Albuquerque Police Violated Lapel Camera Policy 60 Times
Lily Dane Activist Post America’s Predatory Deadbeats (otherwise known as the Albuquerque Police Department) are in the news again. Will it ever end? On April…
Lily Dane Activist Post America’s Predatory Deadbeats (otherwise known as the Albuquerque Police Department) are in the news again. Will it ever end? On April…
ReasonTV Visit
Heather Callaghan Activist Post German research shows a direct link between endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and sperm function which may negatively affect fertilization. Some people…
James Corbett Support BoilingFrogsPost Visit
Anthony Freda Art Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler Activist Post Is the Fed “tapering”? Did the Fed really cut its bond purchases during the…
John Galt Activist Post Art has always been an important method to deliver dissenting messages to the establishment, as well as a rallying point to…
Are you non-material, or just a programmed brain? Jon Rappoport Activist Post First, read these two quotes from highly regarded academic scientists, to catch the…
Michael Snyder Activist Post Does the economy move in predictable waves, cycles or patterns? There are many economists who believe that it does, and if…
David Angelo
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Charlie Mcgrath
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