David Icke Banned For Another Two Years With A Law That Doesn’t Exist
David Icke by Richard Willett – Memes and headline comments by David Icke
I have taken part in a farce of a Dutch court case today challenging my ban from some 30 European countries – a ban imposed with a law THAT DOESN’T EXIST. Yes, really. The judge has just ruled (of course) in favour of the government despite there being literally no law on which to base his verdict
This is where we are now and the Minister of Immigration imposing another two-year extension to the ban is Marjolein Faber, a member (hilariously) of the Geert Wilders’ ‘Party for Freedom’. Israel-arse-kisser Wilders is a hero of the ‘free speech’ fake ‘alternative’ media and (1) heads the biggest party in the Dutch parliament and (2) oversaw the imposition as prime minister of the UNELECTED Dick Schoof, former head of Dutch Intelligence and Director General of the Ministry of Justice and Security which were central to my original ban in 2022 and its extension.
The government lawyer repeated today that I am a threat to public order and ‘terrorism’ even though at 72 I have no criminal record, have spoken all over the world with no problems, and my books are awash with condemnations of violence (often by governments). The case today was challenging the Dutch government’s decision to ban me for a further two years adding to the previous two because I have ‘not changed my views’. A ban from one country in the Schengen border group network is a ban from all.
It clearly means that if I don’t ‘change my views’ about an ‘evil elite’ (the government lawyer’s phrase) the ban must by definition be indefinite for the rest of my life. Not only is it extraordinary that the ‘Party for Freedom’ (joke) could do this, but the fake core of the ‘alternative’ media has been silent on what has happened to me since 2022 while claiming to stand for freedom of speech and against censorship.
Any comment Mr Musk? Thought not. How many ‘stars’ of the hijacked ‘alternative’ are banned from most of Europe? NONE.
My thanks to my lawyer Jeroen Pols who has done a fantastic job taking the government ‘case’ apart, but tyranny makes up the ‘law’ as it likes and with the spineless judiciary with a rubber stamp always in hand he has no chance of securing justice.