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Amir Alwani, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
For those unaware what chemtrails are, I will do my best to give you an accurate breakdown of how I found out about them and what I’ve learned since. I will also include some health remedies that I’ve come across which may be of some use.
Around October of 2009 I heard that our government was spraying us with chemicals from airplanes. I should have immediately investigated further, but I didn’t until many months later.
Why? Many reasons, not least because I was consuming high levels of fluoride and my diet was basically, “eat what comes my way”. As this began to change I gained enough sanity to start to notice the chemtrails more and investigate further. I experienced so many synchronicities around this time, typically indicative of change in one’s life.
Eventually, what I uncovered baffled and disgusted me. I would like to stress that I do not seek to alarm anyone with the information presented here. Morgellons is downright creepy and exhausting to even think about. I’m really not surprised why I just found out about Morgellons now, despite having researched and filmed chemtrails for over a year. I only seek to encourage much needed-debate and research. Many of you will already be familiar with a lot of this, but if you bear with me it eventually gets more interesting. For the newbies, proceed with caution. This is just a brief overview but there are graphic videos linked in this article. Some of you might not want to be eating when you watch some of these.
If you exhale in the winter you can see your breath because the surrounding air is cold. Planes are closer to space and it’s cold up there, so you get these trails coming out of the engines of the planes. However, in the past when the planes would leave contrails (condensation trails), those trails would disappear quickly, within minutes. Now, as a result of government projects around the world many planes are leaving trails which linger, persist, expand and turn into what people then tragically refer to as “clouds.”
Tests show gargantuan levels of aluminum, barium, strontium, among other strange ingredients like red blood cells and fungus. This is altering our atmosphere day by day, taking away the sky’s deep blue colour, replacing it with an ominous and poisonous, sometimes blindingly fluorescent white haze.
You are being attacked in this “modern” age and that much is certain. Whether you agree that the chemtrails exist or represent this, it is obvious that you are being attacked via your water and food. Personally, I don’t think adding air to the list seems far fetched at this point. And that’s just for “physical” stuff. I haven’t yet reminded you about the bombardment on our minds and souls via school and the soul-sucking mainstream media.
Skeptics would be wise to note that one of the reasons that it’s not always just condensation trailing behind the planes is that the spraying often turns off and on. It is very revealing that one can see the planes spray and then stop spraying and then spray again (especially while the plane does not change speed or anything like that). To me that’s about as obvious as the demolition of the twin towers and building 7, but I digress.
There are seemingly thousands of other valid points confirming the fact that we’re being sprayed. If I wrote this a year ago, I might have included many more of those but the data is out there. The internet abounds with analysis on this subject.
There are many weather-modification programs ravaging this earth. The spraying is happening in at least all of the NATO countries. Even the UN admits that geo-engineering projects are occurring. It’s getting coverage in mainstream media now. An NBC-affiliated station called KMIR reported on it.
Zen Gardner succinctly writes, “If this is news to you, see the US Military paper Owning the Weather by 2025. Says it all. Like chemtrails, just the patents for all this technology is a total giveaway.”
The denial is very close to being over. This expensive project, in its many various forms, is happening. The ominous programs are supposedly to fight global warming but global warming is a hoax and the chemtrails are making us sicker. Mystery shrouds this branch of knowledge and even for those who’ve gotten their feet wet the invitation to investigate further is often lost in a gigantic sea of information, wars, protests, chaos, distractions, routine, and an endless bombardment of crisis after crisis.
In a sad and hauntingly effective effort to curtail the truth, we are told that there are simply new types of clouds these days. These new types of clouds just popped up now? Just like this fire tornado and this death ray? Give me a break. This would be laughable if it wasn’t disturbing.
As for the meteorologists, they seem to either not care or are ignorant. Them not reporting on this is like a nutritionist or a personal trainer recommending you eat at McDonald’s. Meanwhile, television and cute little computer-generated Disney films and other Disney propaganda gets children used to seeing the weather behave in strange ways. Images of chemtrails are being found in many commercials, advertisements, and products just to pacify us. Introduce it to us slowly enough and nobody will notice. Sure, some of it must not be intentional, as there’s so many chemtrails it’s hard to take a sky shot without them sometimes, but many of them are intentional.
