The Plan to Collapse and Control the Planet
YouTube — crabbydogtrix…
YouTube — crabbydogtrix…
YouTube – EndTheLie – Support us! – Smile! You’re a civilian internee – Document –… Mirror –…. FEMA preparing “National…
Dees Illustration Joe Wright Activist Post A federal judge who ruled that “enemy combatant” Jose Padilla could file suit against John Yoo who authored the…
Dees Illustration By Joe Wright Stun guns are coming under attack as two new studies reveal that supposedly non-lethal Tasers do in fact put citizens…
EFF It seems that the government’s thirst for high tech surveillance can’t be quenched. First, came the NSA’s warrantless wiretap program. Then it was CISPA….
image source EFF No sooner did a mandatory data retention law go into effect in Austria this month than thousands of Austrians banded together in…
Joe Wright Activist Post A new mobile app called FlyRights has been introduced by The Sikh Coalition, a civil rights advocacy group. The app provides…
Scott Morgan StopTheDrugWar As the media turns up the heat on Obama’s medical marijuana crackdown, one of the excuses he’s giving is that they’re just…
Madison Ruppert, Contributing Writer Activist Post Unfortunately, the Connecticut bill I recently reported on which supposedly helped protect our right to hold law enforcement accountable…
image credit: Brian D. Hill, Contributor Activist Post A normal 63-year-old Vietnam veteran, who could never have expected a confrontation with the VA police,…
Madison Ruppert, Contributor Activist Post As I have previously reported, Amtrak is working with closely with the child agencies of the Department of Homeland Security…
image source Stephen Lendman, Contributor Activist Post On April 26, the House passed HR 3523: Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) of 2011 248-168. A…