Breast Cancer Rates Increase Among Young Women; Cell Phone and Wireless Radiation Exposure Increases Cancer Risk

By B.N. Frank

A new study has determined that breast cancer rates are increasing among young women. It’s heartbreaking! There’s no doubt that genetics can play a role but exposure to environmental toxins – including cell phones and other sources of wireless radiation – can play a role too! Thanks again to Environmental Health Trust for continuing to report about this and also provide resources to help raise awareness:

Breast Cancer and Cell Phones

What You Need To Know

  • Cell phones emit microwave radiation; like your microwave oven, but at much lower power.
  • The World Health Organization International Agency for the Research on Cancer classified cell phone radiation as a Group 2B “possible” carcinogen in 2011 and today- over a decade later- numerous WHO experts recommend an upgraded classification.
  • Breast tissue absorbs wireless microwave radiation. Research shows a link between cell phone radiation and breast cancer
  • Case reports are published documenting how women are developing unusual breast cancers  directly where they carry their phones in their bras. Young women, even with no family history, are developing this type of breast cancer.
  • Cell phone manuals tell you not to place your phone directly on your body. Most women are unaware of these warnings.
  • Numerous doctors and breast cancer surgeons recommend keeping your phone out of your bra.

What You Can Do

Keep your phone away from your body, and especially out of your bra.

  • Turn your phone on Airplane Mode with Bluetooth OFF to shut off the radiation.
  • Use wired landlines for calls (not cordless).
  • Use wired computers for e-mail and Internet browsing.
  • Educate yourself on the published research (see below).
  • Download and share these infographics with your friends and family.
  • Spread the word on social media.  Make your bra a #NoPhoneZone!

Dr. Devra Lee Davis, Founder and President for EHT

Dr. Davis presents a case report of a woman who developed breast cancer right where she kept her phone in her bra.  View her slide presentation here.


These women developed breast cancer where they carried their phone.

Tiffany Frantz

Tiffany was only 21 when she was diagnosed with an unusual breast cancer directly under the place she carried her phone in her bra. She did not know that the manual stated she should keep the phone at a distance from her body.

“I WISH there would have been a warning on the outside of the box for ALL of us to read . My daughter may not have to fight for her life if it were!”- Traci Frantz, Tiffany’s mother in a letter to City Councils.

Tiffany Frantz developed metastatic breast cancer after storing the cell phone in her bra for 5 years. The tumors were directly where she kept the phone in her bra. Tiffany passed away Saturday, August 28, 2021 at the young age of 31.

An Open Letter from Tiffany’s Mother Traci Frantz

She hopes that you will read her letter at a Council meeting to raise awareness of this issue and her letter has been presented to decision-makers nationwide.

View the presentation about her story here that her mother uses to educate high school students.

See also

Activist Post reports regularly about wireless radiation exposure risks. For more information, visit our archives.

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