People can barely salvage memory of Osama being a CIA asset or that western powers used to be friendly with Saddam Hussein. One decade Saddam is a friend; the next he’s getting hanged medieval-style. Does anybody even remember the West speaking fondly of the Egyptian dictator one week and then not fondly the next? No. Most people have no memory (at our current stage of evolution) and don’t care or pay attention. Few remember that the sky didn’t always look this freakishly wavy:
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Look Up
Many can’t even imagine an aerosol project so evil, so they try their best to avoid thinking about it or discussing it with anybody. For many others who are a little less cowardly, all they need to wake up is to look up. I don’t know if that’s something to be proud of, or if it’s a shame that people even have to be told to look up — it’s probably both. If you’re reading this, go look outside right now. There’s a good chance you’ll see a plane spraying your sky. I’m not even exaggerating. I used to keep a tally of the days they were spraying until I noticed it was almost every day (even at night). And if you don’t see something being sprayed, there’s a good chance you’ll see lots of bizarre straight lines that we did not used to see in the past.
I eventually took many photos and shot time-lapse videos of the flagrant bio-chemical attack and the associated scalar electromagnetic waves (discussed in more detail later):
Less Sunlight
Discovering the chemtrails proved to reveal a lot more than I originally thought it would. For one thing, it became clear that many people did not care about sunlight. For most people busy resisting the idea that chemtrails even exist, they completely miss out on noticing the fact that our skies have less sunlight. You don’t need a study to tell you this.
Whether or not you think the chemicals they’re spraying are bad for us, it would really be something else to say that you have no problem with losing your sunlight. Sunlight allows our bodies to produce Vitamin D, after all. Vitamin D deficiency causes a lot of problems. Natural News reports that, “Your risk of developing serious diseases like diabetes and cancer is reduced 50% – 80% through simple, sensible exposure to natural sunlight 2-3 times each week.”
If you’re going to be talking about throwing microscopic bits of aluminum into our sky to deflect sun rays you better make sure you know the full health implications.
The Anthropogenic Global Warming Hoax
When people finally admit to themselves that this spraying is actually happening there are those that then gravitate towards the assertion that this is an effort to deal with “global warming” / “climate change,” and that may indeed be the case with respect to many of these programs.
However, I repeat – human-made global warming is a giant hoax. Look at the geo-engineering section of my website and you’ll see lots of data backing up my assertion. Climate Depot is also a good source of info on this.
I don’t buy the lies about CO2 being the devil. Studies show plants would love more CO2. I don’t want to be a guinea pig. If people are already throwing metals into the air to deal with this, then I’m already a guinea pig. It’s quite simple.
This subject deserves as much investigation as possible, and even more courage if one wants to stomach what is uncovered. It’s useful to keep in mind that just because you wouldn’t harm large masses of populations that doesn’t automatically mean that somebody else wouldn’t harm large masses of populations. I will expand on the health impacts of these chemtrails later, but for now remember that you’re better off knowing about these things. Stick your head in the sand at your own peril.
Here are just four videos that should get a lot of people thinking, with respect to the hoax (especially the first video):
Randall Carlson interview on Reality Sandwich: Climate Change, Part 1 of 4 from Sacred Geometry International on Vimeo.
Why would governments want to lie to us? There are many reasons, some of the most plausible of which mostly revolve around a de-population agenda and satisfying a cult’s thirst for ultimate control of the entire planet, its people, their thoughts, the people’s genes, the planet’s weather, etc., by means of a newly created world government employed by dark forces and obviously not accountable to the people, the 99%.
Speculating on the reasons behind this assault, Zen Gardner writes:
To reduce the population? Alter our genetic make up? Produce a morphed human race only capable of subservient tasks to please a master race immune or protected from these mutative influences on a deliberately morphed planet?
