Slash The Fat: 16 Agencies To Terminate
Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC)
Even more than OSHA, the Consumer Products Safety Commission is a case of the Nanny State run wild. When you look at the main product categories of its regulatory focus listed below, you have to wonder how in the world American consumers even dared go into a furniture mart, hardware store, or children’s toy emporium without risking the life and limb of themselves and their families before CPSC’s enactment in 1972; and also what the other 90,000 units of state and local government were doing with respect to the very prosaic matter of household product safety–to say nothing of parents and grandparents.
As to the latter, we have fond memories of a 12-foot-high swing our grandfather rigged up from the high limb of a big Maple tree in our backyard. He was undoubtedly not CPSC-compliant in his swing making, but he damn well knew what was safe for kids and therefore secured the ropes and seat far more safely than what happened when we kids used his swing to “bail out” in imitation of fighter pilots exiting a burning plane.
Then again, the free market has a very powerful incentive for vendors to make and sell safe products: Namely, the protection of their brand franchises and avoidance of devastating legal liability settlements for defective products, which settlements in today’s world can badly impair or even bankrupt a careless or crooked business. After all, the torts bar was a powerful health and safety line of defense for consumers long before the Nanny State even arose.
In any event, as in the case of workplace safety there is no “science” whatsoever with respect to “safe” baby cribs, adult mattresses, power drills, deodorants, or ATVs. It’s all a matter of trade-offs between cost and functionality, on the one hand, versus product safety, on the other. It also involves complex issues of engineering versus behavior-based risk mitigation, and ultimately turns on consumer preferences and risk propensities.
For instance, the “sport” of skydiving is both hazardous and fully legal, but an inherently safer ATV must have CPSC-compliant roll bars, seat belts, helmets, safety instruction manuals, and speed governors on models designed for younger drivers.
Indeed, if any of the products listed below actually require state-imposed regulation reaching beyond the inherent protections of liability law, there is still absolutely no reason to supersede the ample net of traditional regulation by state and local governments, trade associations, and insurers of product liability risk that existed before 1972.
Yet this very observation tells you all you need to know about Nanny State regulation. To wit, the CPSC has thrived politically over the decades since 1972 because crony capitalists have learned to love regulation from the Washington Swamp. Very simply, it avoids the inconvenience and costs of meeting different regulatory standards in California versus Utah and Indiana; makes for one-stop lobbying on K-Street; and creates barriers to entry for upstart competitors.
Then again, it is not the legitimate business of the Federal government to protect American businesses from the foolishness of regulatory zealots in the Socialist Republic of California or the New York Soviet in Albany. Once again, in fact, the only practical way to minimize wasteful and costly regulatory interference with the production and sale of the myriads of everyday consumer products listed below is via energetic competition between the states.
We are quite confident that the likes of Utah, Kansas, Tennessee, and Florida would find the right balance with respect to the safety of cribs, toasters, bicycles, and camping gear long before consumers were forced to march on Sacramento seeking regulatory relief from California-mandated high-cost and low-performance versions of these same products.
Functions of the CPSC:
- Ensuring the safety of toys, cribs, strollers, and other children’s items.
- Regulating items like furniture, mattresses, and household appliances to prevent injuries from fires, falls, and electrical hazards.
- Ensuring the safety of sports equipment, bicycles, and playground equipment like slides and swings.
- Ensuring that consumer electronics, including small appliances and power tools, meet safety standards to prevent electrical shocks and fires.
- Regulating household chemicals, cosmetics, and personal care products to reduce risks of poisoning, burns, and other injuries.
- Overseeing the safety of items like ATVs, boats, and camping equipment.
Agency For Global Media
The Congressional foreign affairs and national security committees thrive upon globetrotting junkets and strutting around foreign lands as visiting plenipotentiaries of the American Empire. So they have found it inconvenient to acknowledge that the Cold War ended 34 years ago and that many of the institutions erected to fight it are now utterly obsolete, if they were ever necessary in the first place.
The prime example of this would be the string of US government propaganda agencies including the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Radio Free Asia, and the Middle East Broadcasting Network. These were all designed to counter exaggerated claims that the commies were on the march toward global domination and that the backward peoples of other nations needed to be educated as to this danger by enlightened patriots bivouacked on the banks of the Potomac.
