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Dan and Sheila Gendron, Contributors
Activist Post
If you are waiting for the economic collapse, you’re too late – it’s already happened. And it’s TWCTM (Those Who Control the Money) who did it. They pulled the rug right out from under themselves. We are living in a world of complete economic fantasy, using numbers that are unfathomable, unconscionable, and un-repayable.
That’s why it’s called a “Note” – it’s a loan. Every dollar in circulation since 1913 is a loan. On top of the principle, the Fed requires a payment of interest for this “service” they provide. The purchasers of the T-bills also collect an interest payment as motivation to loan us money. Who is ultimately responsible for the loans and interest for every penny used in the United States? YOU ARE. No matter what they do with the money, no matter in whose pocket it winds up, YOU GET THE BILL. And don’t think the bill is paid by Income Taxes – that only pays a fraction of the interest due!
Why do you get the bill?
Because each and every T-Bill is sold with “the full faith and credit of the American people”. That’s you, and everything you own. It’s not the U.S. Government (a private corporation), but the people who live within its borders. The government gets to order and spend the money any way they see fit (after all, you have given them permission to do so) but is not responsible to pay the debt – you are.
Now that you know you own it, how much do you think you owe? Forget the $16 trillion National Debt and its interest. According to, on the morning of November 13th, 2012, U.S. “unfunded liabilities” alone (Social Security payments, Medicare/Medicaid and prescription drugs that must be paid, but have no fund from which to be paid) are over $121,400,000,000,000 ($121.4 Trillion). That alone makes each and every citizen of the U.S. – man, woman and child – liable for over $1,060,000 ($1.06 Million). I don’t know about you, but my first reaction was, “Good luck getting it from me!” The average person’s lifetime income is around $600,000. It does not compute. The total National Assets equal only $87,425,000,000,000 ($87.425 Trillion). Even if all U.S. assets were sold off, we’d still owe “a boatload”.
When the amount of money in circulation (which is supposed to be equivalent to a country’s actual worth – not its credit rating) is greater than all its assets, it is no longer real. Factor in inflation all you want, the whole system is imaginary!
The whole system exists only by your voluntary acquiescence, your belief in the value of the piece of paper (or, rather, plastic) and the numbers it represents. This is how it controls you. Each penny that is added to “your debt” tightens the noose of control just a little bit more – if you believe it. You are being enslaved bit by bit, until the time comes that they will no longer need your acquiescence, because they will have obtained all the marbles.
“QE Infinity” gives the Fed $43 Billion each month, to do with as it pleases, with no oversight (as we have seen in the past). Under the guise of “rescuing” banks who have written bad mortgages, it is using that money to buy up all mortgages in America (good and bad mortgages are bundled together when they are sold to the Fed). That means the Fed will own most of the residential and commercial land in this country. Your deeds are being shuffled around like so many “Monopoly” game properties. Why are they buying all these mortgages? Because it’s time to foreclose on America to clear our “debt” owed to the Fed and to our creditors from other countries. Just like the Wicked Witch of the West, we are being liquidated.
Don’t let the distractions, the fear, or the incalculable, meaningless numbers stop you from preparing for your future and your family’s. Even an extra bag of beans or rice every trip to the store will get you ahead of it. Marc Faber, Jim Rogers and other well-known pundits are expecting hyperinflation by spring. What will you do if you have to go to your local “superstore” for your food allotment, which you can only have if you take your inoculations?
Right now there are millions protesting throughout Europe because their governments can no longer provide the “services” they always did – food subsidies, housing subsidies, pensions, etc. The euphemism is “Austerity” – and it’s coming soon to a neighborhood near you. Be ready.
Read other articles by Dan and Sheila HERE.
Dan & Sheila are the authors of Surviving Survivalism – How to Avoid Survivalism Culture Shock, and hosts of the free podcast, Still Surviving with Dan & Sheila. For questions about space in their Intentional Survivalist Community or other survivalist issues, they can be reached at [email protected].
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