I know, pretty freaky. But all actually plausible.
Definitely plausible. I’ll come back to this explanation, but first let’s take a look at some basics that illustrate the true colours of these eco-fascists.
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Green Slaughter
The UN recently burned and killed children in Uganda and slaughtered farmers in Honduras. This was all done in the name of fighting global warming. They tell us what we are exhaling is killing polar bears while commercials are put out threatening the lives of children who disagree with the idea that humans have caused global warming (with music donated by Radiohead, might I add, and the X-Files woman narrating).
This is a living joke. If the science behind the theory of man-made global warming was sound, there would be no reason for death-threats and sensationalism. Slippery slope?
We Are So Sick Of This
As the months went by I started to notice bubbles in the rain. There were bubbles in puddles that would form in the streets, in my backyard, on the fence, etc. Where the rain would accumulate at the bottom of the drainage pipe at my home, the bubbles would seem to get 10cm high sometimes.
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Gwen Scott, who I refer to later on as well, mentions (in a 2005 documentary) that mortality from respiratory diseases went from being the 8th most leading cause of death in the USA to being the 3rd in a span of 5 years.
What else do we know? Aluminum is in the mix and has bad effects on your health. It is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Is this why now some people as young as 26 years old are getting Alzheimer’s disease?
Barium is also a hallmark of this spraying, and tests mentioned in the documentary, “What In The World Are They Spraying?”, reveal very high levels of barium, strontium, and aluminum.
Fungus that is sprayed on us also eats the nutrients our body needs to regenerate our immune system.
Often when I would run out to take pictures I would get instant diarrhea. Sometimes, it would hit me like a wave as soon as I opened the door to my backyard. Nowadays I seem to have developed somewhat of an immunity to it, but when I was first documenting this the diarrhea would be so bad I would sometimes go to the washroom 6 times a day.
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Another noteworthy symptom is that I find it harder to breathe these days. Others I know are having more difficulty breathing these days as well. I don’t think this is imagined for me and it’s probably less likely to be an imagined effect for those who weren’t even aware the spraying was going on.
Barium’s devastating effects happen to include breathing difficulties, increased blood pressure, heart rhythm changes, stomach irritation, muscle weakness, alterations in nerve reflexes, damage to your brain, liver, kidney and heart.
Around this time I would notice that I would often get too hot, take my shirt off, and then I would be almost instantly too cold and would put it back on again. This happened repeatedly and it seemed as though my body was often confused about whether or not it was too hot or cold. As the winter set in this annoying symptom went away. I had heard that the chemtrails are sprayed less in the winter. I don’t know if that’s true, but as the winter ended, those strange hot/cold symptoms re-appeared.
Many farmers are also noting the decline in their yields. A farmer I know said that last month was the first time she had ever had greenbeans growing in her own garden in October in her entire life. A woman in landscaping even told me she was seeing certain plants flowering in times of the year that they normally wouldn’t. Something is definitely throwing the balance of nature off. The video below features many farmers talking about their experiences with this.
I’ve taken some photos of trees in Halifax which I thought looked weird. I suspect they’re somehow affected by the aerosol operations too.
A few months after beginning to research this spraying, I experienced a 5.0 magnitude earthquake in Ottawa which was felt as far away as Boston. I suspected it had been man-made because only a few hours later there was a tornado in southern Ontario. When this technology is used, a common side effect is that it causes other weather anomalies in the area. Strange coloured lights are also a telltale sign of the earthquake-weapon, and there were, in fact, strange lights like this seen in Toronto three days before the quake. The quake itself was also 3 days before the G20 meeting. There was also a loud high-pitched sound and strange lights in the sky in Victoria, B.C., Canada one day before the quake (and B.C. is right next to Alaska which hosts a couple H.A.A.R.P. facilities which can inflict earthquakes…more on that High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program later).
I took this earthquake as my cue to talk to my neighbours more and subsequently found out that they were having digestive problems, the source of which had remained a mystery for them. They had even been going to the doctor to get blood tests to try to figure it out. They had no idea that the chemtrails existed or might have contributed to their suffering. They were very intrigued at the notion that the chemtrails might have been responsible.
