Obama tells Ents to Slow Down, or….

…Or they might get something done? 

UN “Ents” – image: Owen Myles

Owen Myles, Contributing Writer

Obama has warned that a “short cut” to addressing the burning house of Palestine might be too hasty, suggesting instead more words to squelch the flames. While some might say it was really Gollum in a leader’s costume, others may say it is simply a desperate appeal to prevent Palestine rising from the ashes. 

Despite much of the world outside the UK and US governments in support of a Palestinian state, US senators have urged 23 African nations to oppose Palestine’s UN ambitions, with the greatest opposition generally consisting of a hugely powerful, but relatively small group. Of course they’ve been up to other things as well, working hard at sculpting public perception, or buying time with censorship and a pentagon-owned media.

After more than a few decades of perpetual disaster, terms such as “short cut” seem a bit strange; did the UN not make short work of their decision to partition Palestine? Or did they secretively spend decades speaking empty words and false promises before doing so?

To those conscripted to the situation – on both sides – such terms may seem more than strange. Pardon the thought, but would not UN status actually offer much more opportunity to prevent terrorism? With international pressure, maybe there would be a few less rockets. But then again, dropping white-phosphorus on a UN member might not work so well, and illegal settlements may attract untimely attention. What to do? According to Gollum, we shouldn’t be hasty; we haven’t even finished our introductions yet.

After Obama Gollum decided to veto the Palestinian UN bid, he also stated that “Ultimately, it is Israelis and Palestinians – not us – who must reach agreement on the issues that divide them: on borders and security; on refugees and Jerusalem.”

I am sure the average reader is now wondering why “we” failed to apply this rationality to Libya. No oil in Palestine? Perhaps it is foolish to expect those tainted by the ring of power to understand that ethics is not a matter of selective convenience.

Regarding “agreement”, conversations are best when at least one side is listening, and preferably both sides. One side is certainly hard of hearing, and may as well outsource listening to the wailing wall.

The Eccentric Intelligence Agency: Helping the Ouroboros finish itself.

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