Elon Musk Launches More SpaceX Satellites to Blast 5G and WiFi at Us Despite Objections
By B.N. Frank The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is supposed to protect the public from the telecom industry – however – they have been failing…
By B.N. Frank The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is supposed to protect the public from the telecom industry – however – they have been failing…
By B.N. Frank IEEE has issued health warnings before about wireless radiation exposure. From Take Back Your Power: Even the IEEE, which helped form the…
By B.N. Frank Activist Post has reported MANY times about satellites, pseudo-satellites, and loons being launched to blast WiFi and 5G at Earth despite warnings…
By B.N. Frank Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently offered a one-year fellowship to study effects of EMF exposure on the public. However, doctors, environmentalists, and…
By B.N. Frank According to a 2018 survey, 66% of Americans don’t want to live in “Smart Cities” because of privacy and cybersecurity concerns. …
By B.N. Frank Astronomers (see 1, 2, 3) as well as other credible sources continue warning about satellites and similar space craft creating dangerous situations…
By B.N. Frank If there weren’t countless examples of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) not protecting the American people, there wouldn’t be countless ads…
By B.N. Frank There’s a song, “Does My Ring Burn Your Finger?” that has nothing to do with metallic jewelry absorbing cell phone and WiFi…
By B.N. Frank Manufacturers of cell phones and other wireless radiation emitting devices warn against holding and carrying devices directly next to the body. Telecom…
By B.N. Frank WiFi is wireless radiation and research has already determined that exposure is biologically and environmentally harmful. Thanks to these “Pioneers of Science”…
By B.N. Frank The good news is that the committee who proposed this has been terminated. The bad news is that national parks are still…
By B.N. Frank Astronomers are warning that satellites will interfere with their ability to study space. Scientists are warning about high levels of space junk…
By B.N. Frank Environmentalists are already fighting cell towers at national parks because of known risks and harm caused by exposure to RadioFrequency (RF) Radiation…
By Naomi Brockwell Snowden said this: I wouldn’t use WiFi at home, because global maps of every wireless access point’s unique ID—including yours—are free and…