It’s not a coincidence that genetically modified seeds are made to resist the aluminum they’re spraying our skies with. The social engineers seek to cut off all alternatives. They want us to buy all our food from them. They want to manage every aspect of our lives.
Accurately studying the harmful effects of these metals on us is made more troublesome by the fact that they can have synergistic effects. There are many things being sprayed and it’s hard to know how they all mix. Sometimes I see a plane spraying a trail immediately behind another plane’s trail, almost like they’re trying to cook something up.
Healing Tips
Now that’s a lot of doom and gloom, and there’s more to come, but let’s pause for a moment to examine ways to heal yourself from the toxic effects of this cocktail. Of course, do not take this advice if you are already on a pharmaceutical. Consult your doctor first if you are.
Anyway, Gwen Scott, N.D., seems to have a lot of knowledge on this subject and is featured in a fantastic documentary, Aerosol Crimes, which I highly recommend. If you want, fast forward to 0:56:24 and you will see her say what I’m paraphrasing afterwords:
Some of what she says:
- Essential fatty acids help to push aluminum out through your hair, believe it or not. Omega 3-6-9 oils are essential for brain function. Fatty acids also lower blood pressure. Apparently, good sources of essential fatty acids are flax seed oil, evening primrose oil, and krill oil.
- Fluoride causes you to absorb more aluminum that you come into contact with and that aluminum can cross the blood-brain barrier, causing Alzheimer’s and short-term memory loss as mentioned earlier. Studies show a 5-15 point reduction in IQ associated with fluoridation. That might be one of the many reasons to stop drinking fluoride.
- When aluminum ions and magnesium ions combine they clot the blood. A good blood thinner is ginger root (capsules) and ginko biloba, although do not take this if you are already taking a blood thinning medication/pharmaceutical.
- For heavy metal removal you can use diatomaceous clay (make sure it is food grade). This all natural and binds itself to heavy metals to allow release through bowels.
- Things that kill the fungus that is being sprayed on us: garlic, chinese mushrooms (particularly in extract form) like reishi, shiitake, and maitake. Caprylic acid and colloidal silver are also effective. Scott recommends colloidal silver nasal spray for sinus infections.
- Barium is carcinogenic and knocks out all the potassium from your body, causing muscle weakness and heart palpitations (potassium supplements could be considered).
- Gwen Scott wears a mask when she goes outside to block out the toxic soup we’re all walking in. She finds it dramatically reduces her symptoms.
I tried to confirm if barium was actually “carcinogenic”, as many trolls at online message boards were quick to refute that, and I came across this:
The Department of Health and Human Services, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have not classified barium as to its human carcinogenicity.
Barium has not been classified because there are no studies in people and the two available animal studies were inadequate to determine whether or not barium causes cancer.
What I outlined here only scratches the surface. Here is a very informative article that Gwen Scott wrote which expands on ways you can defend yourself from this crap.
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This is not what I saw but it looks almost identical.
Possibly related — recently, on October 9th I witnessed something which I had been meaning to do more research on, but that I had not had a chance to look into yet. I had heard that they were related to the chemtrails. That was these “chemtrail web things”. I didn’t have my camera with me at the time, but what I saw was like a web, but much thicker than a spider’s web. It looked like glossy or shiny silly string with some parts that were slightly blueish. It looked almost melted like in this screenshot on the right, which I took from this person’s YouTube video.
As in that video, what I witnessed was also on the tip of the tree branch and also looked as though it could have been thrown on there. The person also said that this stuff would kill the trees it came into contact with and that insects would avoid it.
As I dug deeper I found something that shocked me. Many people were suffering from something called Morgellons. Unfortunately, doctors would turn these people away, telling them they weren’t suffering anything and that they were delusional, more or less, and that this disease did not exist.