Of course, the commies are now long gone. Well, unless you think the Red Capitalists of Beijing are really mobilizing a vast armada of 100 aircraft carriers and troop ships to disembark on the shores of California, thereby destroying their own global export trade, Ponzi economy, and basis for continued rule in the process.
To the contrary, of course, the picture is more nearly the opposite: The calamity of Vietnam, two pointless but bloody and destructive wars in Iraq, the veritable carnage visited upon Syria, Libya, and Yemen by American arms and the missiles and bombs stamped “Made in the USA” now raining down from the skies in Gaza, Lebanon, and Ukraine surely leave serious doubt about whether any of these obsolete propaganda agencies are convincing the unwashed masses anywhere on the planet to bend a knee toward Washington.
In any event, an America First national security policy focused on an invincible nuclear deterrent and safeguarding of the North American shorelines and airspace from conventional attack, as we will outline under the “Downsize the Muscle” basket in Chapter 7, doesn’t need to waste a single dime on the 1,125 bureaucrats employed by the parent agency of these Cold War relics. And that’s especially the case in an internet-saturated world where even the muscular dictators of Beijing and their Great Firewall of China can’t effectively suppress unauthorized communications emanating from outside the Middle Kingdom.
Abolishing the Agency for Global Media would thus save $180 million per year in direct compensation costs and an additional $770 million wasted on contractors, facilities, communications equipment, and rentals, etc. In a world with today’s communications technology, in fact, America is inherently, for good or ill, the proverbial light on the hill.
That’s because anything and everything which transpires here–from sea to shining sea–is transparent to the entire planet. The world now sees on the internet all that we do in real time and makes its own judgment. Washington doesn’t need to waste dollars it doesn’t have on the salaries of journalism school graduates peddling Warfare State propaganda in the process of building up their own resumes for more lucrative opportunities in the MSM.
National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
The 162 staffers and $315 million annual budget of NED are not only a waste, but also a purely destructive project of the Washington neocons and warhawks. We fought it tooth-and-nail when it was concocted in 1983 by neocons in the Reagan White House, arguing it would become a sinecure for Washington national security lifers who didn’t make the big grades at the CIA, State, and DOD.
We were right about that in spades. A former president of the Young People’s Socialist League (YPSL), Carl Gershman, became its first executive director in 1984 and was still there in 2021, when they finally gave him his gold watch. But like all former Trotskyites who turned neocon under the tutelage of the detestable Irving Kristol and his equally reprehensible son, Bill Kristol, Gershman spent the 37 years of his tenure carrying out the CIA’s regime-change function that was seconded to NED in the 1983 legislation.
Among all of the “color revolution” follies promoted by NED during these years, the most insidious was its role in organizing, funding, and enabling the Maidan uprising in Kiev during February 2014. That pointless exercise in regime change paved the way for the Washington-fostered putsch which installed neo-Nazi-sympathizers and militant Ukrainian nationalists in power in Kiev.
In turn, Washington’s illegal deposing of the legitimately elected Russian-speaking and Russian-sympathizing president, Viktor Yanukovych, who had won office in 2010 on the back of massive 80%+ margins in the Donbas, Crimea, and Black Sea rim, paved the way for the current civil war carnage, and disastrous proxy war on Russia. After all, the Ukrainian nationalists who were picked, named, and recognized by Washington quickly put joining NATO into Ukraine’s constitution, outlawed Russian language, and launched a brutal civil war against breakaway Russian-speaking regions, thereby eventually provoking the Russian invasion of February 2022.
Since then, the US has spent upwards of $150 billion on a pointless war of human and infrastructure destruction–a veritable demolition derby of senseless military intervention. And one which now threatens to bring Washington’s reckless proxy attack on Russia to the brink of nuclear confrontation. Yet the Ukraine disaster is the very quintessential work of NED. That alone merits its abolition–no more questions asked.
