Glyphosate Contaminates the Global Ecosystem: The Damning New PAN Report

glyphosate2By Catherine J. Frompovich

PAN, the Pesticide Action Network International, issued a 96-page report dated October 2016 titled “GLYPHOSATE” that every person on the planet ought to be concerned about, especially if you are using it in agriculture and farming; as a homeowner on your weeds; or as an unsuspecting member of society who unknowingly is forced to eat food crops sprayed with it!

According to that Report’s Summary, glyphosate—Roundup—Monsanto are synonymous with the number one selling herbicide used in genetically modified crop agriculture, even though glyphosate is manufactured by many companies in other countries.

The herbicidal action of glyphosate is primarily due to its capacity to block the production of essential amino acids in plants and some microorganisms through a pathway called “shikimate”, which is present only in plants.  Thus it was sold as ‘safe’ for animals and humans. [1]

The World Health Organization’s IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) classified glyphosate as probable carcinogen [Group 2A] in 2015!  How come it took so long? I find myself asking.

According to the report, many deaths have resulted, especially in Asia.  Unintentional cases of poisonings among users and bystanders have been reported resulting in severe chemical burns and respiratory problems.

Aerial spraying on crops can precipitate both acute and chronic health problems.  Some acute health problems associated with glyphosate poisoning include:

Abdominal pain, gastrointestinal infections, itchy or burning skin, skin infections (particularly prevalent in children), blisters, burning or weeping eyes, blurred vision, conjunctivitis, headaches, fever, rapid heartbeat, palpitations, raised blood pressure, dizziness, chest pains, numbness, insomnia, depression, debilitation, difficulty in breathing, respiratory infections, dry cough, sore throat, and unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Less common effects reported include balance disorder, reduced cognitive capacity, seizures, impaired vision, smell, hearing and taste, drop in blood pressure, twitches and tics, muscle paralysis, peripheral neuropathy, loss of gross and fine motor skills, excessive sweating, and severe fatigue. [2]

As someone who was in practice as a consulting natural nutritionist, I came to realize that people who ate processed foods often suffered with gastric and/or digestive problems that resolved themselves once they switched to an organically-grown diet.  Children on the Autism Spectrum also experience great relief when their diet is devoid of glyphosate residues and other chemicals.

Long-term toxicity effects of glyphosate can include:

[interference] with numerous mammalian organs and biochemical pathways, including inhibition of numerous enzymes, metabolic disturbances and oxidative stress leading to excessive membrane lipid peroxidation, and cell and tissue damage. Genotoxicity and endocrine disruption also lead to chronic health and developmental effects.


The IARC monograph on glyphosate, published in 2015, concludes that “there is limited evidence in humans for carcinogenicity of glyphosate” and “there is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of glyphosate”. [3]

On top of all the above,

Doctors in Argentina have reported a dramatic upsurge in long-term effects in areas where genetically modified soy crops are aerial sprayed with glyphosate. They include cancer, infertility, pregnancy problems, birth defects, and respiratory diseases. [4]

As an aside, please note that during the fall Halloween and Harvest seasons, many farms offer what are called “corn field mazes” for children to enjoy finding their way through a labyrinth of cornstalks.

However, since most corn in the USA is genetically modified and sprayed inordinately with Roundup® as part of the GMO seed contract farmers are forced to sign when they purchase GMO seeds, there possibly could be a hidden health threat to kids due to herbicide residue left on cornstalks.  That ought to be taken into consideration by parents who have children with asthma or other respiratory allergies.  If you’re not sure about what I’ve just written, maybe it would be advisable to have an EpiPen® on hand—just in case.  Glyphosate is a very serious chemical that can cause serious harm.

Several epidemiological studies have linked exposure to glyphosate with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, hairy cell leukaemia, multiple myeloma, and DNA damage. [5]

Glyphosate, according to the Report, can cause endocrine disruption, reproductive and developmental problems, neurological and immune issues.  It has equally devastating effects upon the environment, e.g., aquatic effects, soil and plant health, earthworms and beneficial insects (Monarch butterflies and bees come to mind), birds and other animals, including livestock and domestic animals. [6]

Low concentrations of glyphosate can damage the liver, kidneys, skin cells and causes ageing and potentially cancer. [7]

Glyphosate can be found under numerous trade names, which can be read at pages 7 and 8 of the Report, which I encourage everyone to become familiar with so as not to be misinformed about any lawn or agricultural products you may purchase.

So how prevalent is Roundup® use? According to the Report, its use has increased fifteen-fold since the introduction of GM Roundup Ready crops in 1996!

Here’s what most folks don’t know about glyphosate and should:

It is also used for pre-harvest desiccation of cotton, cereals, peas, beans, and other crops, resulting in elevated residues in food and animal fodder from these crops. Germany has prohibited pre-harvest desiccation since May 2014 (Benbrook 2016). In the process known as hormesis, glyphosate at sublethal levels can actually stimulate plant growth and yield in older plants (Belz & Duke 2014). The sodium salt (e.g. Quotamaster) is used as a growth regulator on sugar cane—to hasten ripening, enhance sugar content, and promote earlier harvesting—and on peanuts. [8]

Several countries have restrictions and/or bans on the use of glyphosate, whereas in the USA, it’s used like water on crops!

