John Galt
Almost the entire right-hand column of The Drudge Report is dedicated to senseless violence and the raging insanity of Black Friday holiday shopping in America. Here are the leading stories:
VIDEO: Crazed shoppers stampede at TARGET…
Marine stabbed at BEST BUY…
Shopper arrested after packing gun in belt; knives, ‘pepper grenade’…
Mall food court placed on lockdown after fight, reports of gunshots…
Shopper arrested after cutting in line, raging…
Police called after ‘thousands’ rush TOYS R US…
Woman busted after gun threat at toy store…
Shoppers accuse WAL-MART of false advertising…
Beyond this, there are a couple of other stories which indicate a level of collective stress that is spilling over into violent and suicidal acts.
FACEBOOK posting leads to assault with frying pan, stabbing…
Woman jumps from bridge onto I-95…
FACEBOOK posting leads to assault with frying pan, stabbing…
Woman jumps from bridge onto I-95…
Happy Holidays Indeed!
Meanwhile, Europe is fighting over real issues . . .
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