Raising the Jewish Question
Some facts are more equal than others
I’ve explained many times before that I’d rather be talking about many other subjects than this. I have scores of partially Jewish cousins, but none of them think of themselves as Jews. With all the intermarriage that has taken place, I don’t know what it even means to be a Jew now. But disproportionate power is disproportionate power.

Jews are only about two percent of the present U.S. population. That’s a really small minority. There are more Unitarians- three percent- than Jews in America. How many Unitarians have ever been in charge of a movie studio? A television network? A publishing house? A record company? About 3.6 percent of Americans are whole or partially deaf. How many deaf persons own pro sports franchises? How many are agents for athletes and entertainers? Jewish prominence in all areas of the culture, and much of politics, is so obvious that it can’t be honestly disregarded. There is absolutely no “diversity” in areas where Jews have long dominated; the film and television industry, the literary world, international banking, and important areas of the political and business worlds. Why are there no calls for “persons of color” to be in charge of film studios? Or presidents of Goldman, Sachs?
Let me reiterate that I am not painting with an unfairly broad brush here. More than 99 percent of Jews, half-Jews, and partial Jews are not part of any conspiracy. They aren’t benefiting from being Jewish in some sinister fashion. Most of them, like most gentiles, are struggling under this rigged economy. But you can’t just ignore the indisputable fact that so many prominent Americans just happen to come from this tiny minority group, that is a mere fraction of the population. No amount of hard work, or education, can explain such a mathematical impossibility. Lots of gentiles would love to run a television network or a record company. And sooner or later, some loud “person of color” is going to question why they aren’t running any of these companies. It is not “hateful” to make valid and important observations. I bear no ill will towards anybody because they’re Jewish. But this impacts all those who’d like to attain such upward mobility. We must have a “dialogue,” to quote the “Wokesters.”
Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable uptick in public discourse about Zionist power and influence. Sometimes this is even more dangerously framed as Jewish power and influence. Black public figures have become especially vocal about this. The artist formerly known as Kanye West went full anti-Jew, even expressing admiration for Hitler. He supposedly lost most of his fortune because of this. Now how or why would that happen, if such a small minority group didn’t wield such extraordinarily disproportionate power? Jason Whitlock, the renegade Black former ESPN star, mentions Jewish influence all the time, most often when talking about just who is promoting some ridiculous “installed” Black public figure. The Hoge Twins, very funny Black conservatives, have become even more outspoken about this subject, and have had friendly interviews with the likes of David Duke.
The anti-White programming which has produced the very real Great Replacement of Whites, is probably responsible for most of the Black interest in Jewish power. While some or perhaps most Jews mysteriously don’t see themselves as “White,” the nonwhites who have been triggered into hatred for imaginary “White Supremacy,” see them as very obviously White. As White as any KKK leader. So when Israel really went overboard in their response to the October Hamas attack, and decimated Gaza almost beyond recognition, all those White-hating college students (some of them self-hating Whites) began passionately protesting against the mistreatment of the Palestinians. And the same conservatives who were rightfully outraged over being cancelled on campuses, suddenly began cheerleading this kind of cancellation.

Donald Trump, just a few days after bragging about his commitment to free speech, posted a threat on Truth Social, to prosecute and even deport college students engaging in “illegal” protests. Protests are our constitutional right, so none can be “illegal.” The pro-Palestinian demonstrators at Harvard were viciously doxed, just like so many conservative figures have been over the past several years. Blacklisted for future jobs. And yes, much of the outrage against them came from Jewish leaders. Ben Shapiro has nearly destroyed Daily Wire, because his ardent Zionist mask was ripped off by his histrionic support for Israel’s continuing destruction in Gaza. Shapiro fired Candace Owens, who became even more popular and has done everything but question the Holocaust. Shapiro largely created that particular “anti-Semite.”
The increased attention being paid to powerful Jewish figures undoubtedly is connected with Israel’s continuing war on the Palestinians, and more importantly our steadfast support of the world’s smallest “democracy.” The fact that virtually no public figure, outside of often buffoonish Black celebrities, will criticize Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, tells us all we need to know. Both parties in Congress are beholden to Israel. Outside of “The Squad,” whose feelings are surely motivated by their strong antipathy for White people, when was the last powerful voice against Zionism in our Congress? On Capitol Hill, as in Hollywood, everyone seems to be a Zionist. Sure, actors will express sympathy for Palestinians. But they know who is paying them millions to play act. It sure isn’t any Palestinian. And why should that be? Where is the diversity of thought on this issue? What are we supposed to think?
Candace Owens wanted to debate Ben Shapiro, but he couldn’t or wouldn’t come up with a definition of “anti-Semitism.” Like “racism,” it is an emotional term that should never have any kind of legal significance. But then again, once you open the “Hate Speech” Pandora’s Box, you have entered the land of Orwell. We’re not even certain whether Jews constitute a race or a religion. A large number of Jews describe themselves as atheists. I’m not sure how you can still be part of a religion, if you don’t believe in God. But I’m no college graduate, let alone a rabbi. And the “anti-Semitic” label now appears to apply to mere critics of Israel, not people who are prejudiced against Judaism as a religion or Jews as an ethnic group. So being anti-Zionist is akin to being anti-Semitic to many people. If this is the case, Israel would be the first country in the history of the world that one can not safely criticize.
Devout Zionists justify the murder of Palestinians by simply associating all of them with Hamas. Or Al-Qaeda. Or Isis. Or Hezbollah. I get my terrorist groups confused easily. It bears repeating that one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. I would like to see the U.S. pull the plug on any further aid to Israel (for that matter, any foreign aid at all). Just disengage from the Middle East. We shouldn’t be contributing to the carnage, or involved in any way whatsoever. Does that make me “anti-Semitic?” I’m a Catholic, but I wouldn’t want my taxes going to the Vatican, so that they could bulldoze homes and murder civilians. We should wash our hands of the Middle East, just like Pontius Pilate. I’ve never known an Israeli. I went to a Bat Mitzvah once, for one of the girls I coached in soccer. Everyone was very nice. I had a lot of fun. But it’s incumbent upon inquiring minds to question this blatantly disproportionate power.

