Ethnic Cleansing For Fun and Profit – Or Something Completely Different?
Should we be distracted, or merely appalled, by Trump’s abrupt proposal to clear the remaining 1.9 million Palestinians from Gaza, with a new demand that Arab neighbors absorb them?
US intelligence, software, bombs, guns, tanks, aircraft, fuel and bulldozers all found a small resting point in the form of the Trump-demanded ceasefire in Gaza. Yes, US taxpayers have funded, fueled, supported and provided political cover to Israel for long before the past 500 days. In fact, the United States has done this every single day since the very first day of the LBJ administration in 1963. Those who understand that history cannot also claim to be appalled at the destruction visited on a tiny strip of beachfront property in the name of Zionist genocidal land and resource grab. Washington’s knee jerk apologetics for the Zionist state are habitual; it’s muscle memory for the United States at this point.
Israel as a state can do no wrong, even when it directly attacks American ships, assassinates peacemakers and negotiators, lies directly to the faces of the US Congress and US Presidents, steals technology, conducts covert influence and blackmail operations inside the United States, and defrauds the US taxpayer. Israel’s government, society and state are not self-sustaining, certainly not symbiotic with the rest of the world. The way of the modern Zionist state is land theft and genocide, with rights to land and targets of genocide assigned through an ethnic and religious caste system that only one party has accepted.
Modern Israel faces an impossible conundrum. Can there exist a free market in ideas, in faith, in mobility, in property – can there be freedom at all – when citizens are strictly accounted for, managed and utilized via state constructed labels of religion, ethnicity, and social credit? Israel’s discordant system mimics the dysfunctional political system of Lebanon – itself a colonial census-driven vestige that allocates political power based on single census of tribe and faith from three generations ago. Israel’s murderous rage and internal terror didn’t mirror the hated Assad regime, which like the other Ba’ath dictator Saddam Hussein, made a point to protect ethnic and religious minorities. But Tel Aviv today, and Israel’s own terrorist origin story does parallel the political miracle that transformed Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and ISIS masked bandits into well-dressed cosmopolitan gangsters overnight.
We mustn’t be appalled, at either US policy or Israel’s actions, nor the great global cost of US-Israeli co-dependencies, nor by the repudiation of historic ethical or legal precedent, or even signed treaties. This is a reality that American Congresses, donors, presidents and activists have created, and we see this in flagrante delicto with each new Trump soundbite, policy, proposal and appointment regarding our best sidepiece ever. To be appalled suggests surprise or shock – and no living person who has paid any attention to US-Israeli history can be surprised or shocked.
But there is something mildly distracting about the whole Bibi and Donald show. Like the old Soviet man and woman, Americans are learning to watch their political leadership intensely, divining their situation, strength, designs, and weaknesses as carefully as a tea reader reads the leaves.
The Trump-Netanyahu meeting last week had Trump literally dressed as the Israeli flag. His pro-Israel bias is almost as embarrassing to the Adelson crowd and AIPAC as it was to the rest of us. American Zionists are reacting like the host of a party who discovers her dog has been humping the legs of her guests under the table. The AKC explains why dogs hump, and it’s not always what you think. Sometimes it is, but often it is simply rowdiness, irritation, a medical issue or to signal, or establish, dominance.
It was remarkable in the joint presser that Trump stated that he wanted peace, and then said sheepishly, “And he does too, really, he does,” gesturing towards a Bibi who seemed in a moment of acid reflux (or maybe it was just his heart). Trump then blew up the hump saying he would own all of Gaza, and that Gazans could come back after he and the Kushners were done building the new riviera there, because there would be lots of new jobs if they wanted them. Beautiful, well-paying jobs.
Trump understands that only the Israel government owns land in Israel, and it believes it owns every square inch its army can destroy, depopulate, and defend from the river to the sea, and more. Trump understands the official two-state solution is a bald fiction, and that a single state solution is the end of the Zionist entity in one generation. Trump understands the widely shared Smotrich vision of no living Palestinians, and no Palestine. Trump understands, in line with this, there is no right of return allowed them. Trump understands that as President he personally cannot purchase what is left of Gaza, and he insisted that the US wouldn’t be paying for its reconstruction.
H.L. Mencken talked about democracy giving the people what they wanted, good and hard, and while nothing about the US-Israeli policy is democratic, Trump’s strange dominance display towards Bibi, his persistent leg humping behavior, reminds me of that quote.
I’m wondering which Donald Trump we were even watching last week. Was it the one who divorced Ivana, or the one who divorced Marla Maples? Were we instead watching the one who took his latest oath of office standing next to a frighteningly V for Vendetta outfitted Melania, her nautical hat coding Juliet “I am on fire and have dangerous cargo?”
Was the latest Trump hump really nothing more than rowdy behavior? I think, given how differently this second Trump presidency has been conducted so far, that every public statement he makes, and every tie he wears, and every handshake and gesture, is focused on something big, and frankly, I don’t think it’s MIGA, because Trump is transactional, not ideological. I’m not sure it is MAGA either. I think Trump needed to get his “debt” to Adelson and AIPAC publicly expunged, something he has done with weapons promised, words that mean nothing to anyone other than Tel Aviv, as the entire remainder of the planet made up their mind about Israel sometime last year, and a raft of hyper-Zionist tone deaf appointments.

I doubt Bibi liked the public leg humping Trump gave him, and I doubt he took it as a compliment. I personally doubt he’ll be visiting the White House again this year, or next. Trump’s “new ideas” for Gaza fit nicely with Trump’s simultaneous but less publicized imminent withdrawal of US troops from Syria, a huge indication that Bibi’s on his own.
Trump the Zionist is a bit player in the Trump political kaleidoscope, and last week strikes me as a distraction intended to neutralize Israel’s rapacious interference in DC as Tel Aviv prepares for a post- Netanyahu world, and manages domestic repercussions of the war Bibi fought and lost against his little golem, Hamas.
Trump – for some reason – needed to distract Israel, mildly humiliate Bibi, and take the Middle East off the front burner in the third week of his current administration. I wonder, as I’m sure Zelensky does, how quickly Trump will do the same with Ukraine. I suspect Trump knows with some certainty where the real threat to America, and to himself personally, resides. It runs on Eastern Standard Time, very close to home, and is extremely dangerous. When reading the tea leaves, Twinings suggests that we look for letters and combinations of letters, at the bottom of the cup. That’s what I’m doing.