Really? Tell that to these people:
Two years ago Natural News reported,
The third theory is that Morgellons is an infection of nanotechnology. Several independent studies on Morgellons fibers taken from patients have shown that the fibers consist of both inorganic and unidentifiable materials. One group of fibers was sent to a forensic scientist at the Tulsa Police Crime Lab in Oklahoma for analysis. After analyzing and cross-referencing the morgellons fiber with the FBI`s national database, it was found that it did not match any known fiber within the database. Other studies claim that fibers can withstand temperatures of up to 1400 degrees Fahrenheit.
This “disease” is strange, to say the least. This is where the transhumanism comes in. The President of the Morgellons Research Group, Kandy Griffin writes,
Morgellons is not a disease. It is a process. It is a form of forced/directed evolution of the human genome. It is the fetal stage of transhumanism, and it is upon us.
This stealth project is being carried out with the use of the daily chemtrail operations, which are happening globally. There is no escape. The chemtrail operations are terraforming the earth and everything on it, including you.
Many have died. While the CDC and Kaiser Permanente drag their heels with its so-called study, humans are perishing, suffering “unbelievable” symptoms and are left alone with nowhere to turn.
Countless patients have been improperly diagnosed with “Delusions of Parasitosis.”
Just before the “explosion” of Morgellons here in the United States, the CDC sent letters out to physicians across the country stating that they were seeing an increase of patients with DOP. Coincidence? I think not. They were covering their tracks, so to speak.
Last I knew, delusions do not cause oozing skin lesions, flying insects, worms, fungus, molds, plants, colored fibers and fiber bundles, polka-dotted, multi-colored plaques or crystals of different shapes/colors. These are just a few of the symptoms associated with this mutation process, based on one’s genetic pre-disposition.
Depending on their size, these things can hurt when they come out and can feel like a small razor blade being pulled out of you.
The description for the next YouTube video mentions:
Is aerosol spraying only about experimenting with weather? What do the self-replicating fibres found in Morgellons patients signify? Why are engineered materials being found in airborne environmental samples?
All this suggests a planetary engineering program that is affecting and targeting all living things. Synthetic biology is science’s most exciting new frontier, combining genetics, robotics and nano-technology with artificial intelligence, hybridizing natural forms and engineering tissues beyond our wildest dreams. The technology explosion is skyrocketing, and artificial intelligence will soon surpass our own capabilities.
How will our world be organized then? Will we turn ourselves over to machines? Or will we have become technological hybrids ourselves?
I implore you to watch this in-depth presentation that goes into Morgellons in great detail. If you watch nothing else here, watch the video below titled “From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology”. The woman presenting it, Sofia Smallstorm, is an expert on chemtrails, weather control and synthetic biology.
The video even shows “crystals with embedded hexagons” and “strands that glitter”. She calls attention to how some people have hair that glows and skin that strangely shimmers. As mentioned, there are also strange coloured plaques coming out of peoples’ bodies. Some of them have fibers coming out of them. She mentions that one of the hexagons found once grew a fiber in 20 seconds while someone was looking at it under a microscope.
Particularly creepy, we apparently are all infected with this, but only some people show outward symptoms and are not able to fight it, typically due to genetic predisposition and a variety of other factors including the strength of one’s immune system.
Watch it this fascinating presentation:
Near the end of the presentation (at 0:53:20), Smallstorm says:
You have seen, today, the deposition and active presence of artificial materials in the sky, environment, and in living things. Nano-technology has arrived at our personal doorstep without our permission. It isn’t that this will happen in 2045 – it’s already here.
Human enhancement is being sold to us as leaping tall buildings in a single bound and having better thought, faster, higher intelligence, perfect health, but all of that is the sales pitch.
Enhancement may in fact be degradation – our being devolved to someone else’s specifications. While nano-biotechnology promises, in headlines, to make our world better, it may in fact be busy taking us over so it can tailor us to the plan for the hive.
Already transhumanists are looking forward to the creation of the ‘post-human’, an ‘improved’ human that will have no gender, will not reproduce, will be a better performer in the workplace, will not be distracted by love or lust, will be free of disease thanks to these nano-bots keeping it healthy, but all this is part of the fantasy.