The Roman historian Tacitus pointed out 19 centuries ago that “The Jews are unique among the peoples of the world in their intense hatred & contempt for peoples but their own.” I have no idea whether the Talmud really says the things that many of those labeled “anti-Semitic” say it does. “Redemption will not be complete until Amlek (Gentiles) will be exterminated.” “If a Jew is ever caught telling a Gentile the teachings of the Talmud such an act is punishable by death.” “A non-Jew is wrong in any argument with a Jew.” “It is ok to cheat a non-Jew.” “A Jew cannot cure a non-Jew.” Even “It is ok to kill a non-Jew.” Some Jewish comedians will joke about “goyim,” which is how Gentiles are described by Jews, and means “cattle.” So if you’re taught that you are the “chosen” people of God, and that all others are essentially non-human, is that any better than saying nonbelievers in Christ can’t get into heaven?
I have long noticed that many supposed passages from the Talmud sound suspiciously identical to supposed passages from the Muslim Quran. This includes purported references to sex or even marriage to girls as young as three. I have heard claims that the Muslims have one rule for themselves, and another rule for non-Muslims, just like the Jews allegedly do. Of course, all these seemingly fantastic claims about Jews, or Muslims, are vehemently denied by the usual suspects. So perhaps that can be attributed to mere bigotry, towards a particular group some want to demonize. But there are few Muslims in high places in America 2.0. There are enough Jews in high places, on the other hand, to capture the attention of everyone, except those with a vested interest in that not being known. To those who like to cite Occam’s Razor; exactly what would the simplest, most logical explanation be here?
The crux of this paranoid biscuit is that the topic of disproportionate Jewish power cannot be broached in the mainstream media. A mainstream media that is disproportionately controlled by this same ethnic/religious group that is a mere two percent of the population. Why can’t we talk about this? Every other group can be discussed- collectively and in generalized terms. Remember how there was undue alarm about having too many Catholics on the Supreme Court? Why isn’t there any alarm about there being too many Jews in high positions in Hollywood and Washington, D.C.? We hear all the time about DEI being necessary because corporate America is “too White,” with a special emphasis on those dreaded White males. Why isn’t Hollywood considered “too Jewish?” As for the political world, Jews have for a very long time been disproportionately represented among crucial aides and advisors.
Eight of the top ten employees at FEMA- perhaps the worst out of all our unconstitutional government agencies- were Jewish under Biden. Look at the photograph below. It was published in the mainstream, as a positive thing. All those people were members of the Biden administration. And all of them are Jews. I think we can safely say that this one particular ethnic/religious group was really, really overrepresented in the White House. I don’t know how many Jews worked for the Clintons, Bushes, or Obama, but I’m confident that they made up significantly more than two percent of those staffs. And with the world’s most zealous fan of Israel, Donald Trump, back in office, they might need a longer set of stairs to capture all the Jewish White House employees in one shot. That photo should serve as a slap in the face to all Americans. This is concrete evidence of monstrously undue influence.

If every motion picture studio head, for several decades, and every head of every network, all happened to be Mormons, or Moonies, or Eskimos, wouldn’t the public question that? What if all of them just happened to have red hair and freckles? Ginger power! You don’t think that everyone might find that very suspicious? To my knowledge, nothing about the Jewish religion suggests an innate expertise in running film or television studios. Or record companies. Or professional sports teams. As a real egalitarian, I don’t generalize. I don’t think Blacks are naturally superior athletes, or entertainers. So I’m certainly not going to accept that a particular ethnic group, or religion, was born for the most prestigious positions in our society. Either you accept that being a “Jew,” whatever that even means at this point, makes one better at these positions, or you must provide another explanation.
I’ll probably be criticized for writing this. And some will commend me on my courage. Because there is that unspoken “fear of the Jews,” going back to the Bible, at play here. Why would anyone have to fear a particular ethnic/religious group? Does anyone fear the Catholics? The Methodists? If you don’t want people saying that “the Jews” are behind everything, then the last thing you should do is pass an Antisemitism Awareness Act, whereby criticism of Jews, or even just Israel, becomes criminalized. It’s kind of like admitting the “anti-Semites” are right, isn’t it? I hate corruption, and injustice, and unfairness. I don’t hate Jews. I hope the Black celebrities get more vociferous in their questioning of Jewish power. Someone should. Or we can just let things go. The Theory That Dare Not Mention its Name. To my Jewish readers, Shalom. It’s essential to ask questions in a free society. Peace and love.