Jimmy Carter: The Trilateral Commission President Who Sold Out America
Patrick Wood, Technocracy News
David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and now Jimmy Carter are united in the grave of infamy for what they did to America in the 1970s. Carter, a peanut farmer from Georgia and former governor of that state, was hand picked, groomed and trained by Brzezinski to capture our nation for the Trilateral Commission, lock, stock and barrel. His vice-President, Walter Mondale, was also a member of the Trilateral Commission.
What was President-elect Trump thinking when he said,
“The challenges Jimmy faced as President came at a pivotal time for our country and he did everything in his power to improve the lives of all Americans. For that, we all owe him a debt of gratitude.”
Let’s examine the record
I remember Carter’s campaign slogan, oft repeated: “I will never lie to you.” Even Reuters dug this out for their obituary last week:
“I’m Jimmy Carter and I’m running for president. I will never lie to you,” Carter promised with an ear-to-ear smile.
In fact, it was all a lie. His image was a lie. Everything that came out of his mouth was a lie. He lied about the Trilateral Commission and its intention to take over the American government.
Trilateral Hedley Donovan was editor of Time Magazine who named Carter “Man of the Year” in 1977. Donovan lied when he wrote,
“As he searched for Cabinet appointees, Carter seemed at times hesitant and frustrated disconcertingly out of character. His lack of ties to Washington and the Party Establishment – qualities that helped raise him to the White House – carry potential dangers. He does not know the Federal Government or the pressures it creates. He does not really know the politicians whom he will need to help him run the country.”
Really? Read on…
He lied when he appointed almost 1/3 of the membership of the Trilateral Commission to top posts in his Administration including,
- Zbigniew Brzezinski – National Security Director
- Cyrus Vance – Secretary of State
- Harold Brown – Secretary of Defense
- Brock Adams – Secretary of Transportation
- W. Michael Blumenthal – Secretary of the Treasury
- Andrew Young – Ambassador to the United Nations
- Warren Christopher – Deputy Secretary of State
- Lucy Wilson Benson – Under Secretary of State for Security Affairs
- Richard Cooper – Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
- Richard Holbrooke – Under Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
- W. Anthony Lake – Under Secretary of State for Policy Planning
- Sol Linowitz – co-negotiator on the Panama Canal Treaty
- Gerald Smith – Ambassador-at-large for Nuclear Power Negotiations
- Elliot Richardson – Delegate to the Law of the Sea Conference
- Richard Gardner – Ambassador to Italy
- Anthony Solomon – Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
- C. Fred Bergsten – Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
- Paul Warnke – Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- Robert R. Bowie – Deputy Direction of Intelligence for National Estimates
There were others.
He lied when he sent Trilateral Sol Linowitz to negotiate the giveaway of the Panama Canal — sovereign property of the United States of America. Linowitz served on the board of directors at Marine Midland Bank that was on the ropes because loans due from Panama were at risk of default.
Sutton and I examined this situation and found,
- No fewer than thirty-two Trilaterals were on the boards of the thirty-one banks participating in the Republic of Panama $155 million 10-year Eurodollar issued in 1972.
- Fifteen Trilaterals were on the boards of fourteen banks participating in the Republic of Panama $20 million floatine rate promissory note issued in 1972.
Jimmy Carter was a sock puppet of the Trilateral Commission. An empty suit. A straw man set up to achieve Trilateral goals to create its New International Economic Order, aka Technocracy.
Indeed, America does not owe Jimmy Carter “a debt of gratitude.”