Industrial-strength scare-propaganda: mind control
Dees Illustration Jon Rappoport Activist Post From time to time, I reprint my interview with Dr. Barbara Starfield. Each time I try to write a…
Dees Illustration Jon Rappoport Activist Post From time to time, I reprint my interview with Dr. Barbara Starfield. Each time I try to write a…
Melissa Melton Activist Post This story just popped up on USA Today: “New Ebola vaccine study has begun in Maryland.” Paragraph 1: The first human…
image source Jon Rappoport Activist Post William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, has yet to step into the light and make a full and definitive statement…
Truthstream Media and Nutritional Anarchy Special Report “Just one mistake by a biotech company, we’ll be eating other people’s prescription drugs in our cornflakes.” —…
Jon Rappoport Activist Post Drugs to transform individuals…and even, by implication, society. Drug research going far beyond the usual brief descriptions of MKULTRA. The intention…
Melissa Melton Activist Post A short two-minute video Bloomberg News uploaded to YouTube attempts to explain why the world doesn’t already have a widely available…
image source Jon Rappoport Activist Post Medical News Today reports that, in 2011, there was a modest uptick in the number of prescriptions written in…
image source Jon Rappoport Activist Post The US medical system kills 2.25 million Americans per decade. (Dr. Barbara Starfield, “Is US health really the best…
Brandon Turbeville Activist Post In January, 2013, I wrote an article entitled, “Psychiatric Drugs, School Violence, And The Big Pharma Cover-up,” where I discussed the…
Usage of toxic pesticides continues to increase / “high meat consumption contributes to pesticide poisoning” GMO farmer Activist Post Bayer CropScience has launched a new…
Tony Cartalucci Activist Post In the report, “Big-Pharma Vaccines Deemed “Safe” by Big-Pharma Funded “Study,”” the compromised nature of a recent Pediatrics journal study regarding…
image source Jon Rappoport Activist Post I post this piece now and then to show how personal things can get inside a terminally corrupt government…
Jon Rappoport Activist Post Mexican cartels? Colombian cartels? Afghan poppy lords? Middlemen? Street dealers? Are you kidding? They’re small fry. Check out the pros. Medical…
Catherine J. Frompovich Activist Post U.S. Senators and Members of the U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC. Ladies and Gentlemen: Are you concerned about mercury…