Deeper Understanding of Measles Outbreak
Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider.
Vaccines have become a kind of religion we are supposed to “believe in” without question. Yet, questioning and discussion are the foundation of all science. The years of hysteria over COVID provide an important lesson that it’s critical to learn from now with the current measles outbreak which is causing so much hysteria in the corporate media.
From 2020-2023, anyone who questioned the COVID-19 “scientific consensus” was ridiculed, vilified, silenced, ostracized, and accused of being a “conspiracy theorist” causing “vaccine hesitancy” and “killing grandma” Even highly-qualified doctors were ridiculed and ignored. How different the outcome would have been had there only been more open minds in the government and corporate media!
The American Institute for Economic Research hosted a meeting from October 1-4, 2020 of top epidemiologists, economists, and journalists to discuss the global emergency created by the unprecedented use of state compulsion in managing the Covid-19 pandemic. The result was The Great Barrington Declaration which urged “Focused Protection” in which the elderly — the most vulnerable — would be locked down and the rest of society would function normally.
The Declaration explained that the COVID-19 lockdowns imposed enormous unnecessary health costs. The Declaration warned that the policies were forcing children, the working class, and the poor to carry the heaviest burdens and would lead to higher COVID and non-COVID mortality than the focused protection plan called for in the Declaration.
The Declaration was written by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University, Dr. Martin Kulldorff then of Harvard Medical School, and Dr. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University. The Declaration has since been signed by more than 940,000 people including doctors and scientists!
However, Dr. Francis Collins, then head of the National Institute of Health (NIH), dismissed the authors as “fringe scientists”. Collins refused to meet with these doctors to discuss their recommendations on how to end the lockdown. Had Collins done so, America would have been spared the devastating consequences of the COVID policies. Watch “The Big Picture” Friday 2/28 shows that those policies resulted in the largest transfer of wealth from poor and middle class to billionaires in history.
Instead, Dr. Collins and Dr. Anthony Fauci Director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) from 1984-2002, imposed a false COVID “consensus” although many top doctors and scientists publicly disagreed with it. Dr. Fauci who was a member of the Whitehouse Coronavirus Task Force claimed that anyone who disagreed his COVID policies was questioning science “Because I represent science”.
In violation of The Nuremberg Code passed after the Holocaust of World War to insure informed consent, many Americans were forced to get the rushed, poorly-tested, gene-altering, experimental COVID-19 shots. However, CDC stats showed in early 2020 that COVID was little threat to most people. In addition, it was known in early 2020 that HCQ, Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Budesonide were inexpensive, early treatments for COVID. Their availability made the Emergency Use Authorizations for the COVID shots illegal because EUAs can be issued only if there are no available treatments.
Now even Dr. Deborah Birx who was also a featured member of the Whitehouse Coronavirus Task Force, is backing away from all that “science”. White House COVID Coordinator: Vaccine Was NEVER Meant to Prevent Infection explains that “White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx has come out to say that “the science” has “done wrong in public health.” Vaccine hesitancy rates have been rising since it was exposed that the mRNA vaccine did more harm than good. Birx has admitted that the COVID vaccine was never meant to be a preventative measure.”
Better late than never: former NIH director Francis Collins admits COVID mistakes
The New York Times Magazine: Dr. Fauci Looks Back” ‘Something Clearly Went Wrong’ shows that Fauci admits there were serious problems with the COVID policies he forced on the nation.
President Joe Biden pardoned Fauci. President Biden pre-emptively pardoned Fauci back to 2014 when he reportedly authorized illegal gain of function research. However, that may not protect him.
“Fauci Going To Jail?” – BOMBSHELL Investigation EXPLODES AGs Prosecute Fauci For COVID Cover-Up
Sen Rand Paul: Fauci Preemptive Pardon Could BACKFIRE; NOT Protected By 5th Amendment Anymore
The new documentary Thank You Dr. Fauci may put Fauci in jail!
The Great Barrington Declaration Was Right
NYT: Trump Picks Stanford Doctor Who Opposed Lockdowns to Head N.I.H.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya To Head NIH
NYT: Trump Picks Stanford Doctor Who Opposed Lockdowns to Head N.I.H.
Trump’s NIH Pick Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on COVID Lies, Vaccine Truth, and the Breakdown of Science
Barry Prize for Distinguished Intellectual Achievement
Bhattacharya Awarded the Robert J. Zimmer Medal for Intellectual Freedom.
Scientist who battled for COVID common sense over media and government censors wins top award
In Restoring Free Speech in Academia: Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Bhattacharya discusses the extreme dangers of a government-mandated scientific “consensus” that censors top scientists and doctors who have different views. He explained how to restore free speech in academia now.
In October 2024, Dr. Bhattacharya organized the Stanford Pandemic Policy Conference. “Pandemic Policy: Planning the Future, Assessing the Past. He said: “The conference that we just held at Stanford in October 2024 is four years late I think, but nevertheless, still quite an accomplishment. It was the first major university to host a large conference where people who disagreed about the pandemic policy were sitting in the same room talking to each other in a civil way….”