In reality, thanks to stressers on our physiology, infertility is soaring, our sexuality is diversifying and the nuclear family is falling apart. Biotech is an exploding frontier. It is clever enough and small enough to enter and change our very cells.
New forms of DNA have been invented. There’s GNA, as I told you about, and PNA – a hybrid of protein and DNA – that will add to our double helix a third strand. When nano-biotech has a firm footing in us, it will be easy to upgrade and downgrade anyone and anything in any way. Oliver Curry an evolutionist at the London School of Economics predicted in 2007, ‘The human race will one day split into two separate species – an attractive intelligent ruling elite and an underclass of dimwitted, ugly, goblin-like creatures’…
Transhumans will presumably be involved in this process, the process of transformation, the process of renovation – remaking us into what someone considers “improved”. We are transhumans now. “Improved” is only what fits certain specifications.
For instance, a specimen that can work 18 hours a day, a specimen that is sterile, that will never have the responsibility of caring for others, a specimen that is even tempered, with a narrow, predictable range of expression – all this is ‘enhanced’, ‘improved’.
Better performance is just that, the ability to produce a better result. It does not mean a specimen with greater skills. It may mean a specimen with narrower skills and the ability to repeat a task.
So while the current ethical debate is about whether or not we should upload computers into our brains and how human we will be when that happens there is something happening on the nano-scale right now. What it is, exactly, is unknown to us as attempts by lay-people to communicate with scientists about Morgellons-type materials are going nowhere. There is a blackout on this subject. Its victims are dismissed as having a psychological problem that is called ‘delusional parasitosis’.
The presence of patented creations in our bodies gives rise to intellectual property issues.
We know what has been done to small farmers into whose fields the winds have brought genetically engineered strains. They are sued by the powerful agricultural companies who own the patents. Will the day come when we are subjected to the jurisdiction of corporations whose patented materials we are carrying in our bodies? It doesn’t matter how it got there. The fault is your if it is simply in your possession.
This is a forced partnership between us and them. This is how we will be eternally owned by them. This is how they can push our biology from homo sapiens to homo evolutis without our having a say in it. For now, engineered technology in all living things is a secret, but one day we may be charged with unlawful possession of something that has become a part of us that we cannot get rid of.
The nature of biology is to adapt. As more unnatural elements enter our bodies, if we cannot reject them, we will find ways to accommodate them…
We are living, walking laboratories for powerful science in a society of increasing control. We are being altered. The future being spoken of is happening now.
The next video shows more close-ups that seem to show numbers and letters actually written on these specimens and strange hexagons. At 10m:44s into the film the filmmaker asks, “Was this hexagon (a large multiplex array sensor) used in a clandestine experiment on people who were unaware they were part of a clinical antibiotics trial?”:
Electromagnetic Waves and HAARP
There is a man discussed in a Voltaire Net article who may have been involved in the creation of Morgellons “or a rare, mutated form of Morgellons disease”. The article states that it is alleged that this Israeli scientist named Moshe has connections to the Mossad.
Interestingly enough, the article mentions that at one point he was being chased by the, ”LA police department and SWAT team, assisted by the FBI, Secret Service, CIA, U.S. Army and several unidentified federal officials.”
What? Knocked out his car with an electromagnetic pulse? Hopefully that didn’t cause the same kinds of problems that it recently did in Spain:
…the local police force used some high tech device from the police station that caused most all electronic items within 500 meters of the police station to be knocked out for about one hour. The Police told the locals it was a safety wave. This safety wave effect lasted for about one hour in the early morning times while the Helicopter flew in and about one hour later flew out. The effects were no mobile phones in that 500 meter radius of the police station would work. No cars within that field effect could be made to start their engines. All other cars outside the region were not allowed to enter this safety wave region so it’s not known if they can knock out engines that were running at the time of the safety wave event.
