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Gene Wynholds
Activist Post
The Earth is dying…it is being poisoned by greed and the power mongers who have taken over the most powerful and influential institutions of the Western world. And thanks to a handful of tireless researchers, we now know exactly who the perpretrators are and what their agenda is. If you are one of those who has yet to apprise yourself of our dire condition, I recommend the work of one David Icke who has done more than any other within the last 20 years to alert us to the actual parameters of our enslavement by a cabal of bloodline satanists hell-bent on securing this planet for their own nefarious ends.
Icke is not the first, but he may well be the last and most important of the conspiracy researchers who write not for profit but to warn us of our impending enslavement should we fail to halt the progress of the New World Order. By all means, read up on the works of Eustace Mullins, Mae Brussell, Gary Allen, Antony Sutton and Bill Cooper; but, having surveyed the literature myself for many years, I heartily endorse Icke as having the most complete and up-to-date analyses of the tactics employed by these secret society satanists.
Knowledge is power; we need this information to a) apprise ourselves of the actual conditions of our oppression, and b) arm ourselves with the means to resist and overthrow the cabal. If we do not rigorously pursue this task of freeing ourselves from bondage to the bankster elites, nothing else we accomplish will be of much value. What is life without freedom?
Much ridicule has been directed at DI for insisting that extraterrestrial and interdimensional entities are part and parcel of the attempt to take over the planet. In truth, it matters little whether or not this is the case; the fact remains that an elite core of ‘royal’ bloodlines, originating in the dim past of prehistory are now poised to establish a one world government, a world army (NATO), a world bank with a single electronic currency, and a microchipped population monitored by a supercomputer.
But despite the overwhelming power and resources at the disposal of the cabal, we, citizens of Earth, have the numbers to defeat them handily, without bloodshed. In the words of an editor in the US, commenting on the advent of DI’s 1995 book, And The Truth Shall Set You Free:
It is difficult to put into words the excitement I feel about this. It is a book that I have been waiting to see for a long, long time. I knew it would come and now it is here. I am practically overwhelmed by the sense of urgency I feel in getting this book to press and into distribution.
From the back cover of the same book:
Icke reveals the esoteric background to the global conspiracy and offers an inspiring spiritual solution in which every man, woman and child on planet Earth breaks free from the daily programming and takes back their infinite power to think for themselves and decide their own destiny.
The aforementioned tome is but the first in a series of books detailing not only the conditions of our oppression, but the spiritual and material means to regain our freedom. I recommend that folks who are new to this information begin with David’s more recent works which are up to date and complete in themselves as to exposing the conspiracy. I say this because I feel time is short and affirmative action is required. Those with the time and resources should, of course, peruse his earlier works also for a more detailed analysis. And there are dozens of excellent videos with David on YouTube which can be seen for free.
Once you catch David’s vibe and his drift, I know that you too, like myself, will be astonished by his knowledge, wisdom and clarity in explaining one of the most important subjects confronting us today.
Do your part in rescuing this planet and all of humanity from the insane schemes of immoral men who care nothing for the race but only for themselves. As David is fond of reminding us, “What were you doing, Daddy, when the New World Order was being put into place…?”
This submission has been entered into a contest to win 2 premium tickets + $500 for travel to see David Icke at Wembley Arena, London — October 27, 2012. If you like this article, please share it far and wide, as the winner will be determined by the total number of pageviews acquired before the end of the contest on June 15th. For additional details about submissions, please visit our Contest Page.
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