Final Congressional Report on COVID Policies
House Covid-19 panel releases final report criticizing public health response to the pandemic 12/2/24
A Republican-led House committee investigating broad aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects in the US released a final report Monday summarizing its two-year effort, saying it hoped the work would “serve as a road map for Congress, the Executive Branch, and the private sector to prepare for and respond to future pandemics.”….
The report is also critical of common Covid mitigation measures. Social distancing and mask mandates were not based on hard science, the report says, and “prolonged lockdowns caused immeasurable harm to not only the American economy, but also to the mental and physical health of Americans, with a particularly negative effect on younger citizens.”…. But the report also says that health officials and the Biden administration oversold the power of the vaccines to prevent transmission or infection, possibly contributing to the public’s lack of trust in Covid shots and in vaccines overall.
The report also accuses public health officials of taking part in a “coordinated effort … to ignore natural immunity and suppress dissenting opinions.”…. President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the FDA in his coming administration, Dr. Marty Makary, has long been a proponent of the importance of natural immunity and argued in a 2021 opinion piece that it’s superior to immunity after vaccination.
Health officials are further criticized in the report for spreading misinformation, especially on the lab-leak origin theory and on off-label use of medications such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, which the US Food and Drug Administration says are not effective against the coronavirus.
FINAL REPORT: COVID Select Concludes 2-Year Investigation, Issues 500+ Page Final Report on Lessons Learned and the Path Forward 12/3/24
Mainstream Media’s Explanation of Measles Outbreak
Now, there is a new scare – the measles “outbreak” in Texas in January. Some mainstream news outlets tie the outbreak to a questioning of vaccines – and to the Senate’s confirmation of Robert Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services in mid-February. Kennedy ran for the US presidency in 2023 as an independent and later joined the Trum Transition Team. Trump appointed Kennedy to head HHS to “Make America Healthy Again” (MAHA). The MAHA site offers lots of information.
The video below presents the MSM hysteria over measles.
Dr. Mark Siegel explains the measles outbreak spreading across the United States 3/1/25
Fox News senior medical analyst Dr. Marc Siegel joins ‘Fox News Live’ to discuss an outbreak of the measles virus in Texas and other areas of the United States.
The corporate media and US government have led us to believe that it was the measles vaccine that reduced the incidence of measles. As with the COVID shot, anyone who questions the measles vaccine is vilified. Much of the MSM is blaming Kennedy and is trying to derail his role as Director of Health and Human Services now over this new measles outbreak.
However, measles fell dramatically before the first measles vaccine was introduced in 1963. Age-specific measles mortality during the late 19th–early 20th centuries points out: “Measles mortality fell markedly (>90%) from the 19th century to mid-20th century prior to introduction of measles vaccine or the widespread use of antibiotics for secondary bacterial infections. Many other economic, social and epidemiological changes were occurring at the beginning of the modern age so it is uncertain which changes may have led to the decline in measles mortality….Although public health was rapidly improving a century ago, it is uncertain how such improvements in nutrition and sanitation would have influenced measles mortality rates.”
Dr. Robert Malone Defends RFK Jr.
Dr. Robert Malone discovered the mRNA technology used in the COVID shots. President of International Association of Physicians and Medical Scientists which has 16,000 doctors. He is the author of the 2022 book Lies My Gov’t Told Me: And the Better Future Coming.
Dr. Malone explains in 3/1/25 substack below that Baby Boomers who got measles have lifelong immunity and provide herd immunity. However, the generations after them who got the measles shot do not.
Secretary Kennedy is not the cause of this current outbreak
One narrative currently being promoted in various left-wing legacy (dead) media that Secretary RFK Jr is somehow responsible for the current outbreak of measles is nothing more than political propaganda. There is no merit to this — it is intentional slander with no factual basis. But there are fact-based hypotheses that clarify the real factors that appear to be contributing to what is likely to be a self-limited outbreak based on similar recent measles group infection events.
One fascinating hypothesis that recently came my way is that herd immunity against measles in the U.S. is decreasing yearly. But not for the reasons mentioned above. Immunity in the USA against measles is declining because older citizens, who have lifelong immunity to measles, are aging out of society (Casaris, 2014). The USA now has a predominantly MMR-vaccinated population, which has less immunity than those who were exposed to the disease, typically in childhood. The implication is that vaccine-resistant cases of measles are and will become more commonplace.
Secondary vaccine failure occurs when an individual initially develops an adequate immune response to vaccination, but this protection wanes over time, leaving them susceptible to infection. This is referred to as a lack of vaccine “durability”. Vaccine-induced immunity from the measles vaccine is less long-lasting than immunity from natural infection. One study found that 20% of measles vaccinated individuals lacked detectable anti-measles IgG compared to only 6% of those with a history of measles infection (Bianchi, 2020).
However, the continued headline hysterics over a few hundred cases yearly only leads to more fear and confusion. The bottom line is that as international travel increases and the vaccine failure rate of the MMR vaccine increases over time, there will be more measles cases and outbreaks in the USA. This problem won’t be solved with more mandates for the vaccination of school-aged children.
