Solutions: Boycotts and Buycotts
By James Corbett The battle against the New World Order is designed to demoralize us. No matter how we vote, no matter what politician we…
By James Corbett The battle against the New World Order is designed to demoralize us. No matter how we vote, no matter what politician we…
Youtube This FBI coloring book, made to discredit the Black Panther movement during the ‘COINTEL’ program, literally advocates the murder of ‘pig cops’ via children…
Aaron Dykes Activist Post Phony elections are the norm because The People have lost their political power. Powerful forces can rather easily launch manufactured candidates…
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Youtube Corn pesticides are killing off waves of honeybees, and the effects could spell disaster for life on Earth. Will the pollinators of most of…
Youtube – ACLU Oliver Stone gives devastating testimony on why you need to care about your privacy from government. This is a MUST SEE video…
Daisy Luther Activist Post An article in the UK Daily Mail yesterday pointed out that American birthrates are at the lowest point since 2007. Birth…
When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time…
Michael Snyder Activist Post A national DNA database is coming. Barack Obama has already said that he wants one. A major Supreme Court decision last…
Max Keiser We discuss tipping points on the way to the Bondpocalypse, a time when flipping houses to greater fools will no longer be a…
Youtube Abby Martin talks to Russell Tice, former intelligence analyst and original NSA whistleblower, about how the recent NSA scandal only scratches the surface of…
Cop Block Background: In 2012 Rich Paul – a longtime proponent of marijuana legalization – was kidnapped and caged by employees of the Federal Bureau…