All satellite TV and cable TV devices in the safety wave region were knocked out also. We are talking a region festooned with multi story apartment blocks with hundreds if not thousands of normal Spanish going about their normal lives unaware that there was some sort of test of a safety wave device about to be given to them.
There seems to have been other unconfirmed issues suggesting pace makers and other medical devices were effected both within the safety wave region and possibly further than the safety wave field. There seemed to have been a local spike in death rates that day and for several days it was rumoured that the local funeral homes had a spike in burials.
This would be a great time to start talking about the earthquake weapon. You see, not only would there be planes leaving these heavy metals, salts, and strange fibers, etc., but i noticed that the clouds and/or “clouds” would exhibit a strange sand-like wavy effect like in this video.
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It almost looks like a square in the sky.
I’ve since tried to document as much of this type of thing as possible on video. This next video features a bunch of this shot in time-lapse mode but also included is one of the most intense electrical storms I’ve ever seen. There was no rainfall and almost no thunder during this storm. Perhaps there are more electrical storms due to aluminum being able to conduct electricity:
I saw this strange halo formation in 2010:
Looking into this I found out the phenomenon is called scalar electromagnetic waves. My research into chemtrails naturally led me to discover HAARP, a “research project” that the US military conducts involving concentrating energy into a beam used to heat the ionosphere. Chemtrails can be used in conjunction with this as a way to bounce energy off of the ionosphere, using it as a mirror of sorts.
Prior to that, Dr. Brooks Agnew was using this technology on a smaller scale to search for oil and gas, a process called earth tomography. This technology would even be able to tell you the quality of the oil found.
I’ve since discovered that at present, many countries around the world have this technology. Its applications include weather-modification, mind-control, causing earthquakes, detecting oil or underground bunkers, over-the-horizon radar, projecting holograms, beaming sound into your head, giving you diarrhea, targeting specific organs, affecting your mood or giving you insomnia, etc. All this was impressive and chilling, to say the least.
There is information out there which strongly suggests that HAARP or technologies like it are directly responsible for the malicious infliction of an earthquake on Haiti, China (lights 30 min prior to earthquake, 10 min prior), New Zealand, Chile, and Japan’s recent mega-disaster as strange rainbow-ish tinges, almost like northern lights, are seen preceding those earthquakes and are generally associated with this negligent tampering. Hurricane Katrina is also a good candidate.
Here’s a documentary on the subject, titled Holes In Heaven:
The Dark Side
Unfortunately, the military applications of this technology seem wholeheartedly reckless or sinister or both.
The father of this technology, Nikola Tesla, warned that if you hit the earth with enough energy at a certain point, it will split in two. This shouldn’t be surprising, considering martial artists can kill by applying pressure at specific points on the human body, and also considering that the Earth is an organism.
We should be brave regarding the challenges that await us. Yes, a solar flare might cause 200 Fukushima-style meltdowns if we are short-sighted and nothing is done to humor alternative and more sane ways of harvesting nuclear energy – ways which might not kiss the weapon industry’s behind – and yes, Morgellons is frightening… but at least we know about this and other threats. It’s better than not knowing and at least the Internet is not dead yet.
Let’s get back to barium at this point. This video below explains that barium also happens to be an ingredient used in Project Bluebeam, which is a government program that intends to project holographic images of deities descending down to major cities around the world, all of this coinciding with audio being beamed into the heads of the populations in a massive theatrical psy-op. An alien invasion hoax scenario has also been considered. This sounds crazy but watch the video below:
Recent sightings/footage of a “mirage” in China might indicate further experimentation in this field. Yes, you read that correctly – footage. They actually took pictures and video of this “mirage” and it looks like a picture-perfect city floating on water, all highly detailed.
The Bright Side
Interestingly enough, I knew someone who monitored the weather and solar flares intensely. One time he told me and my girlfriend, “In three days there’s going to be a massive solar flare so watch out for your dreams to get vivid and crazy”, and sure enough, the dreams we both had were intensely vivid.
