What’s ID 2020 And Are You Ready To Become Impacted By It?

By Catherine J. Frompovich

An apparent New World Order (NWO) numbering of the world’s population is in the works, which will affect and impact every human being on the planet from the first day of birth forward! 

Below is a schematic of their ‘game plan’.  It’s called the “ID2020 Alliance” and is the most comprehensive surveillance database probably to date and being implemented on a GLOBAL basis, as you can see from the International Organizations involved, governmental agencies feeding it statistical data, and the countries that will fund it.


If you look closely, you realize the importance vaccinations will play in that Alliance and the apparent role(s) Big Pharma will take in providing ever-increasing numbers of vaccines, which probably will never see legitimate scientific testing for safety and/or efficacy!

The other thing that jumps off the page is the apparent close relationship between GAVI and the UN’s UNICEF!

According to the webpage “Why An Alliance?”

Gavi was officially launched at the World Economic Forum in 2000 at a time when multiple organizations were pursuing siloed approaches to immunization, leading to inefficiencies and ineffectiveness in the market for vaccines. The organization’s founding partners, including UNICEF, the World Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, developing and donor governments, and others, recognized that uncoordinated programs and unpredictable financing were hindering vaccination efforts and hypothesized that streamlining funding was a critical driver of a coordinated approach.  As such, the alliance not only coordinates action on the ground, but achieves scale and impact by operating as a multi-stakeholder partnership around a single funding entity. The alliance raises a single fund to support global immunization efforts, then channels that funding into vaccination programs meeting criteria determined by alliance partners. The result has been coordinated programs, efficient use of funding and a large pooled market for vaccines that has driven down the cost of vaccinations for more than 880 million children worldwide.  [CJF emphasis]

The above brings to mind Bill Gates infamous statement made during his February 2010 TED Talk when he gave his famous equation for global population control, which definitely included the use of vaccines.


The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.

ID2020 Alliance probably is a NWO game plan to effectuate mandatory global vaccinations so the transhumanism agenda can be fast-tracked more readily, since many of the neurotoxic ingredients in vaccines adversely affect human DNA.  Plus, check out the UN’s Agenda 21 and 2030, if you haven’t done so already.

Here is the 15-page online ID2020 Alliance webpage, which I really encourage everyone to study, as its mission will become part of your future, and probably very soon!  One of the opening pages claims

Committed to improving lives through digital identity.

Folks, if you haven’t realized it yet, the digitalization and technological pushes can, and probably will, make life unbearable.

Acceptance of all that technology everyone thinks is so fantastic has now become the albatross around everyone’s neck; you no longer will be your own person; you will be owned by technology!

What happens if you don’t want to comply with all the toxic vaccinations, etc.?  Well, remember what the CDC did in 2016, and which I wrote about?

The “Spider’s Web” of Controlling Factors 2016: Understanding the CDC’s Power-grab Proposed Rule on Communicable Diseases
http://activistpost.com/2016/09/spiders-web-controlling-factors-2016-understanding-cdcs-power-grab-proposed-rule-communicable-diseases.html .  and

An Epic Rulemaking Comment Period Regarding the CDC’s Power Grab Ends October 14, 2016 – What Is Your Position About Its Infringement Upon Your Health?

However, there’s a most interesting aspect to many of the newer vaccines being created – close to 300 [1] – by Big Pharma, I offer.  Many aren’t for communicable diseases, but for diabetes, cancer vaccines, peanut allergy vaccine, etc.

Shouldn’t Congress be investigating the CDC/FDA’s ‘charter’ as to why both those federal agencies seem to be overstepping their charters and powers regarding and recommending vaccines, since vaccines originally were implemented to “prevent communicable vaccines,” which, in fact, they contribute to spreading by what’s called vaccine shedding [2-3]?

There definitely is some apparent other agenda with regard to vaccines and their toxins, especially since the CDC exercised a hugely anti-Constitutional federal agency over-reach in 2016 when it mandated everyone be quarantined or jailed without legal representation for not taking vaccines and even fined up to $500,000!

CDC seems to be operating like a rogue agency with total disregard for any oversight, which is nothing new for it or, more specifically, for the FDA.  Here’s proof as published in the monograph Vaccines & Vaccinations: The Need for Congressional Investigation January 2011 Presented to the 112th Congress Oversight Committees,  edited by Laraine Abbey-Katzev and Catherine J Frompovich.

