Attack Rapidly, Ruthlessly, Viciously, without Rest
QUESTION: Would you comment on Trump’s agenda?
ANSWER: Those in Washington have lived a privileged life. During the Mortgaged Backed Security Crisis, when real estate declined, it did not decline by much at all in Washington because the government is like a broken gun without a firing pin – it won’t work, and you can’t fire it. What is most interesting is that since Trump was elected, the median housing price in Washington, DC, has already fallen from about $700,000 to $600,000. This is independent evidence that DOGE is expected to clean the house as part of the Trump agenda.

What is taking place reminds me of General Patton, who my father was with from North Africa to Berlin. I grew up with my father, often referring to General Patton, and he explained the strategy. It appears that someone who has advised Trump perhaps had similar knowledge of Patton. What I grew up being told was that achievers have a decided purpose in life, and their goals are driven by determination. My father use to quote Patton to me. One of his favorites was: “Fear kills more people than death.”

I have long suspected that USAID was behind my case, funding the attempted regime change in Russia for the 2000 election. I believe the bankers were lured in with the dream of all the resources of Russia going through the NY trading desks. I believe they were perhaps even funding the scheme to blackmail Yeltsin, and they hate Putin because Yeltsin defeated their regime change, installing Berezovsky by turning to Putin and saying his last words: “Protect Russia.” This has some parallels with the current Trump agenda.
I was shown skids of $100 bills being shipped weekly to Russia to fund the takeover of the country. I was told to invest $10 billion in this operation using Hermitage Capital Management, which Edmond Safra partly owned. NY Magazine did a whole story on it, calling it the Money Plane. I was told they had the government and the IMF in their back pocket.

Edmon Safra of Republic National Bank put on a fancy dinner for the IMF. I was invited and it was all about trying to convince me that they had the IMF in their pocket and that would rescue the day. The pitch was Russia had all these nukes, so there was no way the IMF would allow Russia to collapse/default on its debt. This created a serious yet tricky situation for the Russian government. What was going on was that Russia had been running a huge budget deficit to pay for public services. They had borrowed $40 billion by issuing three-month ruble Treasury bills known as GKOs.

This is what the “club” was buying for they were paying 30% interest to attract buyers. Were they bribing the IMF to prevent a default? Or was this all a regime change being run covertly through this USAID slush fund? All the hedge funds and bankers were all on this trade, expecting free money. I refused to join and warned them that my computer projected this would collapse. They did not want to hear that. They were CONVINCED the fix was in which created that perfect GUARANTEED TRADE.

They set up Yeltsin and got him to take $7 billion from the IMF loans. The wire was steered to Geneva via the Bank of New York – a despised rival of Safra’s Republic National Bank. Even CNN reported that the money had been stolen from the IMF.
CNN Theft of IMF Money – Sep. 1, 1999

Edmond Safra’s Republic National Bank ran to the Department of Justice and reported that a $7 billion money laundering scheme had just gone through the Bank of New York. They attempted to blackmail Yeltsin to step down and appoint their guy Boris Berezovsky; Yeltsin then turned to Putin. I even met with US Attorney Richard Owen. I informed him that the money led to Yeltsin, and the Russian Minister of Interior was stonewalling him, their equivalent of the Russian FBI, who flew to NYC at that time to investigate. The DOJ did not know what they stepped into, and I suspect that USAID was not forthright.
When Lucie Edwards of the Bank of New York pled guilty, they never said where the money came from and just said money laundering with no proof or allegation. They threw in, oh, there was a kidnapping, and the Judge never asked anything. The Bank of NY people got 6 months of house arrest and no prison time for the largest money laundering scheme in history to cover up this regime change.
It was the US bankers, with the support of the Deep State, who first tried to interfere in Russian elections. This is why Putin was not friendly to Hilary Clinton and said Russiagate Special Prosecutor Mueller could come to question anyone in Russia he liked, provided Russia could question Americans, including Bill Browder, who was Safra’s partner in Hermitage Capital.
When I was solicited to join this regime change, adding $10 billion with the promise I would make $100 billion, I warned that my computer said they would fail and that Russia’s debt market would collapse. When the London Financial Times on June 27th, 1998, put on the front page of Section 2 our forecast for the collapse of Russia when it did in September, I was blamed for that, and on the one side, we have the CIA wanted that model that could forecast the collapse of empires, nations, and city-states, the saw it as a national security issue.
Of course, since all the big players were on the same trade when the market collapsed, there was NO BID, and they were forced to start selling everything else to raise cash to cover their losses in Russia. This became a significant liquidity crisis as investments worldwide crashed because they needed money to cover losses in Russia. This led to great confusion since local markets collapsed on no domestic news.
With USAID sending tens of millions to Chelse Clinton, Wuhan Lab, and countless journalists to create fake news, I am waiting with bated breath to see how deep the USAID connections are tied to the NY bankers and this scheme to create regime change in Russia. It is important to see how it aligns with or contrasts from the Trump agenda.