Glyphosate residues have been found in humans in their breast milk, blood and urine.  One place where one would not expect to find glyphosate residues is in vaccines.  Well, it’s been confirmed in vaccines.  See my article Another Vaccine “Bombshell” Glyphosate – Think Monsanto’s Roundup – Confirmed in Most Vaccines.

Interestingly, researchers have found that glyphosate can predispose crops to certain diseases!  How cost-effective is that?  According to the 2009 research of Johal and Huber:

chart-1The PAN Report is extremely comprehensive and really needs to be mainstreamed so that food growers, in particular, can understand the harm they are doing to crops, the soil, the environment, wildlife, pollinators, water resources and humans.

Personally, I’d like to see Monsanto be held accountable financially for crimes against the environment (ecocide) and humanity.  However, with the Bayer Monsanto buyout, I don’t expect much relief from toxic chemicals.  What I think will happen is the Monsanto brand will be phased out very soon, but humankind still will have to deal with multiple toxic chemicals Bayer will produce and sell, including glyphosate, I offer.  Bringing class action lawsuits against chemical companies may send the message; see the Monsanto Roundup Lawsuit in the Resources below.

However, it will be up to consumers and farmers, in particular, to make their concerns and priorities known about saving the planet and humankind from toxic chemicals in food, water and the air, if we are to survive toxic chemicals and their currently unavoidable poisonings.


[1] , Pg. 1
[2] Ibid., Pg. 2
[3] Ibid., Pg. 3
[4] Ibid., Pg. 3
[5] Ibid., Pg. 4
[6] Ibid., Pg. 5
[7] Ibid., Pg. 3
[8] Ibid., Pg. 11
[9] Ibid., Pg. 59


National Pesticide Information Center / Glyphosate

Monsanto Roundup Lawsuit / Baum Hedlund Aristei Goldman Consumer Attorneys

Glyphosate Detox: How to Remove Roundup From Your Body / Debra Lynn Dadd

The Detox Project

Glyphosate Info

Research Reveals Previously Unknown Pathway by which Glyphosate Wrecks Health

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available.

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5 Comments on "Glyphosate Contaminates the Global Ecosystem: The Damning New PAN Report"

  1. I like the non gmo labels the good companies use to let the consumer know that it is a safe product.
    I hope wine makers throughout the lands (and for that matter all farmers) stop using this disease inducing synthetic sin.
    Moms this junk is found in vaccines, stop vaccinating.
    Sue the FDA for shamefully allowing this horrible crap, thinly veiled as science. It was designed to give your child disease and kill his auto immune system.

    • Which is why we are all dead, since 95% were vaccinated and had our auto immune systems destroyed, killing us.

      • Average Joe American | October 19, 2016 at 2:14 pm |

        Perhaps not all dead, just brain dead, maybe. Many brain dead people suffer from an inability to discern the nuances in the ideas they are reading about, sometimes one even sees sarcastic, puerile putdowns masquerading as superior knowledge. The idea that the modern multitude of vaccines (proven to be vastly harmful in so many ways, depending on what precisely is in them) also contain glyphosate, well…this is certainly a valid concern for anyone with children. You being in your seventies did not, and are probably not getting anywhere near the doses (and attendant volume of collateral toxicity) which nowadays are routinely injected into babies and children many times smaller and lighter in body size than you are.

        Read up on the vast array of maladies (e.g. autism) which are now common among fully vaccinated newborns and young children, which were virtually unheard of in our day (60 or so years ago). Gweneth is talking about children receiving many more times the shots we received in the 1950s, and yes, many studies are probing the possible links between auto immune system disorders and assorted vaccines which, perhaps not coincidentally, are specifically designed to challenge the recipient’s immune system in an attempt to build up resistance. And still, inoculation does not equal immunity.

        There have been countless documented cases of serious injury and death as a result of vaccinations, even among adults, and billions of dollars in damages have been paid out. But no, Dale, this does not mean “we are all dead” because we got some form of vaccination at some point in our lives. What it does mean is that Big Pharma is throwing dice with our health and lives, and no amount of smartass snotty putdowns will change that established fact.

  2. From Catherine:

    Glyphosate / Urine Lab Tests Available

    The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc. provides urine testing to determine the body’s burden
    of the toxic chemical/herbicide glyphosate found in numerous
    agricultural and garden products.

    This test also is known as “Glifosato,” “Glyphosat,” “Glifosate,” and “Glifosat.”

    Parents with children on the Autism Spectrum may find it very helpful.

    Information about the urine test is available here:

  3. This is nothing less than an attempt at deliberate extinction of humanity. God won’t let it happen but it will probably get much worse before it gets better because most people are pathetic ignorant apathetic morons.

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