DOGE and the Disinfectant of Sunshine
Exposing a fraction of the corruption through the DOGE disclosures
This has been a most remarkable week in American history. Donald Trump and his DOGE exposed a mere sliver of the waste, fraud, and corruption that permeates the criminal bureaucracy that our horrific leaders have established. The people are finally finding out, to a very small degree, just how and where their tax dollars are spent.

As you all may be sick of hearing, I came from the Left. Classical liberalism was a beautiful thing. Liberals back then were all for “Sunshine laws,” which would open the process up to the people who pay for it. We believed nothing should be withheld from the public. “National Security” was a laughable term that Richard Nixon was especially fond of. Yes, the government had to withhold files relating to the JFK assassination, for “National Security” reasons. The same government claimed that lone nut Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK even though all anecdotal evidence indicated that he liked him. He did it because he was jealous of JFK. He was impotent. He wanted to “prove he was somebody.” And yet, he not only failed to take credit for the crime of the century, he continually denied it, until he was shot down by a low level mobster in front of at least seventy police officers.
So, this “National Security” blanket excuse for leaving the public uninformed, includes the records of minimum wage “losers” like Oswald who we are supposed to believe had no connection to any government agency or powerful manipulators. Well, to be fair, England has us beat. They still have classified files on the Jack the Ripper murders. From 1888. And they actually explained that they are doing this to “protect confidential sources.” The fact that these “sources” would all be at least 160 years old today doesn’t deter them. Maybe they do have that secret life extension technology. It wasn’t until fifteen years or so that the CIA finally declassified the last records from World War I. I suppose their motto is, the less said about that especially senseless war, the better. As of 2021, the National Archives said that there were approximately 33,000 boxes of classified military records from the WWII era.
Despite decades of brilliant sophistication in terms of navigating these rabbit holes, I have to admit that I paid little attention to USAID (United States Agency for International Development), until the shocking recent disclosures from DOGE. RFK, Jr. was among those who’d claimed that USAID was a CIA front, but there are so many CIA fronts that it didn’t register much in the conspiracy world. Now that we are seeing what is presumably only very partial records from USAID, the curtain has been pulled, to reveal the powerful Oz in all his glory. One would imagine that an outfit with such a name would be devoted to….international development. To the non-conspirator, this conjures up images of Alliance for Progress stuff- which is logical, since JFK created both agencies. There was an idealistic notion that the U.S. could help these poorer countries up on their feet, so that they could rule themselves.
But instead, we see expenditures that boggle the mind. Outlandish sums of money thrown at ridiculous DEI projects. Some ridiculous examples include $1.5 million to “advance diversity equity and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities,” $70,000 for production of a “DEI musical” in Ireland, $47,000 for a “transgender opera” in Colombia, $32,000 for a “transgender comic book” in Peru, and $2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala. $68 million was given to the dastardly World Economic Forum, and $37 million to the WHO. There was $50 million to fund condoms in Gaza. They have time for sex, in the midst of all that bombing? There was more than $270 million provided to George Soros’ funded groups. And here we’d thought he was spending his own billions to destroy America. In an extension of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, USAID funded more than 6,200 journalists in thirty different countries, in 2023 alone. $8.2 million was given to “friendly” asset Politico. The New York Times received tens of millions.
Now, I am very skeptical that money was actually allotted to transgender operas and comics, and the like. When I first heard of incredibly specious government expenditures back decades ago, I found it hard to believe. I recall there was supposedly a study on “the main cause of tricycle accidents.” Now, picture how such a study would be conducted. Government employees huddling in shrubbery where young tikes are at play, hoping to see a tricycle crash in real time? No, I thought then, and I think now, that this was a fiction designed to arouse the ire of taxpayers. It’s far more likely that the money for such preposterous projects, including all the DEI stuff, is just funneled into one of those black holes, to be used for unimaginably sinister purposes. Maybe that’s how the fund the Citizen Hit Squad, to silence naysayers. Or the elite just further line their pockets with it. That’s a great skill that they possess.