The Surprising Truth About Measles
Del Bigtree, host of The Highwire which airs online Thursdays from 2-4 PM ET did a very deep dive into measles during his February 27 show. Del uncovers shocking truths about measles, questioning whether eradication is possible.
Del’s interview with Dr. Larry Palevsky empowers parents who fear measles. Dr. Palevsky is a NYS licensed pediatrician who utilizes a holistic approach to children’s wellness and illness. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine and Past-President of the American Holistic Medical Association.
Del shows that during Trump’s first White House Cabinet Meeting on February 26, Kennedy pointed out that measles outbreaks are not unusual.
There were 16 last year and 4 so far this year. If the corporate media reported that, there would be no hysteria over the current outbreak.
With vaccine safety dominating headlines, Del welcomes MAHA advocate Calley Means to discuss his alignment with RFK Jr.’s bold new mission at Health and Human Services, as well as his relentless fight at the state level to ban toxic ingredients in ultra-processed foods. Then, investigative journalist Jefferey Jaxen unpacks the surge of health-focused legislation sweeping the nation, signaling a pivotal shift in America’s health revolution—fueled by RFK Jr.’s appointment to HHS.
Next, Del takes a deep dive into the science of measles, uncovering shocking evidence that true eradication may have never been possible. Finally, Del sits down with Board-Certified Pediatrician Dr. Lawrence Palevsky to dissect the latest developments in the Texas measles outbreak. What’s really happening, and is the corporate media distorting the narrative?
Study: Unvaxxed Kids Are Much Healthier
Dr. Paul Thomas is the author of The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul’s Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health-from Pregnancy Through Your Child’s Teen Years. Dr. Paul’s Fight For Medical Freedom explains that Dr. Thomas (affectionately known as “Dr. Paul”) received his MD from Dartmouth Medical School and completed his pediatric residency at the University of California, San Diego.
Dr. Paul launched a landmark study comparing the health of vaccinated kids to that of unvaccinated kids. The study documents conclusively that unvaccinated kids are far healthier in every way as shown by the charts in the video below.
Dr. Paul Thomas on the suspension of his license 5 days after his “vaxxed vs. unvaxxed” study
Surge In Autism
Donald Trump Was Right about Autism
The Torrential Surge in Autism Continues Unabated 1/27/20
Defying experts’ expectations, rates have yet to plateau, portending nothing short of catastrophe for families and our besieged social services systems.
Current California Department of Developmental Services autism cases for birth years 1960-2014. The system now sees more than 300 additional autism cases per birth year over the prior birth year. Overall, California counted about 3,000 developmental disability-type autism cases in the mid 1980s. Today the number exceeds 122,000. (Rates for 2015-2019 births dip, consistent with the usual delay in entering the DDS system, not indicative of any slowing of growth.) Source: California Department of Developmental Services, January 2020 data.
Film — Vaxxed: From Coverup To Catastrophe
Del Bigtree, an Emmy-Award winning producer on The Doctors TV show, quit to produce the film Vaxxed: From Coverup To Catastrophe which went viral in 2016,
In 2014, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from Dr. William Thompson, a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the agency’s 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism.
Dr. Thompson confessed that the CDC had omitted crucial data in its final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. Dr. Hooker recorded the phone calls made to him by Dr. Thompson who provided the confidential data destroyed by his colleagues at the CDC. Dr. Hooker enlisted the help of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British gastroenterologist falsely accused of starting the anti-vax movement when he first reported in 1998 that the MMR vaccine may cause
Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines–The Truth Behind a Tragedy tells Dr. Wakefield’s story which is difficult to find elsewhere.
Amazon Description
As Andrew Wakefield states in his prologue, “If autism does not affect your family now, it will. If something does not change—and change soon—this is almost a mathematical certainty. This book affects you also. It is not a parochial look at a trivial medical spat in the United Kingdom, but dispatches from the battlefront in a major confrontation—a struggle against compromise in medicine, corruption of science, and a real and present threat to children in the interests of policy and profit. It is a story of how ‘the system’ deals with dissent among its doctors and scientists.”
In the pursuit of possible links between childhood vaccines, intestinal inflammation, and neurologic injury in children, Wakefield lost his job in London’s Royal Free Hospital, his country of birth, his career, and his medical license. A recent General Medical Council ruling stated that he was “dishonest, irresponsible and showed callous disregard for the distress and pain of children.”
Maligned by the medical establishment and mainstream media, Wakefield endeavors to set the record straight in Callous Disregard. While explaining what really happened, he calls out the organizations and individuals that are acting not for the sake of children affected by autism, but in their own self-interests.
For More Information
Documentary: First Do No Pharm!
RFK Jr. Confirmed As HHS Secretary
Trump Establishes MAHA Commission
Shocking New Book: The Pfizer Papers
RFK Jr.’s First Steps as Secretary of HHS
Can Trump Make America Healthy Again?
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