Cops Set Up Multiple “Heroin Checkpoints” Search Every Car with K-9s – Media is Silent

heroin-checkpoint-md-1024x498By John Vibes

All major routes coming in and out of Bel Air, Maryland were blocked by police this Tuesday, who set up checkpoints and searched cars with drug dogs. Thousands of cars were searched in the operation, which was not reported by any local news media and was not announced by the police department.

Many people had suspected that police were out in strong force ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, searching for drunk drivers. However, witnesses reported that the police were actually in search of drugs, specifically heroin, and they even had massive construction signs posted that said “Heroin checkpoint ahead, Drug K9 In Use.”

Readers of The Free Thought Project reported close to a dozen different checkpoints in Harford County, each of them at major intersections during heavy traffic hours. Sadly, there was very little public outcry about the checkpoints, and many people were actually praising the police because of the fact that heroin is legitimately a problem in the area.

However, checkpoints like this are a blatant violation of everyone’s rights, even people who think that they have “nothing to hide,” and it won’t even achieve its stated goal of keeping drugs out of town. Our readers told us that they witnessed several arrests, although it is unclear whether or not these arrests were related to heroin. It is likely that police were making any arrests and writing any tickets that they could while they had the checkpoint set up, even if it was for something like marijuana possession or driving with expired tags.

Heroin addiction is a serious problem but, as counter-intuitive as it sounds, the best way to prevent heroin overdoses is to actually legalize it. Certain areas of the world, like Portugal, where all drugs have been made legal actually show far fewer overdoses than there are in prohibition countries. The Washington Post reported earlier this year that drug overdoses are extremely rare in Portugal, and they have some of the lowest rates of addiction in the world.

As I explained in an earlier article, there are many external factors that are affected by the drug war that many people don’t take into account. That is because when you carry out acts of violence, even in the form of punishment, you then create a ripple effect which extends far beyond the bounds of the original circumstance to affect many innocent people down the line. The list in my previous article delves into those external factors to illustrate how drug users and non-users alike would be a lot better off if prohibition ended immediately. The list includes the following advantages of full legalization:

  1. Reduce violent crime
  2. Improve seller accountability and drug safety
  3. Reduce drug availability to children
  4. Reduce nonviolent prisoner population
  5. Real crime can be dealt with
  6. Encourage genuine treatment for addicts
  7. Prevent drug overdoses
  8. Protect individual rights

The following video was taken on RT 1 near Fork Auto Body, by Rob McLewee.


John Vibes is an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. He also has a publishing company where he offers a censorship free platform for both fiction and non-fiction writers. You can contact him and stay connected to his work at his Facebook page. You can purchase his books, or get your own book published at his website

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43 Comments on "Cops Set Up Multiple “Heroin Checkpoints” Search Every Car with K-9s – Media is Silent"

  1. It is the very silence of the masses that is our undoing.

  2. First, the USA grows the opium in Afghanistan. Then they import it to the states and bust people for possessing it, rendering them institutionalized and unable to vote. It’s no coincidence that heroin usage skyrocketed after the USA occupied Afghanistan. They profit on both sides: growing it, then throwing people in for profit prisons and expanding law enforcement budgets

    • Boom! Sing it.

    • Check out Dave Mcgowan (rip dave!) on the genesis of the hippie movement via similar mehods: read “Inside the LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Movement:
      It’s also a book now called “Weird Scenes in the Canyon” or something. Dave blew the lid off the subject and many are now discussing and furthering his work. Soon after publishing Weird Scenes and while also taking the forefront in deconstructing the Boston Marathon hoax (many GOOD vids from dave on the subject) he contracted a very fast-acting deadly cancer. Rip dave!!

      Picture the CIA ordering 10kg of LSD from Sandoz pharmaceuticals at a time only a few milligrams had ever been produced to get a rough idea of the situation. Cheers

  3. People actually praising the police for doing away with the people’s rights against unreasonable searches. How far we have fallen. If I would have gone through this, I would have badge numbers, names, time, place and would contact my lawyer and sue the state of Maryland. Why are so many people so stupid?

  4. Studies have shown that police dogs are accurate less than 19% of the time and they can also be trained to falsely respond so if they are “dog testing ” every car this is just plain wrong. There needs to be probable cause for this like erratic driving, slurring of speech etc. With “civil forfeiture” rampant this is a huge breech in the system that needs to be closed now.

    • We don’t need “probable cause” as that suggests we must be “subject to the jurisdiction thereo.f” As Lysander Spooner explains in No Treason No. 6, The Constitution of No Authority, there is no grounds for government dictatorship/tyranny. Marc Stevens has put this to practical use in issues with the government and some honest judges recognize the fact that the government lacks factual evidence that the constitution and laws apply to you just because you are physically present in some geographical location and they dismiss the cases for lack of jurisdiction; crooked judges, like John Mercer in Beaverton, Or.(well, IMHO) refuse to dismiss traffic court cases where no claim exists, i.e. no proof of property damage or personal injury exists.

    • The US of Everything Is Rigged, Illegal (or pending)

  5. Great job. They to keep doing it!

  6. John Small-Berry-Smythe | November 26, 2015 at 12:02 am |

    I think the number one reason is that the police want to see if their distribution network of heroin is fanning out correctly in the areas they’ve been directed to supply……by their REAL masters…

  7. WTH why are any of these people allowing their rights to be violated?

  8. The police don’t search every car, contrary to the false headline. The truth is all we have, please don’t squander it through foolish exaggeration.

    The police are playing an idiotic game here, setting up fake checkpoints in the hope of flushing out paranoid drug abusers. They then use trumped-up probable cause to search a percentage of vehicles. Hopefully the courts will smite them and the police leadership involved will be fired. But citizens should all protest loudly, as this is clearly a massive fourth amendment violation.

