In the video below, Obtain Eudaimonia animates a book review for Edward Bernays’ book Propaganda and how the government latched onto the idea of using propaganda during peace time to manipulate thee population.
How to Control What People Think
October 27, 2015
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Bad example at the one minute mark: A “good example of propaganda” is a “campaign to improve pubic health through vaccination.” Oops.
How about making a decision based on reasoning and open source information? That’s the ideal of a market of ideas where unfettered access creates a constant annealing, feedback-correcting process to find the most accurate and reliable “answer”.
Yes, complete BS. If it is such a great idea, it can stand up to scrutiny based on real history, real facts, etc. It needs propaganda to prop it up because it lacks a solid foundation.
Well said.
Hi, just for the record the vaccination example is one that Bernays gives in the book, rather than one I created myself. I tried to review the book with a neutral tone throughout.