Documentary “Follow The Silenced” March 15
From 2020-2023, the US government and corporate media told Americans to “Follow the science”. They assured us that the unprecedented COVID policies were based on a “scientific consensus”. Anyone – even top doctors and scientists — who questioned those policies was ridiculed as a “conspiracy theorist” and “anti-vaxxer”.
However, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya Confirmed As NIH Director shows how destructive and unscientific those rushed policies were. Yet, the government and corporate media continue to ignore the devastating consequences – the astronomical deaths and injuries – caused by those policies.
Now, the documentary Follow The Silenced tells the story of those injured by the COVID shots.
Experience Follow the Silenced, a groundbreaking documentary that goes beyond personal stories to expose the deeper systemic challenges faced by the injured. Be among the first to witness this eye-opening film at the Santa Monica Film Festival.
When: March 15, 2025
Where: DGA Complex Theater, Hollywood, CA
Tickets: General Admission & VIP Available
Secure your spot now and be part of this pivotal moment for the injured.
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Watch the trailer:

“Safe and Effective” Mantra
The government and corporate media assured Americans that the rushed, poorly-tested, novel gene therapy COVID shots were “safe and effective” – 90% effective. Anyone who refused to get the shots was ridiculed as a “selfish anti-vaxxer” who was “killing grandma”.
Rachel Maddow said people who got the shots could not pass COVID to anyone else. However, the tide has turned now. Viewers demand apology from MSNBC, Rachel Maddow for previous COVID vaccine comments.
Why War On Unvaccinated Is So Dangerous For Everyone
Unvaxxed Were Ridiculed
Don Lemon ridiculed people who didn’t get the shots. Don Lemon argues it’s time to ‘shun’ anti-vaxxers
CNN’s Don Lemon On The Unvaccinated: ‘Their Behavior Is Idiotic And Nonsensical’
King of Clowns Don Lemon says unvaxxed people should be banned from going to buy food
“CNN talking head Don Lemon says we “shouldn’t waste our breath” on unvaccinated people, so instead of talking to them as rational human beings with dignity and personal freedom, we should ban anyone who hasn’t gotten the ‘Rona vaccine from the grocery store (and employment). I’m sure a lot of people are not gonna agree with this, but [you] don’t get the vaccine, you can’t go to the supermarket.
You don’t have the vaccine? You can’t go to the ball game. Don’t have the vaccine? Can’t go to work. Don’t have the vaccine? Can’t come here. No shirt, no shoes, no service.”
Ah, yes. An emergency authorized vaccine for a virus that is insanely survivable for healthy people is the exact same as the moral argument against walking in butt naked to a store. It’s also okay that half of America starves based on this premise.”
If Lemon’s comments had been said about ANY other group, they would be banned as hate speech and incitement to violence. CNN’s Don Lemon has lowest-rated week since struggling program switched names shows that Lemon is struggling to maintain an audience. So, these comments may have been an attempt to get publicity.
Government and Corporate Media Continue To Ignore Evidence
The government and corporate media have continued to ignore and deny the evidence that the COVID shots caused massive deaths and serious injuries.
With the NIH showing little concern to study long COVID despite pouring $1 billion into research, a new bombshell study on patients with a debilitating post-vaccination syndrome is showing elevated spike protein levels over 2 years (the time of study) after vaccination.
COVID Shots Are Killing Large Numbers of People
World Renowned Conventional Doc Blasts The COVID JAB-Erwocks links to an interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, Vice Chief of Internal Medicine, Baylor University Medical Center. The article says Dr. McCullough “might be the world’s top cardiologist, who also holds an MPH degree and is a professor of medicine. His work/background is totally stunning, and seems impossible for one person. …Even better, he’s also world famous. Meaning…he has the exceptional intelligence to analyze and dissect the COVID VAX atrocity. The measured way in which he delivers this bombshell is also remarkable.”
Dr. McCullough discusses the blood clots for which the J&J product was halted and points out that the blood clots caused by the mRNA vaccine are “probably 30 times that” — but it has not been halted. Dr. McCullough says “…keep in mind that the NIH is a co-owner of the Moderna patent.”
Historic Deaths of Millennials
Excess Mortality Just Got Worse: Alarming New Data!
Ed Dowd: COVID Shots Are Causing Youth Democide explains that when former Blackrock Portfolio Manager Edward Dowd discussed shocking information about excess mortality. “The millennial age group 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality into the fall. It’s the worst ever excess mortality, I think, in history,” Dowd stated.
