Fracking Process Shown to Compromise Air Quality, Cause Cancer

Mike Barrett
Activist Post

In a new study soon to be published in an edition of Science of the Total Environment, researchers found yet again that hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, is causing cancer.

While fracking is known to be contributing to various health problems through the contamination of groundwater, it is also important to recognize that those near the hydraulic fracturing sites are taking in an even greater dose of chemicals through the air

Cancerous Air a Result of Hydraulic Fracturing

The process of fracking involves a number of harmful and carcinogenic substances that are helping to lead to the downfall of public health. The EPA has admitted that this method of attaining oil or gas by pumping chemicals underground is causing polluted water, which being consumed by countless number of individuals every day. Still, the process of fracking persists.

The new research focusing on fracking’s negative impact on air quality is pointing out that, after three years of monitoring air quality near fracking sites, there are a number of toxic petroleum hydrocarbons in the air.

“Our data show that it is important to include air pollution in the national dialogue on natural gas development that has focused largely on water exposures to hydraulic fracturing” Lead author Lisa McKenzie, Ph.D., MPG, said

Many of the chemicals used in the fracking process are harmful by nature, and are being ingested far too regularly. You can expect to find carcinogenic chemicals such as naphthalene, diesel, formaldehyde, and lead in the fracking process, but one of the primary cancer-causing culprits eyed down by scientists and researchers is benzene. Found in gasoline, benzene has been shown to cause dizziness, weakness, and chest constriction at short-term exposure while being a major contributor to lifetime excess cancer risk.

‘Our results show that the non-cancer health impacts from air emissions due to natural gas development is greater for residents living closer to wells…The greatest health impact corresponds to the relatively short-term, but high emission, well completion period…We also calculated higher cancer risks for residents living nearer to the wells as compared to those residing further [away]…Benzene is the major contributor to lifetime excess cancer risk from both scenarios,’ states the study report.

Research is consistently and conclusively reporting that fracking is indeed cause for concern, and thus should be heavily investigated. Mainstream doctors are urging the United States government to actually halt fracking — what do you think?

Explore More:

  1. Carcinogenic Chemicals Contaminating Water Supply Through Fracking
  2. Doctors Urge Fracking Halt Over Health Concerns
  3. EPA Admits Fracking Causing Groundwater Pollution
  4. Red Wine Shown to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk When Moderately Consumed
  5. Bombshell Research: Energy Saving Light Bulbs ‘Contain Cancer Causing Chemicals’
  6. Air Pollution Tied to Breast Cancer Development

This article first appeared at Natural Society, an excellent resource for health news and vaccine information.

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