Scientists fear hyperactive sun

Scientists say solar storms may soon impact humans’ daily lives as the next sunspot cycle heralding increased solar eruptions draws near.

They fear that a peak in the solar flares, projected to take place in 2013 at the height of the Sun’s magnetic activities, could potentially affect power grids, flights, telecommunications, radios and televisions.

The solar storms are also a source of concerns for air passengers traveling long distances as they could be exposed to enhanced radiation.

Scientists say over 900 operating satellites in space, worth an estimated $200 billion, could take the brunt of the Sun’s eruptions.

It is not however known how the life on earth will take the full force of intensified solar activities due to the Sun’s ‘erratic’ behavior.

The Sun undergoes an almost 11-year period of magnetic activities during which dark spots appear on its surface from where it spews matter and energy into space.

However, it has been behaving inconsistently over the past years, scientists say. 


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