But, alas, there is another point. More than half of NED’s annual $300 million of taxpayer money is used to sustain the worst kind of Washington insider corruption, log-rolling, and self-justifying promotion of the Warfare State. To wit, half the funds are divided up among institutions controlled by the four big political powers which operate on the banks of the Potomac. That is, the union-promoted “American Center for International Labor Solidarity,” the business-sponsored “Center for International Private Enterprise,” the Democrat-controlled “National Democratic Institute for International Affairs,” and the GOP-controlled “International Republican Institute.” The purpose of these Beltway duchies, of course, is to fund cheerleaders for the projects of Empire abroad.
Moreover, for good measure, the balance of the $300 million goes to hundreds of NGOs based abroad. These are essentially the advance guard of Washington’s Empire First policies and should not get a dime under a regime of America First.
It can be well and truly said, therefore, that there is no conceivable waste more egregious and more rotten than that embodied in NED. It needs to be shot deader than bin Laden at the very earliest opportunity.
Education Department
Needless to say, the Education Department should never have been potted on the banks of the Potomac because education is meant to be a state, local, and parental function across the length and breadth of the land. Indeed, centralization and national dictation of educational processes, standards, content, and institutional arrangements is the very last thing that should come under the control of the central state.
The current education department came into existence, in fact, only in 1979 as a desperate Carter administration sop to the teachers’ unions, which were the backbone of his political coalition. Accordingly, an immediate shutdown of this still infant and unneeded department was a high priority on the Reagan administration’s zero-out list.
As it happened, however, squirrely GOP politicians on the Congressional education committees and a Secretary of Education who spent his time in office sabotaging the president’s budget prevented the Department from being strangled in the cradle as intended. Instead, the education lobby’s victory over the Reagan challenge enabled the new department to thrive without interruption for the next 40 years until reaching a monstrous $350 billion spending level at present.
Still, there is only one way to ensure free expression, diversity of pedagogical approaches, and unfettered experimentation in the education sector. To wit, abolish the Department of Education completely, spin off existing Federal grant activities in block grants to the states, at a reduced percentage of existing funding levels, and slash subsidized student aid by 40%, as we outline in Chapter 8.
Actually, this is not mission impossible. During 2024 the broad allocation of the Department of Education’s funding was as follows:
- Elementary and secondary education grants and support: $52 billion.
- Special Education, Adult, Career, and other Education programs: $18 billion.
- Higher Education Pell Grants, Work Study, and other student direct aid: $30 billion.
- Subsidized Student Loan Outlays: $250 billion.
- Total, Federal Education Programs: $350 billion.
Needless to say, DOGE could dispense with the Department of Education’s 4,245 bureaucrats and their $680 million compensation costs in one fell swoop by proposing to eliminate the department entirely. Yet the educational institutions of America would be no worse for the wear if the massive array of programs and activities now administered by the department at huge overhead costs were to be bundled up into block grants and distributed on a no-strings basis to the states in direct proportion to each state’s share of Federal taxes.
Thus, the first two lines above could be combined in the form of an “Elementary and Secondary Education Block Grant” and funded at 70% of current levels or $49 billion per year, while the dozens of programs under the third line would be packaged into a “Higher Education Block Grant” at an initial level of $18 billion. Since both block grants would represent a pure return of Federal taxes paid by the states’ taxpayers, the block grants could be phased out progressively over the ten years after 2029–an ample period of time to permit the states to tax and fund their own education programs or return the money to taxpayers, as they so choose.
Finally, the very idea of “student loans” is flat-out ridiculous because in today’s dynamic world it is virtually impossible to solvently underwrite the value of a higher education. And that’s true whether in advanced mathematics or basket-weaving, as the case may be. Indeed, as the recent Biden reelection-driven loan forgiveness ploy reminds, “student loans” are essentially nascent welfare grants waiting for opportunistic politicians to cancel the repayments.
This whole area of student financial assistance therefore belongs entirely in the realm of income transfer payments and social redistribution. If the latter is to be done at all, it should preferably be based on economic need and structured according to the lights of voters and their legislators in the several states. So if California wants to offer college students a bonanza of subsidies, it should ask its own taxpayers to foot the bill.
In any event, abolishing Federally funded student loans would mainly reduce the current deep implicit Federal subsidies to the affluent upper middle class and the rich who owe most of the $1.74 trillion of student loans outstanding. That’s a most worthy goal in its own right, while the favorable FY 2029 and longer-term budget impact will be amplified in Chapter 8.