  9. Also incorrect is the assertion that no local media has reported this. Just because you can’t Google it doesn’t mean it wasn’t reported. Local radio has covered this, as well as newspapers and the Baltimore Sun. John Vibes, please correct this poorly researched content.

  10. ActiPost: why are you deleting comments that link to accurate reporting about the fake checkpoint scam? This is the height of hypocrisy.

  11. The violation of one’s freedom is not justified by the use of force in the name of “safety” or because one sees no danger in the use of such force or violence. Tolstoy wrote in The Law of Love and The Law of Violence that politics if violence; it is the use of force. Almost every “law” has enforcement provision(s) attached to it. Yet no one can provide factual evidence that the constitution and laws apply to him just because he is
    physically present in some geographical location. Put this question to any judge, attorney, politician, IRS agent and see if they produce such evidence and be aware that factual evidence comes in the form of a sworn affidavit of truth attesting to the how, where and when such alleged factual evidence attached or
    came about. They don’t have it because it would leave them open to explain under crossexamination as to just how the master-slave relationship of government vs. We The People happened and of course they dare not admit such as that would demonstrate violation of their own constitution at the 13th Amendment!

    I disagree with the “legalize it” position as it suggests that we must have permission to use it (anything, heroin, alcohol… or not, which implies a master-slave relationship, the politicians being the masters. I would be in favor of termination of control. The same applies to most “laws” that evidence the master-slave relationship!

    Again, the “police state” is merely symptomatic of the deeper disease/cancer, i.e. politicians who are sold out to Satan and sadly selected by the people!

    In fact a “revolution” might well result in an even more diabolical dictatorship…be careful of that for which you wish]

    This book can certainly be a manifesto for a movement to that end. I pray it inspires the present generation to the task at hand. But I fear that nothing less than a social upheaval akin to that of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s, or the opposition to the war in Vietnam in the late 60s, will do it. [If everyone called to jury duty in an Income Tax case decided against the IRS, then the fangs of that evil system would be removed. Hit the politicians where it hurts, i.e. take away the power of money! Same applies to traffic court
    cases…read Lysander Spooner’s No Treason No. 6, The Constitution of No Authority. View some of the No State Project by Marc Stevens over at YouTube to see how the government cannot provide factual evidence that the constitution and laws apply to one because he is physically present in some geographical location.

    • Jackw: you believe in Satan. Good. Hopefully you also believe in God. The authority to govern comes from God. Only a fool thinks he answers to no one. We all answer to God and God says he institutes authority that we are morally bound to respect as well — until Man’s law contradicts God’s law.

      1Peter 2:13-17
      Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

      If you don’t believe in God, what meaning can your life possibly have?

      • Indeed I have taken Jesus as my saviour and believe Jehovah God. The Bible teaches us that Satan was given control of Earth for a while and many have been deceive by of Beelzebub, especially politicians, presidents, leaders and supreme court justices and people who support them and choose them.

        • So then you acknowledge that the constitution and laws of the U.S. apply to you, in contradiction to your earlier claim?

          That Satan influences the world (he won’t control it until the Tribulation) in no way relieves you of your subjection to God-ordained government, in so far as it doesn’t contradict God’s law. Your previous claim is from “the ignorance of foolish men.”

          • No, I do not acknowledge your inferrence. Read Lysander Spooner’s No Treason No 6., The Constitution of No Authority and then visit Marc Stevens’ No State Project (both are on the WWW) and to which I agree.

          • Either God is wrong, or Spooner and Stevens are. I put my trust in God rather than men.

          • Have you read Spooner’s missive? Have you views Stevens’ videos?

          • To Spooner and other moral relativists, morality derives from nature, hence their false concept of Natural law. They say there is a natural law that must be obeyed whether it is written down by legislative authorities or not. This is what we would now call moral objectivism; it’s the essence of classical natural law theory. It’s also godless, and a lie of Satan.

            God’s law is not relative. It is absolute. Spooner was a deist, not a Christian. If you really are a Christian, you will reject his thinking and that of others of his ilk.

          • Actually whether Spooner is a deist as you state or not in no way makes his statements that the constitution does not apply. The colonist would not have written a document that compels others to obey their beliefs. Marc Stevens wins his cases because there is no factual evidence that the constitution and laws apply to you just because you are physically present in some geographical location and that is why God’s laws apply and and the man made constitution and laws do not. One must truely be wary of Satanic controls as even people controlled by Satan often weave truths amoung their propaganda and brainwashing. In fact that is how commie/socialist deceive those who are not careful.

  12. Your car CAN NOT be searched without your consent or a search warrant – you can not be detained

    • Chav, you left out probable cause, which these derelict police are trying to manufacture. You CAN be detained on reasonable suspicion of a crime, and CAN be searched with PC, without your permission or a warrant. You should learn this before you unwittingly give police license to thrash your civil rights.

  13. I’ll bet not one refused to comply. Cowards.

  14. There never has been a war on drugs.
    There always has been a drug war on the competition.

    The collateral damage fills prisons, cemeteries and battlefields the world over..

  15. It’s like the old illegal abortion and gambling in NSW. Just made police and politicians rich.
    Better to legalise abortion, gambling and drugs. Prohibition in USA also shows what happens.

  16. Turkey too I think is involved in drug trade. Making CIA and DEA rich.

  17. Most Americans believe they live in a free country. Most Americans have never traveled outside their country. If you travel around the world, when you return to America, you realize what a totalitarian lockup it is.

  18. all of you who are sucked in to believing there is a god are just sheep!!! BAAAAHHHHH good luck when your rotting carcass is decomposing and you are waiting for the almighty to welcome youy into a greater place! BAAAHHH BAAAAAHHHHH

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