The mesmerizing mass media have conditioned public opinion. Are we all victims of mass-level trauma-based mind control?
Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton
Activist Post
The media brainwashed the public into believing lies about the JFK assassination. There’s no other way to put it. Without the power of the TV and aid of mass psychology to frame events, the establishment never could have passed off such a stinker via the Warren Commission and the resulting 50-year cover-up of a vast and ongoing conspiracy.
Pro Tip: Although many have been conditioned to disregard the term “conspiracy” as an unreality, it is factually the act of two or more parties involved in plotting/committing a crime, and it happens with regularity in real life all the time.
Con·spir·a·cy [kuhn-spir-uh-see] noun, plural con·spir·a·cies.
1. the act of conspiring.
2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
See Truthstream Media’s Conspiracy Factist Original T-Shirt Design
Aaron and Melissa created as an outlet to examine the news, place it in a broader context, uncover the deceptions, pierce through the fabric of illusions, grasp the underlying factors, know the real enemy, unshackle from the system, and begin to imagine the path towards taking back our lives, one step at a time, so that one day we might truly be free…
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