45-Day Exit and Build Challenge – Week 5: Education & Knowledge

By The Conscious Resistance

For 7 Fridays in a row, Derrick Broze will break down the Exit and Build strategy from a holistic perspective.

Tune in for the fifth week of the 45-Day Exit and Build Challenge!

Week 5 is Education & Knowledge!

Derrick talks about exiting from propaganda education models like public school!

He will also focus on breaking away from “information sources” which do nothing but pump fear, uncertainty, and doubt into your mind!

Here’s an outline of each week:

Week 1: Food
Week 2: Money
Week 3: Technology
Week 4: Land
Week 5: Education & Knowledge
Week 6: Mindset & Habits
Week 7: Thinking Holistically

Show Notes:

Propaganda / Bad Sources of Information / Actual Disinformation

Better information
alternative education online

– consume a piece of content that you know you’re going to disagree with
– visit EDX.org and search for courses in a topic you’re interested in
– learn more about the Trivium

Source: The Conscious Resistance Network

Derrick, founder of TCRN, is a seasoned investigative journalist known for his in-depth reporting and analysis.

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