AP, Reuters, and the BBC were also lavished with taxpayer funds. In other words, our government was financing all those “fact checkers,” who fought to suppress the rabble rousing accusations of Thought Criminals like me. Actor Ben Stiller received $4 million to drool all over former comedian turned Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Chelsea Clinton somehow made off with anywhere from more than $40 million to $84 million through USAID. However, the “fact checkers,” who it must be stressed were probably paid by the same USAID to “debunk” these claims, insist that is just more “disinformation.” No Clinton would ever abscond with money like that. If true, Chelsea’s haul puts to shame Hillary’s once impressive profit in cattle shares. Politico was apparently also given large sums by other government agencies. Hopefully, the details will become clear once those agencies are fully audited.
I’m not sure which is more astonishing; Trump actually instructing DOGE to expose this chicanery, or the histrionic objection to it on the part of the insane Left. Some Democratic Party “representatives” went apoplectic. LaMonica McIver declared that we are at war. Ilhan Omar said we might actually see somebody get killed. And Chris Van Hollen said we have to fight this in the Congress, and in the streets. He called the audit of USAID “the biggest heist in American history.” What? Isn’t this more accurately the exposure of the biggest heist? So think about this. The Democrats are fighting a “war” over what, exactly? The right to keep information about the way government really works from the public? A war for censorship, and absurd “National Security” declarations, a war against disclosure. They don’t want the JFK files, or the 9/11 files released. They don’t want the public to see the official Epstein List.
The “Woke” Left is engaged in a veritable crusade against transparency. Not satisfied with being a “free press” that fights for censorship and state secrecy, they even resorted to doxing, which has become one of their favorite tools. Doing her due diligence for her corrupt masters, Katherine Long of the Wall Street Journal, successfully “cancelled” twenty five year old DOGE staffer Marko Elez, over “controversial” tweets he had made in the past, and boasted of her “victory” in an article titled “DOGE Staffer Resigns Over Racist Posts.” Long failed to disclose that she had previously worked for the State Department and USAID-linked groups. Elon Musk responded by saying Long’s ties to USAID were “Certainly improper, possibly criminal.” The media also went nuts over a nineteen year old DOGE staffer’s online identity as “Big Balls.” They actually treated this like a bombshell revelation.
The Deep State will not permit any indecent exposure of their continuous crimes, without a powerful struggle. A federal judge has already blocked DOGE from accessing Treasury Department records. That’s Judicial Review for you. I’m the first American since Thomas Jefferson to stress how disastrous Judicial Review is to the Checks and Balances of the Constitution. Conservatives don’t seem to understand this. Somebody tell Elon Musk about my Substack. Maybe he’s got room on the DOGE staff for an old guy who’s passionate about exposing government fraud. I could come up with a more offensive screen name than “Big Balls.” How about “All Lives Matter?” Or “Confederate Sympathizer?” The Treasury Department system handles records of Social Security payments. Why, the public might discover that dead people are still being paid in some cases, and that illegal immigrants have profited from the system as well, using phony “dependents,” as I detailed in my book Survival of the Richest.

Ben Stiller, hilarious actor that he is, countered the exposure of his largesse from USAID by calling it “lies coming from Russian media.” Russian media? DOGE was created by Donald Trump, American citizen. World’s most prominent booster of Israel (I won’t go into his wild and crazy plan to turn Gaza into a resort area). The guy who is a Putin puppet, even though Putin publicly supported Kamala Harris for president. It’s a Russia, Russia, Russia thing, you wouldn’t understand. The New York Times attributes the USAID disclosures to “conspiratorial thinking.” Ah yes, that would be what the nation’s “newspaper of record” attributes all criticism of authority to. It’s a “conspiracy theory” to say that George Soros was paid millions by USAID. But it’s also a “conspiracy theory” to say that he spent any of his own billions trying to corrupt our legal process, and finance violent BLM and Antifa rallies.
