Obama’s New Libya War Kicks into High Gear
By Kurt Nimmo On August 1 Obama’s Pentagon initiated Operation Odyssey Lightning to tip the political balance in war-torn Libya. The president ordered bombing raids…
By Kurt Nimmo On August 1 Obama’s Pentagon initiated Operation Odyssey Lightning to tip the political balance in war-torn Libya. The president ordered bombing raids…
By Kurt Nimmo On Tuesday Obama cited national security as the reason he has ordered bombing raids in Libya. The administration claims the Islamic State…
By Steven MacMillan “Operation Unified Protector is one of the most successful in NATO’s history… We have done this together for the people of Libya,…
By Brandon Turbeville In an effort to bolster a weak and largely impotent U.N.-backed government in Libya, the United States has launched a bombing campaign…
By James Corbett In 2011 NATO rained bombs on Libya to remove the Gaddafi government from power. Openly backing known terrorists in their push to oust…
By Claire Bernish In a bit of a surprising move, Secretary of State John Kerry announced Monday the U.S. would be seeking to help arm…
By Ulson Gunnar Libya is one place the “Islamic State’s” sponsors believe Russia can’t get them… In 2011, a NATO coalition led by the United…
By Graham Vanbergen The Prime Minister promised, in September 2011, that he would “not allow Libya to turn into another Iraq” so he decided to lead…
Op-Ed by Joseph Cachia “Whatever one thinks of the justifiability of drone attacks, it’s one of the least ‘brave’ or courageous modes of warfare ever…
By Tony Cartalucci News agencies are reporting on a WikiLeaks report detailing the EU’s “Operation Sophia,” an allegedly covert military operation aimed at stemming the…
By Tony Cartalucci Up to 6,000 troops are being sent to invade and occupy Libya, seizing oilfields allegedly threatened by terrorists NATO armed and put…
By Jay Syrmopoulos In spite of French-led U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 creating a no-fly zone over Libya with the express intent of protecting civilians,…
By Brandon Turbeville As time passes over the foreign policy of Western nations, the façade of promoting “freedom” and “democracy” passes with it. Even with…
By Brandon Turbeville Picking up where the Benghazi scandal left off, it cannot be stated often enough that Hillary Clinton, in her tenure as Secretary…