Charlie Robinson Takes Over Activist Post
Charlie Robinson is the host of the Macroaggressions Podcast. He was the author of Hypocrazy: Surviving In A World Of Cultural Double Standards in 2021 and The Octopus of Global Control in 2017
When Robinson took over the Activist Post and Natural Blaze sites on January 1 this year, he offered an online version of Hypocrazy which is 259 pages, as shown below. It’s a must-read read for anyone who would like to make sense of the last four crazy years and much more.

Critical Importance of Thinking Different Now
The Apple logo used to encourage us to “Think Different” – to take a bite out of the forbidden apple to access knowledge and truth. Robinson encourages us to do the same.

Never was thinking different more important than during the COVID years. From 2020-2023, anyone who questioned the COVID-19 “scientific consensus” was ridiculed, silenced, and accused of being a selfish “conspiracy theorist” who was causing “vaccine hesitancy” and “killing grandma”.
However, people who had the wisdom and courage to refuse the COVID shots protected their lives and those of their children – even if they lost their jobs and many friends. COVID was such a wake-up call that the corporate media (much of it “Brought to you by Pfizer”) is now collapsing as more people turn to the alt media for trustworthy information.
The Collapse of the Mainstream Media (Part 1) Russiagate
The Collapse of the Mainstream Media (Part 2) 2020 Election
The Collapse of Mainstream Media(Part 3) COVID-19
The Collapse of the Mainstream Media (Part 4): The Rise of New, Independent Media: A Silver Lining
Collapse of COVID Narrative
Dr. Anthony Fauci then head of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) was the lead spokesperson on the Whitehouse Coronavirus Task Force. Fauci declared on 11/20/21 that anyone who questioned his COVID policies was questioning science because Fauci under fire: Declares “I represent science”. However, the official narrative is changing dramatically and rapidly now.
House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Hearing Reveals Dr. Fauci Made Mitigation Decisions Without Factual Evidence
House Covid-19 panel releases final report criticizing public health response to the pandemic 12/2/24
The documentary SHOCKING: New Evidence That Fauci Lied, People Died | Thank You, Dr. Fauci explains “This could potentially be one of the biggest stories of our time.” It shows that Fauci perjured himself when he was questioned by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) in 2021 about funding bioweapon research in Wuhan, China. Perjury is a crime punishable by up to five years in prison.
Rand Paul just called for the ARREST of the EVIL Dr. Fauci…12/25/24
Rand Paul vows to investigate ‘covid coverup’ as Senate panel’s new chair 11/14/24
CDC Director Blows Whistle: Fauci Facing Life In Prison For Creating COVID As Bioweapon
An Urgent Societal Awakening
CHARLIE ROBINSON on an Urgent Societal Awakening 7/27/19
In this extract from the ‘Follow The Money: How The World Really Works’ episode of Renegade Inc, Charlie Robinson discusses how people are waking up to the world around them.

There seems to be one rule for me yet another for thee. It’s this hypocrisy that the author Charlie Robinson takes on in his most recent book: Hypocrazy. His argument is clear: as much as the powers-that-be tell us that things are normal….
Mar 7, 2022

Historic Deaths of Millennials
Excess Mortality Just Got Worse: Alarming New Data!
Ed Dowd: COVID Shots Are Causing Youth Democide explains that when former Blackrock Portfolio Manager Edward Dowd discussed shocking information about excess mortality. “The millennial age group 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality into the fall. It’s the worst ever excess mortality, I think, in history,” Dowd stated.
Dowd noted an acceleration of excess mortality in 2021, around the time when mandates and boosters took effect. Dowd said “starting in the summer and into the Fall, with the mandates and the boosters, there were 61,000 excess millennial deaths. Basically, millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021.” National Archives stated 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties of the Vietnam War.
Dowd says this data is the smoking gun which shows COVID-19 injections are causing excess mortality in all age groups. Dowd labeled this ‘democide.’ Wikipedia’s definition of democide: “Democide is the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder”.
Dowd summarized: “So the government, through the mandates, has killed people.”

Where Did All The People Go?
TFH #603: 9/11 And The Deagel Report With Charlie Robinson reported that Dr. Bill Deagle predicted in 2017 that the populations in Western countries would drop by 2025 because of a pandemic and an economic crisis. Robinson correlated those predictions with the “excess deaths” in 2021-2022 in Western countries that took the COVID shots. He pointed out that countries that did not get many COVID shots are ones for which Deagle predicted population rises. So, Dr. Deagle knew by 2017 there was a plan to release a deadly “pandemic” to kill much of the Western population by 2025.
Part 1: Where did all the people go? From Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson
A scary look at what the future may hold as the jabbed continue to die.
Part 2: Where did all the people go? From Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson

First published on 5/13/22

Hypocrazy: Surviving In A World Of Cultural Double Standards 2021
Amazon Description
- a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
- a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
Western SOCIETY has become a difficult place for many people to navigate due to the constantly shifting moral values, cultural double standards, the outright manipulation of reality by the MEDIA, a dangerous consolidation in the BUSINESS community, and the strange WOKE agenda.
The many WARS that have been started by psychopathic GOVERNMENTS, be they against other countries or things like drugs and COVID, have worked to shake peoples’ BELIEFS in the institutions that they once trusted with their lives.
What a crazy time to be alive.
The Octopus of Global Control
The Octopus of Global Control 2017
Charlie says: “I didn’t set out to actually be a writer, but rather to organize content in a way that other people could interpret and process themselves. The Octopus of Global Control was written so that people could share it with friends and family members that did not currently have an understanding of what was really happening in our world.”
Amazon Description
The Octopus of Global Control is a controversial, nonfiction book detailing how those in positions of power are able to manipulate society for their benefit, why they believe that they are entitled to impose their warped world view of reality on mankind, and how we can break free from their grip.
The eight tentacles of control that are wrapped around humanity are the Military, Governmental, Covert, Physical, Financial, Media, Spiritual, and Scientific. The book tackles topics such as uncovering the Deep State, false flag terror events, the media’s role in manufacturing wars, the 9/11 deception, the fraud of central banking, our broken education system, the use of religion to shape society, and the corrupted medical industry.
The Octopus of Global Control footnotes these important events by featuring quotes and first-hand observations from over 500 witnesses and participants that were involved in the most important events in our history. Their words add context and help to paint the picture of these historic events by explaining who these people were, what they said, why it matters, and what actually happened.
The author, Charlie Robinson, accomplishes the seemingly impossible task of blending the seriousness of these topics, and the respect they deserve, with dark humor, sarcasm and wit, that allow the reader to laugh at the preposterous while grasping the importance of these lessons.
2025 Documentary: The Octopus of Global Control
Robinson says in the video The Octopus of Global Controlbelow that in 2025, he will release an 8-part video documentary based on his book of the same name.
“ I came out of Anarchapulco 2024 on a mission to turn my 2017 book, “The Octopus of Global Control” into an 8-part video documentary series.
This was always the plan.
It was meant to be turned into a punk rock version of history, matching the aggressive and unfiltered nature of the book which featured 700 quotes from 500 different people and is destined for television screens through a streaming service, and the timing feels right.
There are so many different ways that director Richard Willett (Ickonic) is able to take this project, and with Jason Dahl (Dahlhouse Studios) and his mind-blowing graphic design, the Octopus will come to life in ways the book never could.”
Additional Books
Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up
The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race
Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America
Presidential Takedown: How Anthony Fauci, the CDC, NIH, and the WHO Conspired to Overthrow President Trump