The Washington Post, which has been dedicated to suppressing truth for well over a century, ran a story headlined, “Independent media in Russia, Ukraine lose their funding with USAID freeze.” Elon Musk responded on X by tweeting, “‘Independent media’ lmao.” You know things are bad when a guy who dressed up as Baphomet, wearing the Satanic upside down cross, is one of the “good guys.” Podcast hosts Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway, who are frequent talking heads on CNN and quite possibly could have received USAID funds as well, supported the notion that Democratic governors should arrest DOGE employees for attempting a “coup.” The kind and demure Swisher objected to the young “arrogant little pricks” employed by Musk. Musk replied by calling the pair of state apologists “cruel, mean and deceitful human beings” who are “threatening” DOGE workers.
Democratic Senator Chris Murphy called the DOGE disclosures “the most serious constitutional crisis since Watergate.” He accused Trump of wanting to “reward his political friends” and “punish his political enemies.” To the novice, that would appear to define what is standard operating procedure in Washington, D.C. It certainly was during the Biden administration. As Biden’s seeming foremost political enemy, Trump was targeted relentlessly with laughable lawfare prosecutions. Trump, on the other hand, has yet to even attempt to prosecute any of his political enemies. Maybe that will change, but with Biden issuing preemptive pardons to Deep State villains like Anthony Fauci and the members of the January 6 House Committee, and the nominee for FBI director Kash Patel saying they are looking “forward, not backward,” I don’t expect to see many lock her ups, or lock him ups. But then again, I’ve been incredibly wrong so far about Trump 2.0, so who knows?
What we are witnessing is just what the Right has fantasized about since at least the 1980s, when they naively expected Ronald Reagan to take these kinds of actions. Instead, the man who politely chastised “Big Gubmint,” but failed to cut a single sub- agency in eight years, hoodwinked them with an early version of Trumpenstein’s patented 4D chess. What DOGE is doing is exactly what the Libertarian Right has advocated. What we might have expected a President Ron Paul to do. Sure, we never expected this effort to be led by a guy who may secretly worship Satan, and have a nefarious agenda himself to microchip us, but the fact is what is happening should be supported by every lover of human liberty. Every person who believes that government must be held accountable to the people. Trump and Musk are not Founding Father material, but I applaud what they’re doing.

Those who are opposed to DOGE are opposed to openness in government. Similar to the way all whistleblowers are denounced by those in power, DOGE is being condemned for existing, while their opponents don’t seem to care about the important information being revealed. This is the same treatment whistleblowers receive, where they are attacked and ridiculed, while the corruption they expose is ignored. Think of DOGE as a collective whistleblower. How can every American not be bothered by the fact taxpayer money is being gifted to representatives of the “free press,” who should be serving as watchdogs against the transgressions of government? Why should Chelsea Clinton, or Ben Stiller, or George Soros, or even any honest, upstanding American, be given millions of dollars by a government agency? What “work” are they doing to “earn” such princely sums? This horrendous system appears to be using taxpayers to fund the tyranny that rules their lives.
USAID is the tip of the iceberg. Imagine what an audit of the CIA and the FBI would show? Or a full audit of the Federal Reserve? Trump has already authorized Musk to audit the Pentagon. Picture the graft that lies behind the facade of worthless agencies like FEMA, EEOC, Health and Human Services, and so many others. What would RFK, Jr. find in the records of the CDC? Classical liberals like me have waited a long time for this. Yes, maybe I’ll be blasting Trumpenstein again soon for yet another empty disappointment. And we have to keep our eyes on Stargate, and AI, and mRNA, and new warp speed vaccines. But for now, more damage is being done to this corrupt system than perhaps since the colonies declared their independence. If this is being scripted, my compliments to the scriptwriters. I’m not going to trade off anything for this, but it’s always good to uncover dishonesty and corruption.