In two other well argued, erudite books, Global Censorship of Health Information and The Rise of Tyranny—How Federal Agencies Abuse Power and Pose Risks to Your Life and Liberty, authored by a brilliant constitutional attorney, Jonathan Emord shows how frighteningly lawless some of our regulatory agencies have become.  Emord tells us, “…FDA refuses to honor five decisions holding its censorship unconstitutional.” 1

 An attorney in the FDA Chief Counsel’s office regarding a court order to FDA made this really shocking statement, “Jonathan, the FDA will never abide by the Pearson decision.” 2   Despite Jonathan’s noting it was a final and binding decision—an order of the court—the FDA attorney said, “That may be so, but I am telling you the FDA will never abide by that court decision, never, ever.” 3   Emord tells us, “His words pierced to the very core of my being.  Here was an agency’s legal officer telling me that the agency was, intentionally, lawless.” 4

1 Emord, JW. Global Censorship of Health Information (Washington, DC: Sentinel Press, 2010) 16.
2 Ibid. 17
3 Ibid. 17
4 Ibid. 17

Besides the new Travel IDs U.S. citizens will need effective in 2018 per Homeland Security [4], you now will be identified in a database as a “citizen of the New World Order”.


[1] http://phrma-docs.phrma.org/sites/default/files/pdf/Vaccines_2013.pdf  Pp. 10-31
[2] http://www.thevaccinemom.com/2015/02/vaccine-shedding-should-you-really-be-concerned/
[3] http://www.nvic.org/cmstemplates/nvic/pdf/live-virus-vaccines-and-vaccine-shedding.pdf
[4] https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/01/08/dhs-sets-2018-travel-deadline-real-id/78523112/

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on Amazon.com.

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on Amazon.com and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on Amazon.com are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available

Image Credit: Pixabay

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3 Comments on "What’s ID 2020 And Are You Ready To Become Impacted By It?"

  1. vaccines aren’t killing many, traffic grid gets worse every year. Crap in the environment, food, water, etc. is causing cancer and other ailments. Best not to raise family, as young people have a zero future here and elsewhere.

    • Vaccines are not killing many in the same way as a gun bullet would but but they are killing the future of the vaccinated kids b/c many end up with autism, being dependent on help for the rest of their lives. I remember stumbling upon a TV documentary one night when I couldn’t sleep. In that documentary one family had two children, both sick, one with autism and the parents had to put a straight jacket on the son so he would not continue harm himself but he was still repeatedly hitting his head against the wall. Such an individual will never be able to have a normal life, get an education, a job, get married and have children of his own. This is the goal of the depopulation agenda. So why does the agenda want to lower the size of the global population? B/c there is a global shortage of drinking water. I also stumbled upon another TV documentary where a Mid West farmer was proudly talking about his new water conservation system which will make his aquifer last for the rest of his work years (until his retirement), but I was thinking: and then what? Will pll stop needing food by then???
      How will we grow food w/o water? How will we cook w/o water? How will we hydrate our bodies w/o water? And no, desalination plants are not the answer b/c those filters do not filter out the Fukushima radiation, spread to all oceans, causing cancer. Cancer kills.
      But yes, you are right about toxins in food, water and air. I just read an article about China now having rice seeds which tolerates being grown in salty water so the Chinese flooded rice fields with ocean water, the same ocean water which contains Fukushima radiation and causes cancer. But China, together with India, have the world’s largest populations, 1.3 B ppl each. China also bought the Swiss chemical giant Syngenta and is manufacturing the toxic herbicide Glyphosate, a carcinogen, under a generic name, so I guess farmers don’t know what they are using?? And supposedly in India they are sterilizing men, don’t remember what the article said, how it is done, if voluntarily?
      Thinking about all of this just makes me dizzy. I have increased the dose of Melatonin (a sleeping aid) so I won’t wake up at night and watch all these TV documentaries.

  2. You said: “Here is the 15-page online ID2020 Alliance webpage, which I really encourage everyone to study, as its mission will become part of your future, and probably very soon”… Here is what I encourage everyone to study as it will also become a part of your future very soon as well. http://www.itshisstory.com

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