stuff. Yes, I use some of it but not much. Don’t mind sharing. It is here for all of us after all.

      I am not joking. I am not being sarcastic. This is how I view materials used in living. All resources on the Earth belong only to the Earth. We own nothing, only get to use stuff. So yes, come share in the stuff I use, if you need.

      Sorry I’m too strapped of that silly money stuff to pack up my stuff and distribute it to you. I don’t like to play that silly money game much at all, it only serves death by way of greed. I only use of it what is needed to use other stuff and more often than not I let my wife manage that. She allows me a small stipend for some hobby stuff. I’m out of the money stuff in that stipend.

      But you come on, you can share our stuff we use if you need. Glad to share. 🙂 Genuinely am. Again, not joking.

      • Hi! Ben. Thank you for replying.

        In some respects, we are on the same page. I am not attached to stuff, I only have what I need, I do note care much for money and my wife manages it, with me only buying the odd tool or book. I also (kinda’ but not completely) view myself as a custodian of things and tend towards generosity with them; sharing is good. Where we appear to differ is in our philosophical underpinnings.

        The following are phrases I copied ‘n’ pasted from your reply which I would like to discuss further: “We own nothing”; “the optimal word here is share”; and “[Money] only serves death by way of greed”.

        You may already be conversant with the concept of ownership, but I will elaborate for the benefit of others. Ownership, or property rights, is a mental construct, a norm designed to minimise conflict over scarce resources. By definition, ownership defines who has control over a scarce resource such that its owner has complete control over its use (or lack thereof) and its disposal. The owner can lend or rent out a resource he controls i.e. permit use by another while retaining title, or alienate the resource i.e. pass title to another by exchange or by gifting. The ownership norm minimises conflict because the agreement of only the current owner needs to be sought in order to gain access to a resource.

        Again, by definition, if no one owns anything then either no scarce resource has a controller or all seven billion (and counting) of us have joint control and both of these present difficulties.

        I am going to use the dwelling you currently occupy as an example and for simplicity, I will refer to it as your house. Your house is a scarce resource; there is only one of it.

        If no one owns your house then anyone can simply walk in at any time and take up residence without your consent. How can you say no, or it’s not your turn? You don’t control it’s use, nobody does. The only way you could guarantee permanent, single occupancy would be by massive security and overwhelming force. Is that better than ownership?

        Things are even more complicated if we all have joint ownership of your house. If you own one seven billionth of your house you can only guarantee occupancy for one seven billionth of its usable life. Which seven billionth is yours and how was that decided? Why was I not invited to the meeting that decided? Did someone else decide on your time slot without consulting me? This arrangement is obviously unworkable and I assume that you are espousing option one above.

        Your phrase, “optimal word here is share” implies that you are willing to allow me (or others) access to resources currently in your stewardship. Only the owner can allow something. If you permit me to share something, you must also be able to deny me it too. That, my friend, is ownership. The reason we can share our resources with others without losing control of them is that we own them.

        As I am sure you are aware, money is simply a tool, an important use of which is to make trade more efficient by being the most liquid good and, therefore, desired by all. If you have eggs but require boots, you must first find a cobbler who wants eggs right now – not very efficient. Tools are neutral i.e. they are neither good nor evil. I can use a hammer to build you a barn or to bash your skull in. It is the use made of a tool that is good or evil. I completely concur that the banksters use their central bank issued, fractional reserve, ‘debt as money’ for the purposes of slavery and world domination, but, the problem is not money per se. They might intend to enslave us, but we do not have to fall into their trap. Their so-called money might be a debt instrument, but, possessing a bank promissory note means that it is you that is owed, not them. They win when you borrow from them. Don’t take out a loan, don’t use a credit card, and don’t keep your money in their banks and you are not feeding the system. It is the love of money that is the root of evil, not money itself.

        BTW. I never thought you were joking.

  7. I find it interesting that all these liberty quotes come from men, many of whom were part of the disenfranchisement of over half the population served by the government the set up.

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