Activist Post
It’s been 300,000 years since our shadow brothers have held humans in their grip. They operate on other dimensions besides the third, but since they genetically altered the human species they have had the ability to take possession of their most genetically favored subjects. Hence the interbreeding in the the so called higher castes.
The time is fast approaching for the shift – for those on Earth to awaken to the presence of multi- dimensional universe. For the moment the majority think their three-dimensional world is all there is. The cosmic sun is intensifying its rays of knowledge and we must have enough volunteers in place to help through the time of chaos which may ensue (or not, as the future is not set).
Those volunteers who arrived after the atomic bombing of Japan have been continually subjected to our rival’s attack – a desperate attempt to keep humans enslaved. One tactic has been the dissemination of drugs – this has been a great temptation because the frequency of planet earth is such that operating in the body is most unpleasant (an understatement!) and the drugs appear to bring some relief. Taking these drugs have disrupted our signals and created disharmony.
Another tactic has been to encourage indiscriminate sex and break down the family system as well as create imbalance between male and female. The beings “from the sixties” call themselves the “Love generation.” So there is an understanding that love energy is primary in creation principle.
In the first decade of the 21st century time has appeared to speed up and intensity has increased. Many more volunteers have incarnated and these are having an easier time than the first wave. Their lack of memory can be considered unfortunate, they cannot remember their pre-planned blueprint and are in a state of confusion. However, they appear to be prevailing in spite of the huge odds against them. We salute their courage and perseverance!
Our adversaries have been feeding off emotions of humans – the ones of violence and fear and continual blood sacrifices of wars. If only the humans could understand that through their emotions they can be guided to truth. Emotions are connected to the spiritual body, which in turn communicates with multi-dimensionality. We are continually sending information to help them understand the importance of releasing rational mind and paying attention to intuition.
Humanity in general is ignorant of the psychological manipulation upon it which has resulted in enslavement. They have no idea there is a reality outside the third dimension. May our intrepid volunteers help them to evolve to take their place in our galactic brotherhood!
We bring greetings and gratitude to our brother David Icke, who has so tirelessly worked to help humanity take the next step in evolution.
This submission has been entered into a contest to win 2 premium tickets + $500 for travel to see David Icke at Wembley Arena, London — October 27, 2012. If you like this article, please share it far and wide, as the winner will be determined by the total number of pageviews acquired before the end of the contest on June 15th. For additional details about submissions, please visit our Contest Page.
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