If the arrangements of planets in our solar system affects our minds, moods, and psychology, then why shouldn’t the arrangement of some other “physical” stuff, like a star spitting at us, do the same? Some people like Dieter Broers even go so far as to say:
I am convinced that we are currently in the midst of a process involving the restructuring of our neuronal networks, and that the catalyst of this process is the high solar-geomagnetic activity whose consequences are feared by so many people today. However, all facts and findings add up to the undeniable conclusion that this evolution will for the first time in human history enable us human beings to use the enormous potential of our brains.
He goes on to say:
The events the cosmos has in store for us in 2012 can be compared to the effect of being handed a glass of juice into which someone has slipped some LSD without our knowledge.
Such unanticipated altered states of consciousness have certainly occurred at other junctures in human history. For example, sudden outbreaks of hysteria provoked by hallucinations occurred regularly during the Middle Ages. Those affected were unaware that the bread they were eating contained ergot, whose active ingredient Albert Hofmann used to make LSD many years later. Inasmuch as the hallucinogenic effects of bread containing ergot were unknown at the time, those affected could only conclude that their altered mental state was a serious illness.
I can only speculate as to whether or not the aerosol campaigns and diminishing sunlight represent, at least in part, an effort to suppress this incoming flood of consciousness expanding space-stuff.
Far from simply waiting for the sun to give us a nice trip and insights, Broers uses this understanding for good:
…so-called hopeless patients have been successfully treated using the effects of solar-geomagnetic fields on the mind, perception and consciousness. This megawave therapy, as it is called, consists in the administration of electromagnetic fields that are identical to those found in nature. This therapy has achieved exceptionally high cure rates by virtue of the fact that for the first time the patients understand the cause of their disorder. Hence this therapy is closely bound up with a catalyzed process of consciousness, and does not at all involve a crude mechanistic procedure.
Dieter Broers is definitely not oblivious to the harmful effects of this technology when used in a bad way. Nor is Nick Begich – the expert who has brought so many of the crucial points of caution to light – going to resist mentioning that HAARP could have the ability to cause chemical reactions in the atmosphere and thus replenish ozone, if indeed that is a problem up there:
An application developed by Dr. Bernard Eastlund, the inventor of the original HAARP technology, is the combination HAARP technology with a fusion torch, which can be used for burning low-level radioactive waste and neutralizing that waste while producing energy from it. That’s an interesting environmental technology. He thought about the HAARP technology being used for replenishing ozone in the upper atmosphere and for decreasing pollutants by accessing the resident frequencies that would generate and create chemical reactions in the upper atmosphere. Getting rid of air pollution by using this kind of system is an incredible application!
Finally, Daniel Pinchbeck’s book, 2012: The Return Of Quetzalcoatl (2006, p.103) touches upon an interesting perspective with respect to all this. Writing about Terrence McKenna, Pinchbeck notes,
He supported ‘the siren song of Pythagoras–that the mind is more powerful than any imaginable particle accelerator, more sensitive than any radio receiver or the largest optical telescope, more complete in its grasp of information than any computer: that the human body–its organs, its voice, its power of locomotion, and its imagination–is a more-than-sufficient means for the exploration of any place, time, or energy level in the universe.’
I must admit that I tend to agree with Terrence on this one.
- Static Electricity or Moving Nano-Machines? You Decide
- Researchers Link Morgellons to Slime Mold, dictyostelium discoidium
- “Haiti/Chile EarthQuake H.A.A.R.P 2010″ (video)
- “Weird Effect in Sky I” (video)
- “Massive Weird Cloud Indonesia 2010″ (video)
- “The strange clouds” (video)
- “Haarp over Japan skies (20/11/2009) ORIGINAL UPLOAD” (video)
- “japan earthquake lights” (video – just a few days before their 2nd major earthquake which happened exactly a month after the first major earthquake)
- “Another Earthquake, Tsunami Hit Japan” (video – a few days after the weird lights… PTBs sure like the 11th)
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The true purpose of Christianity is to form a new-world order under a jewish state where the Zionist, and their banks ruin everything. Your (God) is nothing more than Lucifer himself claiming to be God.