Dowd noted an acceleration of excess mortality in 2021, around the time when mandates and boosters took effect. Dowd said “starting in the summer and into the Fall, with the mandates and the boosters, there were 61,000 excess millennial deaths. Basically, millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021.” National Archives stated 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties of the Vietnam War.
Dowd says this data is the smoking gun which shows COVID-19 injections are causing excess mortality in all age groups. Dowd labeled this ‘democide.’ Wikipedia’s definition of democide: “Democide is the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder”. Dowd summarized: “So the government, through the mandates, has killed people.”
Where Did All The People Go?
TFH #603: 9/11 And The Deagel Report With Charlie Robinson reported that Dr. Bill Deagle predicted in 2017 that the populations in Western countries would drop by 2025 because of a pandemic and an economic crisis. Robinson correlated those predictions with the “excess deaths” in 2021-2022 in Western countries that took the COVID shots. He pointed out that countries that did not get many COVID shots are ones for which Deagle predicted population rises. So, Dr. Deagle knew by 2017 there was a plan to release a deadly “pandemic” to kill much of the Western population by 2025.
Dr. Bill Deagle Predicted Historic Deaths!
Charlie Robinson, host of MagroAggressions explains in the video below that the deaths predicted years ago by Dr. Bill Deagle correspond to the deaths of countries that got the most COVID shots. Robinson is the author of Hypocrazy: Surviving In A World Of Cultural Double Standards (2021) and The Octopus of Global Control in 2017. He is co-author of The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire.
Part 1: Where did all the people go? From Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson
A scary look at what the future may hold as the jabbed continue to die.
Part 2: Where did all the people go? From Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson
First published on 5/13/22
COVID Posed Little Threat
The COVID shots were not necessary. The CDC stats showed in early 2020 that COVID was little threat toa anyone unless they were old and/or had several serious illnesses.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (1984-20220 published an article on 3/26/20 in the New England Journal of Medicine called Covid-19 – Navigating the Uncharted. It was co-authored by Dr. H. Clifford Lane, M.D., NIAID Deputy Director for Clinical Research and Special Projects and by Dr. Robert Redfield of the CDC.
The article said “the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a fatality rate of approximately 0.1)…rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively”.
However, when Dr. Fauci served on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, he endorsed COVID shots for pregnant women and babies as young as six months old. Yet, several inexpensive outpatient treatments for COVID were known in early 2020 — including HCQ, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Ivermectin, and Budesonide. The Emergency Use Authorizations for the COVID shots illegal because EUAs can be issued only if no treatments are available.
Dr. Fauci: “I Represent Science!”
Dr. Fauci declared “I represent science”. So, anyone who questioned the COVID “consensus” was questioning “science”.
Fauci under fire: Declares “I represent science” 11/20/21
With his Sunday retort “What happened on January 6th, Senator?” it appears to critics that Dr. Anthony Fauci has openly expressed what many of them suspected – that he is a partisan political player. Fauci’s comment was made in response to Republican Senator Ted Cruz’s tweet that Fauci should face prosecution for denying under oath that the U.S. helped fund gain of function research at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.
However, during the Congressional hearing on 6/4/22, Dr. Fauci admitted there was no scientific basis for many COVID policies – including wearing masks and social distancing which was used to justify the devastating lockdowns.
Fauci says no evidence for pandemic guidance on masking or social distancing.
The New York Times Magazine: Dr. Fauci Looks Back” ‘Something Clearly Went Wrong’ shows that Fauci admits there were serious problems with the COVID policies he forced on the nation.
President Joe Biden pardoned Fauci. President Biden pre-emptively pardoned Fauci back to 2014 when he reportedly authorized illegal gain of function research. However, that may not protect him as state Attorney Generals are now planning to sue Dr. Fauci. The fact that he has been pardoned means that he can no longer invoke The Fifth Amendment and refuse to answer.
South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson is leading a coalition of state attorneys general in an investigation into Dr. Anthony Fauci’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic response, demanding accountability for alleged mismanagement, misleading statements, and suppression of scientific debate.
For More Information
Documentary: First Do No Pharm!
Shocking New Book: The Pfizer Papers
Ozempic Linked to 19 Adverse Health Events
What Was Your Score On The Real COVID Test?
Medical Debt Crisis: Navigating Financial Challenges
Psychiatric Drugs Linked to School Shooting Concerns
FINAL REPORT: COVID Select Concludes 2-Year Investigation, Issues 500+ Page Final Report on Lessons Learned and the Path Forward 12/3/24