Obama health law foes want Supreme Court action
© AFP/Jim Watson AFP/Activist Post WASHINGTON (AFP) – A group of 28 Republican governors urged President Barack Obama Tuesday to support an expedited US Supreme…
© AFP/Jim Watson AFP/Activist Post WASHINGTON (AFP) – A group of 28 Republican governors urged President Barack Obama Tuesday to support an expedited US Supreme…
Editor’s Note: And in this week’s disgusting prize category, the winner is… Rumsfeld: also known to some as a war criminal Eric W. Dolan — …
Tom Brown Reuters A judge in Florida on Monday became the second judge to declare President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform law unconstitutional, in the biggest…
Paul Craig Roberts VDare While people in Tunisia and Egypt have taken to the streets in attempts to gain their liberty, Americans are losing their…
House Homeland Security Chairman Peter King wants to shield “good citizens who report suspicious activity” from the consequences of their actions Paul Joseph Watson Prison…
Scott Lazarowitz Lew Rockwell Following the shootings in Arizona by a lunatic, there were calls to “tone down the rhetoric” politically, with references to the…
Wyoming latest state to introduce legislation mandating driver compliance Steve Watson Prison Planet Wyoming will become the latest in a string of states to mandate…
Dr. Ron Paul Campaign For Liberty The terrible violence in Arizona last weekend prompted much national discussion on many issues. All Americans are united in…
Milo Nickels Activist Post Anti-government sentiment is not cause for fear, a sign of insanity, or a precursor of tragedy. Quite the contrary. Anti-government sentiment…
Bob Aldemann New American Last July the Washington Post published a three-part story on “the huge security buildup in the United States after the Sept….
Anthony Freda Illustration Mark Rockwell Government Security News A person who refuses a bag search at transit police checkpoints in the Washington, DC, subway system…
Dees Illustration SARTRE, Contributing Writer Activist Post Much of the coverage, about the tragic killings in Tucson, Arizona centers upon the deranged shooter, Jared Loughner….
Brandon Turbeville Activist Post Just one week after a lunatic suffering from delusions and hallucinations killed six people and wounded eighteen in an assassination attempt…
Michael Shaw, Contributing Writer Activist Post America was founded on certain principles: those of individual liberty and responsibility, a small federal government, and sovereign states…